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>> No.20919443 [View]
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Massively expanding bureaucracy with no growth in the wealth of Canadians. Back in the 90s our GDP per capita went stagnant because overspending in the 80s required us to cut services. At least 80s overspending produced an economic boom for a period of time, this is just an expanding bureaucracy. Pretty much all growth in Canada in the past 4 years has been in government sectors.

To add to it much of Canada's economy is controlled by a series of oligopolies, most notably in dairy and telecom. The government justifies their existence because they delusionally believe it keeps American culture creep out. Industries that aren't controlled by colluding oligopolies cozy with the government are getting raped by the green transition like oil and auto manufacturing. The result of all this is that everything is of substandard value and much more expensive than you would get in the US.

The massively bloated regulatory state combined with mass migration has made housing completely unaffordable in southern Ontario and the area around Vancouver. More than half of English Canada lives in these places. The only two provinces where things are still affordable and the economy is growing, Alberta and Saskatchewan, are being promised more environmental regulations to kill their economies in the future.

Strict regulatory control over telecom has destroyed Canadian creativity. Basically everything is requred to devote a alrge portion of their content, through a retardedly complicated formula, to "Canadian content." This elevates Canadian television, music, and literature with little if any literary value. Occasionally some good stuff slips through the sea of garbage, but for the most part anyone of creative value goes to America.

All of this is protected by an activist supreme court where every single justice is leftist because supreme court nominations are filtered through a cartel of leftist lawyers.

Canada's only competitive advantage given all this is that Canadians are more educated than basically anywhere else in the world creating a society full of retarded undergrads who think believing whatever the experts say is critical thinking.

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