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>> No.17073450 [View]
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This post is if you're in the US.
First you have to know what baggage comes with a disability.
If you are found mentally unstable in a hospital, or get on social security, your access to firearms goes away for the rest of your life. I believe if you go to a psychiatrist of your own volition and they say you have a disability, you can still get firearms, due to doctor-patient privileges.
The other baggage is more severe, depending on how you look at it. If you are found insane, that will follow you the rest of your life and many of your families lives. It is almost impossible to be declared sane after the diagnosis. Even if you are declared sane by doctors, you will still be labelled mentally unstable by the government. Forever.
If you still wish to get your free money there's 2 choices.
1. You can go to psychiatrists, scheduling appointments, and say you have hallucinations. Its really not hard, but you have to use some imagination. Auditory and mild visual hallucinations are hard for the doctors to prove false, so its a good choice. Not sitting still is something you could also do, but don't overdo it.
After 3ish doctors visits, and they all come to the same conclusion, you can apply for disability, and you'll most likely get it.
This option has the advantage of being less impactful on your life, as you can stop before applying to disability, but it is also more strenuous to fake the same illness to different doctors in very personal hourly sessions. In short, its harder, but safer and cheaper
2. This one involves mental hospitals, and a police phone call. It is practically the same as the first option, except you call 911 saying you're scared of the hallucinations, the boogeyman, the streetlights are angry with you, etc. You'll most likely be put in a mental hospital for observation. Just repeat the first option to the doctors there, and most likely, you'll get some kind of diagnosis. If you don't, you can just repeat this over and over, and eventually something will stick.
This one is easier than the first, as the observation is mostly done by nurses, and the doctor's interviews are short, about 10-20 minutes. (being in a mental hospital also up's your chances for disability)
The downside is, if you really suck balls at faking, you're going to be stuck with massive hospital and ambulance debts.
Disability isn't a whole lot of money, its $600 a month if you live with someone, and about $1200 a month if you live by yourself. You also probably wont get direct access to the funds, it will be controlled by a third party, a family member, or a SS case worker.

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