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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.12330006 [View]
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Libraries are shit. A controversial opinion but undeniably true. I can't think of a bigger waste of our taxes.

How did Amazon become one of the largest companies in the world selling books when supposedly you can get books for free at the library?

The answer is simple: libraries have an awful selection of books. They stock thousands of terrible books by literally who tier authors and somehow don't bother with the classics. Walk into your average library and I'd be surprised if you can find even half of /lit/'s top 100 in stock, or a decent variety of philosophy, or must-read STEM texts, or anything else that actually matters.

So what the fuck is on all those shelves? Genre fiction. Shitty horror, sci-fi, and fantasy fills these buildings. And cookbooks. For some reason we need every country's dumb cuisine represented. Your average leftist argues that libraries are good because education of the public is important. Tell me exactly in which way reading this crap is preparing the next generation or educating anyone?

Second point: libraries are for bums -- homeless people go there to charge their phones and use the bathroom. With the price of books now so low, especially in second hand stores, only the homeless are poor enough to need libraries. Start an drug addiction help programme if you want to help them, don't give them a place to nod off when it's too hot outside.

Lastly, there used to be a good reason for libraries to exist. The law should be accessible to everyone, so a good place to store legal records and legislature was the library. But today with information being so easily accessible via the internet, why are we still printing and taking up with space with books? For octogenarians?

I hate libraries so Goddamn much.

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