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>> No.19293242 [View]
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Late-stage capitalism, extreme wealth stratification, identity politics, and what is called, as short-hand, “cultural Marxism” (the phrase you object to but which I still like a lot — and which explicitly makes clear it is not entirely about economics, but rather about culture), could legitimately be used as a gateway to instituting genuine Marxism. Chicago just instituted one of the largest basic income programs in the US. Reparations to the Black community is seriously being floated around as an idea by some far-left Senators (wealth redistribution). 2 of the 3 founders of BLM admit to being Marxists, and the mainstream media and Democratic Party have a lot of sympathy for BLM. The World Economic Forum floats ideas/simulations-of-the-future around of a technocratic society without property ownership (the abolition of private property is a tenet of communism).

In practice, monopoly capitalism, Marxism, and fascism can all end up being equally authoritarian and soul-crushing for the masses held under the thumbs of the elite. The names don’t really matter. It’s not that I’m trying to put these ideas out here then abnegate responsibility for these ideas, but even if you disagree with me highly that Marxism at all is a risk in the United States, you can still say, “Fuck the social engineering of the elites and the idpol crap they push to cover up the serious issues.” I also hate poverty, starvation, and massive wealth stratification, as you likely do, and think the culture wars are a massive distraction from the real issues.

>> No.19253586 [View]
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The Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, stakeholder capitalism, and inclusive capitalism are cryptonyms for a merger of communism and capitalism, as the elite (World Economic Forum, Bilderbergers, United Nations, Trilateral Commission, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Davos crowd, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Soros, Brzezinski, Windsors, and the political dynasties and figures they pull the strings of like the Bushes and Clintons and Bidens and Obama and Macron and Sarkozy and Merkel and the like) want.

You can also see KGB whistleblower Yuri Bezmenov on how the Marxist infiltration of the United States was already complete decades ago, as well as KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn’s books like “New Lies for Old” and “The Perestroika Deception” about how the main players behind the KGB/the USSR never actually gave up, and only appeared to be disbanded so they could infiltrate Western society even more effectively. Wall Street bankers and the Warburgs funded the Bolshevik Revolution, remember. They also funded the rise of the Third Reich (including Senator Prescott Bush, George W. Bush’s grandfather). This is verifiable historical “trivia”. The same select handful of overpowered political and banking dynasties (White and Jewish) has been behind fomenting wars and bankrolling politicians and political causes they like, and they are behind the movement of the world towards technocratic authoritarian communism. The New World Order, as it’s put in conspiracy literature as a cliched shorthand.

“You will own nothing and you will be happy.” They literally are openly promoting the idea of no property ownership, the abolition of private property (a tenet of communism). They’re doing it openly because they know the toilet paper sheep are too soft to do an uprising. They’ve convinced everyone that those warning about the communist takeover of America are either embarrassing Ben-Garrison-style boomers, schizophrenics, or dangerous John-Birch-society/Proud-Boys/far-right threats to society.

Cashless society, no division, the merger of nanotechnology and neuroscience (this is actually admitted by Schwab and the World Economic Forum as a highly likely possibility of the Fourth Industrial Revolution), eat the bugs. The memes are right. They’re so catchy and effective precisely because they’re right.

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