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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20502485 [View]
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How WOULD nuking the rest of the world lead to a better white ethnostate? Once you eliminate the (((ruling class))) and cut off financial support to foreign nations, immigrants, and leeches, everything else will fix itself.

>> No.18426455 [View]
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Nihilism is a real fucker, anon. It's the perpetual "Why?" to whatever answer life and those who live it can offer. To those outside of the rat race, be it in the social or professional world, the downer who forever finds flaws in their world views is destined to be unhappy. He's disconnected from the same story as everyone else and it is damn impossible to fake it.

I have spent a solid decade from 14 to 24 in a suicidal state where thoughts of killing myself would plague most everyday. The only answer I have is to find something worth pursuing and go after it with our complete focus. You and I have been condemned to this existence; as profound and nonsensical and meaningless as it is. There is nothing we can do about our sentence but make the most of it. The great shame with suicide is that it is an artificial end to one's story no matter how pointless it may be.

We're at a complex moment in humanity's time on this ball of dirt in the middle of nowhere. Call it what you will; cultural marxism or neoliberalism or late stage capitalism, but our world is not only completely different from that of just a century prior but of just a few decades. Nothing makes any goddamn sense anymore and the answer seems to be to deaden our senses with drink and drug and get back to burying our heads in the collective pile of sand.

We are completely separated from the identity defining influences we have relied upon since the dawn of time. We no longer have fathers or mothers or wise elders or jobs to do that directly benefited our tribe. We are disconnected from all that made us human and now we are being conditioned into automatons too stoned and stupid to know why.

You must become your own father and your own brother and your own wise sage. There will be a quiet culling through suicide and aimless existence where men will spend their whole lives economically sterile; working away with no point nor purpose.

Maybe this is the greatest challenge you could ask for and rising above a world against you will only make you into the strongest of men.


>> No.15147747 [View]
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Her name was Sabrina. She was a high school freshman living in a Midwestern town, living with her divorced mom. Dad was out of her life by age 5, and since then Mom worked all day until 6pm. The only time Sabrina had with her mom was in the morning when she was a small child, which was when mom would drop her off at elementary school. Now, Sabrina goes to and from school alone, or with male friends who'd drop her off after having a little bit of fun together, even several guys at the same time.

Sabrina was mostly alone, getting picked up by the seniors guys with cars during her walk home, and she grew a reputation. Guys who have heard of her would approach her and exchange numbers, and she didn't refuse anyone. During lunch she would sneak into the boy's bathroom and meet her friends there. If she didn't feel like it, her friends brought gifts or money, and she would pull her pants down to either feel a hand, dick, or a mouth on her. If there wasn't enough time to get the next boy or herself off, they would meet after school. Nobody liked condoms, so Sabrina only wore them on certain times of the month. Otherwise, she enjoyed raw sex and being filled up.

During the summer before her sophomore year, she was hanging out at one of the guy's home before he headed off to college. Sabrina can't imagine having to go to school again, and hoped that she won't have to go to college herself once she got out of high school like Robert. She met her friend's father there, who introduced himself as Rick. There was no wife at home, she passed away 9 years ago. Rick watched Sabrina, because he knew his son was with her, yet they weren't a couple. The way she dressed, the way she moved, it was too much on a 15 year old. He had heard them during some nights when they thought Rick was asleep. Robert denied being in a relationship, but instead told his father that she's with everyone, which made the father go wary of the girl. He didn't want such a girl for his son, but he wouldn't mind her for himself.


>> No.15085301 [View]
File: 16 KB, 958x660, 500D716D-63ED-4BC7-8878-CA8A27152225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some decent books on the modern western society and living in it, that aren't just the usual, right-wing rants about how the jews/zionists/liberals/mexicans/millenials are destroying everything?

>> No.14896935 [View]
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sorry, wasnt aware it was an actual medical condition, it was just something a poster called me in the past. didnt mean for this to become a discussion about my well-being. i just want to talk about comfy books to soothe the mind, which i imagine many people could be interested in.

>> No.10746176 [View]
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Well, I think it isn't. At least some of it, enough to perpetuate itself.

Good point.

>> No.10260709 [View]
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This thread is moderately popular sometimes and I need to make up my mind. Just finished Stoner and loved it. Which one should I read next?

>The sun also rises by Hemingway
>Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse
>Band of Brothers by Stephen E Ambrose
>The stranger by Camus
>Heart of darkness by Conrad

>> No.10092498 [View]
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thx anon

>> No.10079523 [View]
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I'm doing physics at a stem school notorious for stressing out its students to the point of suicide and I find time to read every day. I get alright grades and don't go to class sometimes but it's survivable. A lot of the muh super hard stem meme is just retarded engineers who think spending finals week taking adderall and studying for five days with no sleep eating nothing but taco bell is necessary, or cs kids willing to suck cock just to hear someone utter the word startup.
Deep down all I want is to get my doctorate and then live a comfy life getting paid shit to do research and reading and writing in my free time. When it's time for me to retire I'll be a homeless man whose esoteric ramblings about relativity and gnosticism are indistinguishable from schizophrenia.

>> No.9813372 [View]
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The Pale King by David Foster Wallace

>> No.9737339 [View]
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>To say "It was a day which began like any other" is a cliche right up there with "It was a dark any stormy night." Be that as it may, in our case truer words were never spoken.

Can we have a bad writing thread?

>> No.9204213 [View]
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Lattimore is a more pleasant read IMO

Why is it considered "accurate but not nice to read?"

>> No.8908903 [View]
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So much of that is makeup, lighting, and photoshop. You should look up images of her at the beach, literal fridge tier.

>> No.8772660 [View]
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Alyosha from brother's karamazov, eccentric, and a bit religious

>> No.7851196 [View]
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22, frequently accused of hipsterdom but i just try to Be Myself™

Played me like a fiddle friend

>> No.7782622 [View]
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I'm writing an article analysis essay and I'm having a hard time not beginning every sentence in the summary with "she".

For example:
"Faruqi begins her article with personal stories in order to draw the readers interest. She tries to appeal to the emotions of the reader by describing the horrible living conditions of the animals she saw in factory farms. She talks about her travels to animal farms across the world and the conversations she had with the workers, owners, and executives of the farms. She mentions the unequal representation of women in the agriculture industry, speaking of her own experiences and referencing statistics. She believes that this gender inequality plays an important role in how the industry operates."

Any tips on how I could word it better?

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