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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.8084009 [View]
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Happy 100th Birthday

>> No.7353079 [View]
File: 55 KB, 352x500, portrait-artist-joyce1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you not see Dedalus as 'he' appears on the cover of Portrait?

>> No.7221765 [View]
File: 55 KB, 352x500, 51DY8lRXVjL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not? Let's do this.

>> No.6861723 [View]
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I'm about a little over halfway through it and loving it. I'm glad that this turned out to be a legitimately good read and not just a /lit/ meme.

I felt like I was seriously wasting my time every second I was reading The Magicians. Lev Grossman is such a hack.

>> No.6219059 [View]
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I'm pretty pleb, will I be able to read and comprehend this or is it just as tough as Ulysses?

>> No.6097357 [View]
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Hello /lit/

read this book recently and very much disliked the experience, your thoughts?

>> No.4980728 [View]
File: 55 KB, 352x500, portrait-artist-joyce1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your favorite book, others say if they would punch you or not.

>> No.4788771 [View]
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Hey /lit/,

In my rediscovery of literature, I came upon this at a used book store. I enjoyed Dubliners in college, but after a couple pages of this, I feel a tad disoriented.

How should I read this? How should I "hold" my perception as I go along?

>> No.4521501 [DELETED]  [View]
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Is Stephen supposed to be a bit of a prick?

When he's pontificating to his friends about how their problems are less important than his artistic ambitions, are we supposed to identify with him as a pretentious naive kid or is this shit Joyce actually believes?

>> No.4470551 [DELETED]  [View]
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/lit/, if you had to compare this novel to a movie, what would you compare it to?

>> No.4272045 [View]
File: 55 KB, 352x500, Joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not art!
There, now it's art.

>> No.4078478 [View]
File: 55 KB, 352x500, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of this? As good as his others?

>> No.3203965 [View]
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how do I read faster?

I always sub-vocalize. I've been trying not to, but I just can't do it...

I think I read one page of a novel every 2 minutes

pic is the last book I read

>> No.2944520 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 55 KB, 352x500, 51DY8lRXVjL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mirin' /lit/ game? (got this from another board):

Happened yday
>trying to find a book i desperately want
>8/10 shopgirl in tight ass-pooping smart trousers asks if I need a help
>'How long have you got?'
>She laughes, I feel good. Alphority rising
>'I'm looking for A Roadside Picnic by-'
>'Those russain brothers, right? Stru-Strugasky'
>'Yeah, Strugatsky'
>'We don't have it. It's not popular enough to stock. I ended up getting it off Amazon'
>'Yeah, but I'm lazy and can't be arsed to wait.' lolz ensued
>Her stomach growls like a bear. 'Hungry much?'
>'Y-yeah..', she seems embarrased.
>'I have fuck all food in the flat so I may have to eat out. What time do you get off?'
>'U-Umm 6.'
>'How about you keep me company then?'
>'Sweet. I'll meet you here at 6 then', walking away.
>'Okay! Bye!', waves retardedly at me like chicks do.
Dinner was cool. Took her to a nice little Korean place that's fairly cheap but amazing.
Mainly talked about books. She did Lit at uni and I'm fairly well read.
Awesome times. Walked her to the tube after. Goodnight kiss on the cheek and her number. She free on Saturday...

does /lit/ have any /lit/ related stories? preferably ones involving picking up girls

pic unrelated. last book I read

>> No.2812249 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 55 KB, 352x500, James-Joyce-A-Portrait-Artist-Young-Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /lit/, how are you?

Well, anyways, I work at an amusement park, and as it stands now, I no longer wish to work at an amusement park. So, I've taken up the habit of reading continuously on the job until I am fired. I've already finished two novels this way in an amount of time which would ordinarily only surrender a couple of chapters.

Tomorrow I will start James Joyce's Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
So, /lit/, any advice, or things to expect from this novel? Or any suggestions, funny stories about reading on the job, or just shitty jobs in general?

>> No.2795892 [View]
File: 55 KB, 352x500, James-Joyce-A-Portrait-Artist-Young-Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I've been reading for today. Almost finished the first chapter. Joyce's writing style is killing me. Luckily the book came with notes on the back that are going to help me understand some of the language and themes.

I'm at the part where Stephen's family are having a Christmas dinner. The part right after Dante and Mr Casey get in an argument regarding separation of the Church and state. It's intense, I very much like it.

Mr Casey's story about spitting tobacco in the old lady's eye and blinding her made me chuckle.

>> No.2762933 [View]
File: 55 KB, 352x500, James-Joyce-A-Portrait-Artist-Young-Man[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I read portrait of an artist as a young man or ulysses first?

I've read on wikipedia that they are related

>> No.2540745 [View]
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I have always really liked
A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man

>> No.1523216 [View]
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Is it just me or anyone here are also having a hard time reading this book?

I'm trying to read it and while reading it I can't understand what is going on and I just space out.

>> No.1510995 [View]
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Currently reading this and holy fuck. The last few pages of Chapter 2 contain some of the best prose I've ever read.

>> No.1076168 [View]
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