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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.7526806 [View]
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Happy New Year's guys! I just wanted to let you know that this is my favorite board on 4chan and to give you some advice (and to shill my philosophy as well lol).

There's been a lot of talk about me being dead, but I'm okay. I've been holed up with a third cousin in the Hamptons and taking a break from silly computer games and mean internet arguments (they hurt my feelings just as much as my opponents', believe it or not, although I am stronger and can take it better). I even have found a girl that I'm semi-settled down with. She's a bit older than me, 43, but super hot for her age. Her name is Sarah and she is a killer cat under the blankets. She is very smart but has an arrogant and agressive person---like a mini-me. It's like I regularly have sex with myself which is awesome (I KID, see I don't always take myself so seriously).

Yeah so the reason I wanted to stop in and write you a friendly note is because on my break from video games I wanted to broaden my education and I wanted to become more of a "patrician" (I was the realest patrician man since the day I was conceived on a beach by the Mediterranean Sea). So to do that I needed to read many many books, fiction, and non-fiction. I've read all the philosophy and all of the well known classic literature, but beyond that is not easy to find good books. I go to Barnes and Noble or a library and I am like "What de FUG Mann! I cannot tell if these boogs are going to be goob!" and I sure as all hell am not going to waste dozens of hours finding out when I could be yachting or learning to play the violin. So I spent 30-45 minutes on /lit/ every day researching what book I want to read next. And since I am an web-savvy young guy, it is easy to tell by others reactions when you are bullshitting or posting memes. For me, /lit/ is the best possible resource. If I had a network of "patrician" friends and author acquaintances that would be better, but I don't.

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