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>> No.18879014 [View]
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>What is it that make Jordan an intellectual or a fraud?
As a long, long time fan I can honestly say that it's the odd way in which he abandons precision after he gets to a certain point.

He was very precise about calling out self-identified neo-marxists who uses postmodern tools in their rhetorics. And he naturally named them post-modern neomarxists, tacitly admitting that the label is an oxymoron, but that the group's existence isn't at all bothered by it. A couple years later he appears in videos like "The Marxist Lie of White Privilege".... really? We're acting like sociological privilege is a lie now?
Similarly with his take on theism. His "depends on what you mean by God" is an infamous cope because although a VERY appropriate question in the beginning stages, it now only muddies up the waters so he can swim in them like he finds best. Not best in case of self-interest, maybe he's being really genuine about how he lives, but "depends on what you mean" is the exact opposite of the precision he aspires to.

See above, he usually brings up postmodern neomarxists when talking about self-identified neomarxists who use postmodern method. The term "cultural marxism" is left's own creation. See a post I saved from a well read Anon:
>The more important point is that actual left wingers actually used the term "Cultural Marxism" to refer to their own ideology. Specific examples are Richard R. Weiner's 1981 book 'Cultural Marxism and Political Sociology', 'Cultural Marxism in Postwar Britain', by Dennis Dworkin, 'Conversations on Cultural Marxism', by Fredric Jameson, and 'Cultural Marxism and Cultural Studies' by Professor Douglas Kellner. And its important to note that Jameson and Douglas Kellner literally made their career on being Cultural Marxist who studied and teach The Frankfurter Schools brand of Marxism. So if the left wing argument is that 'Cultural Marxism' is a term created by the nazi and used by far right conspiracy theorist today, this is just factually wrong considering the number of Frankfurt School theorist who have used the term to describe their own ideas.

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