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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.17724829 [View]
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>ywn solve p vs np

>> No.16465740 [View]
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Books about nostalgia, or the passage of time?

>> No.13667724 [View]
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Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher was more depressing to me than Decline of the West, a really harrowing book.

>> No.13139747 [View]
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>> No.13130501 [View]
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>develop unique philosophy about overcoming nihilism
>state that the men who have the power to create a new value system will not exist for millennia
>dies after suffering from mental illness and multiple strokes
>"guess he wasn't much of an ubermensch lul"

>> No.12619061 [View]
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>>your vocation
>>current book
Dune, soon™. I ordered it 12 days ago and it still hasn't arrived for fuck sake.

>> No.11937165 [View]
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/lit/ was a mistake.

>> No.11878932 [View]
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>finish Benjy's chapter
>wipe sweat off forehead, "hard part over"
>start Quentin's chapter
>5 pages later

>> No.11797602 [View]
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>> No.11724537 [View]
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are memes the absolute rock bottom of human intellectual development so far? vines, image macros, youtubers.

>> No.11718947 [View]
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>> No.11697792 [View]
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I keep reading this thread although it only angers me.

>> No.10227947 [View]
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What's the all-time saddest book you've ever read?

>> No.10032158 [View]
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>Where do you go?
TU Berlin
>What are you studying?
>What have you read recently?
Meister Eckharts Mystische Schriften
Pinecone Meme Rainbow

Next year I'll try to transfer to pharmacology in Austria. The job market for Chemistry is dead and I'm past regular study time + mediocre grades+already switched degree. I'm fucked. Tried to applied for real jobs without results. Having a pharmacy job would be comfy.

>> No.10022930 [View]
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"A deep sound of thunder echoed above the forest. Arde and I had been following the hideous traces left by the creature for the better part of the afternoon and the dark was beginning to settle upon the dense, damp foliage. The sudden flash, shortly followed by the rumbling sound, brought us back, if momentarily, from that cursed and almost unconscious compulsion to hunt the mysterious being. I, being prudent, or , you might say, something of a coward, stopped and suggested it was time to go back to the camp, to which Arde promptly disagreed. The thing, whatever it was, had been roaming around our fields for some weeks. It seemed to take care not to be seen from less than a couple miles away, so that its already dark shape became almost indiscernible at such a distance. It was about the size of a brown bear, but it looked different from anything I or Arde had ever seen. This sinister presence had been accompanied by the repeated disappearance, at somewhat regular intervals of around three or four days, of some of our chickens, rabbits and smaller cattle. The first day of the fourth week Arde, certain of the creature's guilt, convinced me to follow it and bring with us knives, should the thing behave dangerously.

We kept walking through the forest, still tracing its fading steps, until we came to a dead end and completely lost track of its trail. Had it not been for Arde's sharp sight, we'd have turned back right then. But my friend noticed a subtle rustling in the bushes underneath a huge, age-bent oak and with an agile leap brought himself close enough to pull the bushes apart and peer. A chilling scream tore at my ears and scared the birds up, away from the trees. I immediately went after Arde, whom I found lying face down on the ground, collapsed directly in front of the bushes I was about to inspect. As I squinted across the deepening darkness, I noticed the shrubbery hid a sort of hole. An abhorrent, sickening smell like that of death reeked from it. As I was about to lower myself into the grim cave, the knife held tight in my hand, a bolt of lightning struck a tree very close to the entrance. What I have seen in the light of that damn flash I still shiver to think of, let alone describe. I am haunted by that terrifying vision. My first impression was that of a deformed, evil body like that of a hairless, mostruous ape, covered in a dark cloth and with an eyeless face so profoundly decayed and mangled that it held only a vague resemblance to the human profile. But even in those few, endless instants I could tell, before the light went out, that the face was not creature's own. It was worn, as a mask is."

Have fun anon

>> No.9780610 [View]
File: 296 KB, 500x500, wobbajack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My grandma used to read me this. That picture conjures up a range of emotions i havent felt in a long time..

>> No.9737366 [View]
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Can anyone recommend some good Horror Mystery books? I'm going camping soon and I need a spooker to read at night by a crackling fire.

>> No.8751086 [View]
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>>speak my native language like a 6 year old

>that intense self-consciousness whenever you make small grammatical mistakes

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