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>> No.21594370 [View]
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3.2 Providence pt. 1

1 Intelligent Design is inherent in the Universe
- Is there a creator, or a natural process which has this Intellect? Is the creator good or evil?

2 The lower Cosmos exists as parts of the whole, and exists due to the "necessity of a second Kind"

The lower Cosmos is our universe, which only participates in Reason/Intelligence (as opposed to the higher sphere, which is it)

Necessity has the characteristic of non-reason

The world is a product of Necessity, "not of deliberate purpose"
- a higher Kind engendered the world in it's own likeness, which was a natural process
- even if our world were planned, it wouldn't be a disgrace to its maker
- as a part to the whole, it may seem ugly, but when seen from the point of view of the totality of existence it is surely good

Reincarnation is true
Sometimes souls enter into the one Soul, sometimes they enter new bodies

Someone who tries to look outside of their own values to follow a law (just on the basis that following the law is good) will fail, and will be wronged in the future
- Acting in regard to your personal values will sometimes lead to good, sometimes to bad

Evil can be useful in stirring people to doing good

Why people do evil is scarcely worth investigating

Good men can be ugly, and bad men handsome

8 Humanity is full of divine, neutral, and brutish people
- most people are neutral
- brutes/wrong-doers commonly tear at the neutral category of people
- The victims are "no doubt better than the wrongdoers, but are at the mercy of their inferiors in the field in which they are inferior"

"Bad men rule by feebleness of the ruled: and this is just; the triumph of weaklings would not be just"
- those who are neither strong nor good should not be helped or defended by the gods
- evil-doers are guilty of their evil-doing, but don't suffer as much as those they've oppressed

We shouldn't censure dramas to make everyone a hero, but include servants/rustics/clowns also (Plato wanted this)

To the good poverty isn't a problem, due to Karma

Adrasteia is that "awesome word" which is Karmic justice
- for example, "A man that murders his mother will become a woman and be murdered by a son; a man that wrongs a woman will become a woman, to be wronged."

On warfare between terrible people
- It is the necessary means of transmutating living things which can't keep their forms
- human intentions are plays in a game, death is no big deal, dying in war just makes you respawn faster
- Those who can't think take frivolities seriously because of their frivolous character

Music is a product of Reason-Principles (Harmony)

"desire often destroys the desired"

each person's existence in life is like an actor in a play, "though it be to utter in Darkness/Tartarus the dreadful sounds whose utterances there is well"
What is Necessity in the context of the "second Kind" description? Why is it responsible for evil? I thought Matter was the source of evil?

>> No.20555543 [View]
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Thanks for the info, it's super helpful. Not sure what degree I want to apply for but anthropology is definitely high on the list along with social psych or maybe neuroscience.
>all you gotta do is show your institution that you're capable in your particular field of study.
How many programs did you apply to?
>I could go on all night about this, but to put it short, what I mean is you have to conform to their standards
Yeah I'm definitely curious about this. I'm sure there are valuable connections to be had(arguably the biggest reason I'd apply), but like how do you mean standards? If they're Christian/pro-abortion/anti-gun then should people that publish 'under' them be as well? Is there an application process or specific requirements for publishing in magazines? Do they give you draft deadlines and do you work a lot with editors? Are you going to these people's dinner parties/buying them single malt scotch?

I lurked more often during undergrad(studied phil) but I felt like this place made me dumber after being less proactive since I work in a different field now. And yeah if you want to share your own experience with graduate study or anything you wish you did/tips for undergrads I'd love to read it.
Do you go to philosophy conferences? What are they like? How important is it to align yourself in terms of worldview with an institution/a professor before applying (either to MA or higher)? Is reading their online descriptions/work enough to get a sense of it?
How many programs did you apply to?
Is there a philosophy book or paper that is like your single biggest influence?

>> No.20281707 [View]
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Which should I read next?

In the House in the Dark of the Woods - Laird Hunt
Motel of the Mysteries by David Macaulay
Our Love Will Go the Way of the Salmon - Cameron Pierce
Hell Island - Matthew Reilly
The Blacktongue Thief - Christopher Beuhlman
Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke - Eric LaRocca
The Sluts - Dennis Cooper
Titanoboa: Journey to the Amazon - PK Hawkins
Convienience Store Woman - Sayaka Murata
Witch Piss - Sam Pink
Baccano!: The Rolling Bootlegs by Ryohgo Narita & Katsumi Enami
Escape From Dinosauria by Vincenzo Bilof & Max Booth III
Fear by Ronald Kelly

>> No.20208707 [View]
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When I was a kid I saw a documentary about south america and in it there was this market where they sold bones and stuff, and they would stick lit cigarettes into the mouths of little frog statues for good luck and things. I've never been able to find anything about it, since then. Today I discovered Macumba, but I'm not sure if it's connected. Does anyone know?

>> No.18783901 [View]
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retarded banana cult

>> No.18360094 [View]
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I think this opinion is overblown and clichéd. The only people I know who hold this opinion are insecure Americans who are more accustomed to the whiplash of Negro ebonics and effeminate, Californian babbling than to authoritative European speech. French is one of the most commanding languages in the world. There is a reason it was the lingua franca when Europe conquered the near entirety of the globe. There is also a reason that English has advanced so much with the decline of Western culture. The barbarians misunderstand the speech of their superiors and dismiss it in preference to a boom-cluck-boom speech, the negrified Germanics of a dying people.

>> No.18185878 [View]
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What are you currently reading?

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