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>> No.6300882 [View]
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Laziness is not instinct and reproduction is. All biological life throughout history has done what is required to reproduce and feed itself, and lazy individuals are out-competed. To claim laziness is natural and reproduction not is absurd.

Life IS a precious gift. Even if you disagree, its possession presupposes all objections: simply the act of weighing the choice of life versus non-life requires life.

Further, the ability to argue this with you I believe is an automatic acknowledgment that life is a gift, or at least outweighs being dead. You'd have opted out of life by jumping off a cliff or blowing your brains out if you actually thought life was worse than death

And yeah, you owe your parents. Eighteen years of support is expensive and difficult. Society has agreed that all money spent and all time given is given freely out of an altruistic desire to make a life better, and you need not pay your parents back economically.

Morally however, you ought to respect the efforts required to raise a child and to make efforts to make the most of their support in order to become personally independent. NEETdom spurns well intentioned support and falsely claims unending support is somehow entitled to them rather than is meant only to be a temporary tool to grow and become personally independent. This is a perversion and should be rejected.

>Tl;dr Lose the persecution complex, get off your ass, thank your parents, grow as a person, and move out.

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