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>> No.23362838 [View]
File: 277 KB, 647x861, jewsbehindtheslavetrade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the people that ended slavery worldwide are the most evil people that ever existed
meanwhile dhingis khan killed 1/10th of the worlds population back then

>> No.13847630 [View]
File: 277 KB, 647x861, 1459380787637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews owned most of the slave ships and did the most to import blacks back then just as they are doing now. You have to be a Boomer to have the internet and still be too retarded to understand the jewish problem.

>> No.13440224 [View]
File: 277 KB, 647x861, slavery facts 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12339820 [View]
File: 277 KB, 647x861, 1459380787637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That jews in media and academia try to pawn off slavery collectively on whites is grounds enough for their permanent expulsion from the west. There should be a UN convention held to force jews into a modern Babylonian Captivity, then humanity hits the gas and the world overnight is a much better place.

>> No.12065751 [View]
File: 277 KB, 647x861, 1459380787637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews brought those slaves over.

>> No.12063397 [View]
File: 277 KB, 647x861, 1459380787637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice this jewish poster trying I deflect blame away from jews and blame whites for bringing Africans to America when jews owned the slave ships and have admitted to dominating the slave trade.


>> No.12034369 [View]
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Jews dominated the slave trade and sold whites into slavery as well. This is just a fact.

>Bachrach describes the Jews of Lyon as “militant, aggressive, and powerful,” and notes that Louis and his officials “apparently ignored gross violations of the law by Jewish slave traders who bought and sold Christian slaves and kidnapped and castrated Christian youths for the Muslim markets in Spain.”[9] Jewish slave trading was of course nothing new, nor was it unusual for European elites to permit Jews to trade in slaves. Pope Gelasius (reigned 492–496) had formally allowed Jews to bring slaves into Italy from Gaul, and Charlemagne had also allowed Jews to engage in slave trafficking during the middle of the eighth century.[10] The Spanish Jews of the tenth century made most of their wealth selling Slavonian slaves to the Caliphs of Andalusia.[11] William Phillips argues that by the time of Louis the Pious, Jews “predominated” among the slave traders supplying Muslim Spain.[12]


Jews are a sick and hostile people who need to be kicked out of all white countries.

>> No.11570727 [View]
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>> No.11529668 [View]
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The real issue with that is the domination of the slave trade by jews, and the fact that today it is primarily jews who are trying to collectively guilt trip whites about it.

You can't take this stuff at face value or you'll miss the plot. There is a foreign group trying to manipulate and weaken us because it makes them stronger.


>> No.10883749 [View]
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>To say that Jews are ruining the world is a biased opinion though
No, it's not. It's just a fact, though one you aren't fully up to speed about, which is understandable.

>Blacks were the slaves of other nations because they hadn’t invented the gun
Nope, and a bizarre, Diamondesque conclusion to draw anyway; blacks are dysfunctional and unintelligent, which has led to them being more easily enslaved.

That said, most of their enslavers were jews and not actually whites. Did you know that the Lehman Brothers and and Monsanto families were jews who made their greatest fortunes selling Africans to European farmers in the Americas? Yet their descendants running our media now try to pass off blame for slavery entirely on whites.

The above are merely crumbs in what is referred to as the "jewish problem." There's a lot more to it than that.

>> No.10794888 [View]
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I care, and if you are white you should too. Nearly all of the Africans in America now were brought over on jewish slave ships by the way.

>> No.10502362 [View]
File: 277 KB, 647x861, 1459380787637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that jews have always been the biggest slavers.

>> No.10450839 [View]
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No, you are.

>> No.10152267 [View]
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Has nothing to do with "corporatism."

>> No.9920341 [View]
File: 277 KB, 647x861, 1459380787637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews were responsible for selling your ancestors into slavery, just as they're the ones now telling you there's such a thing as "white supremacy" and that you must fight it. You are a pawn, get it? And you're being used by the same people who are responsible for disconnecting you from your past. Your misplaced antagonism toward the alt right only lends truth to the notion that you are a slave race, because you're getting used again and again, and you don't even know who's using you.

>> No.9918565 [View]
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99 percent of blacks have no idea they're even there, and these are the same people who tore down some libshit freedom monument the other day by accident. Stop buying the hype. This anti-white culture destruction is being whipped up by a jewish media run by the people whose ancestors were the ones responsible for bringing blacks over here in the first place.

>> No.9902682 [View]
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