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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.11426669 [DELETED]  [View]
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>wake up at 10 am
>somehow don't feel the need to read boring books for the pseud cred, which feels great
>decide to exercise later today instead of immediately
>go in to central London to walk around, drink coffee, and feel sad about life
>borrow two books from the library
>going to watch football later today
>walked around a little near the river
>drank coffee
>went home and binged on junk good For The Last Time
>been watching football and tennis for the past 5 hours
>told myself I'd go to the gym late at night but I'm too tired to lift heavy so there's no point
>plan to read once the football ends

At least my everythingstential dread has gone, somehow (even before I had coffee or ice cream today).

>> No.11420932 [View]
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>wake up at 8 am
>browse internet on phone
>try to read the idiot but give up once and for all
>have to simply grow the balls to ignore boring shit
>browsed internet on phone and watched TV as I wait for the washing to be done
>checked my bank account and saw a surprisingly large amount in it (enough to binge until mid-July)
>planned to go to the gym but it would take up too much time before 3 pm when football starts
>went outside in to central London to walk around, drink coffee, and feel sad about life
>extremely hot and sunny day
>walking outside on a sunny day feels like freedom; I have a full time job that miraculously gives me no work or oversight; I haven't gone in on a Friday or Monday for over a month (down to a quick visit every Tuesday and Thursday)
>the sight of Staceys everywhere is both demoralising because I'm an ugly male but also a reminder that being a 9-5 wagecuck isn't a fate shared by everyone; there are lots of lucky people outside who aren't suffering in an office (seen a few Ferraris as well); there is no just world
>looked around the library and saw some good books
>went to Baker Street and walked north but there was nothing there; North London is nothing but roads with no parks or attractions in sight
>went to Westminster and saw the parliament Square statues and then walked down Victoria Street and saw all the office Chads and Staceys
>had coffee and left to go home and watch football
>will binge on junk food

>> No.11420176 [View]
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>wake up at 8 am
>browse internet on phone
>try to read the idiot but give up once and for all
>have to simply grow the balls to ignore boring shit
>browsed internet on phone and watched TV as I wait for the washing to be done
>checked my bank account and saw a surprisingly large amount in it (not enough to afford binging everyday, of course)
>planned to go to the gym but it would take up too much time between now (11 am) and 3 pm when football starts
>will skip exercise and just go straight for the aimless walking outside
>plan to maybe have One Final Binge (Tm) as I watch the football, which will mark my turning point in life (ignoring stuff I find boring and working on productive stuff)

>> No.11416465 [View]
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>wake up at 9 am
>spent the night feeling extremely sweaty and fat due to a huge burger king meal last night; had to drink huge amounts of water while sweating out grease
>browse internet on phone
>start reading the idiot for the pseud cred but get SO BORED after a few pages of pointless crap
>go out to buy coffee
>drink coffee in flat while watching tennis on tv and browsing internet
>go jogging
>after the jogging and two shits I don't feel so fat anymore
>at 3:20 pm went in to work for the first time in a week
>had nothing to do at work and left immediately
>my 4 day weekend starts now
>no idea what to do

>> No.11416240 [View]
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>wake up at 9 am
>spent the night feeling extremely sweaty and fat due to a huge burger king meal last night; had to drink huge amounts of water while sweating out grease
>browse internet on phone
>start reading the idiot for the pseud cred but get SO BORED after a few pages of pointless crap
>go out to buy coffee
>drink coffee in flat while watching tennis on tv and browsing internet
>go jogging
>after the jogging and two shits I don't feel so fat anymore
>now (3:20 pm) going in to work for the first time in a week

>> No.11402168 [DELETED]  [View]
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>wake up at 10 am
>read a little bit of the idiot then read some of Snow Crash
>go to the gym
>lifting goes well
>do some chores
>go in to central London on an extremely hot and sunny day
>Staceys everywhere, which is demoralising
>plan to have coffee, borrow library books, maybe go back to flat in time to watch some of the Brazil match
>decided not to go in to work today
>feel so free and uncucked compared to myself if I was a 9-5 wagecuck (I have a 9-5 salary job but with so little work or oversight, I can not go in without worries; it's an incredible miracle)

>> No.11397889 [DELETED]  [View]
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>wake up at 9 am
>browse the internet
>feel so tired and lethargic and I threw away the coffee
>sleep more
>wake up at 11 am and browse the internet
>want to read something: I gave up on The Idiot yesterday but still feel tempted for the pseud cred; I started Snow Crash a few days ago and it seems ok
>tell myself I should I read the idiot for the pseud cred; immediately decide to go jogging instead
>went jogging
>now about to go in to central London to walk around, feel sad about life, and drink coffee
>today's football matches seem more boring than yesterday's

As I came home from McDonalds yesterday, even before I binged on ice cream (I bought ice cream, pepsi, sweets, and chocolate to have a post-Mcdonalds mini binge but only had the ice cream) I realised that the McDonalds made me feel really fat and I have to start categorising it with the junk food

>> No.11391760 [DELETED]  [View]
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>went into central London in a really hot and sunny day at 5 pm
>went to the library, then went walking a bit, then had a coffee, then a bit of walking, then McDonalds
>even though I hadn't eaten all day and had gone to the gym, the McDonalds wasn't as satisfying as I expected
>was demoralised by the sight of lots of Staceys and qts
>now going back to flat

>> No.11390969 [DELETED]  [View]
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>woke up at 10 am
>decided not to go in to work today
>browsed internet on phone
>finished reading a really short book which gave massive amounts of pseud cred but was so boring I almost gave it up despite its short length
>lied in bed
>drank coffee in flat to get the energy for the gym
>went to gym and lifting went well
>gone into central London on a really hot and sunny day
>Staceys everywhere, which is demoralising (though I saw a Chad looking homeless guy)
>plan to drink coffee outside and go to McDonalds (received my wagecuck bux today)

It's going to be 30 degrees Celsius on Sunday. I haven't had junk food since maybe Sunday. I also haven't gone aimlessly outside since then due to lack of money to waste.

>> No.11385839 [DELETED]  [View]
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>woke up at 11 am
>browsed internet on phone
>going to read the idiot after leaving it weeks ago to read more entertaining stuff
>going to drink coffee while I read it
>plan to go jogging and then to work and then to go back home to watch football on TV and then more reading and then probably not watching question time with /pol/ because the show is worse than ever; probably just more reading but I'll have given up on the idiot by then

>> No.11383713 [DELETED]  [View]
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>wake up at 9 am
>decided not to go in to work today
>browse the internet a bit then finish reading a history book
>start browsing the internet while drinking coffee, telling myself I'll drink coffee just to get the energy to go to the gym
>end up waiting too long, browsing the internet for many hours, until 5 pm, when the gym is too busy to go to
>stay within my internet browsing, coffee drinking, football watching stupor until past 10 pm
>go to gym
>see lots of Chads and Staceys out at night
>realise how pathetic I am and how there is a parallel world I'll never be part of due to ugliness and friendlesness and how pathetic I have been for walking around during daytime to feel in any way part of society
>currently at the gym

I thought about using tragically sad Pepe but I am using neutral Pepe to emphasise my stark realisation that I am an outcast and all that is left for me is trying to find value on my own while turning bitterness in to motivation.

>> No.11359912 [DELETED]  [View]
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>wake up at 11 am
>browse internet on phone for a short time
>decided not to go in to work today
>go to gym (strength was ok but even coffee on Wednesday fucked my sleep and strength)
>do some chores
>went for a walk on a really hot and sunny day and was demoralised by all the Staceys I saw (desu, I didn't even see that many because I try not to look at them in case they scream rape / harassment)
>currently drinking coffee in central London

When I go home I'll continue reading an airport tier novel that I borrowed from the library to not look like I only read for pseud cred but it just isn't that good.

I saw adverts for the chicken legend with bacon at McDonalds but I dont want to harm my wallet (I don't like going to McDonalds and having less than a large meal with two extra burgers). I am also slightly craving Whoppers. I realised the name itself, "Whopper", brings to mind a sphere of congealed fat and beef that can efficiently sate cravings so I started wanting them.

I still can't make myself do anything productive at home, even with all my free time and job that requires no work. I went for my walk at 5 pm. If I was a 9-5er I can't even imagine how little time I would have.

>> No.11356137 [View]
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>All humans now have perfect fitness ratings

>> No.11355533 [DELETED]  [View]
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>be me at midnight last night
>had just spent 2.5 hours browsing the internet on my phone and decided to read to fall asleep
>had coffee a few hours previously so I stayed wide awake
>read for over 4 hours and finished a book by Evelyn Waugh
>browsed the internet on my phone for 1.5 more hours
>went to sleep
>woke up, ate and started reading a new book like a good little consumercuck
>watched tennis and football, decided to skip exercise today because I am tired and it is only a jogging day and I haven't had junk food for over 3 days
>went to work
>left work almost immediately because I had nothing to do
>am now beginning my 3 or 4 day weekend (usually say 3, but it's usually 4 because I consistently skip Monday out of laziness)
>plan to spend the rest of today browsing the internet while eating and watching football, maybe a little reading, watching question time with /pol/, and not having coffee because it will harm my sleep and I will lift weights tomorrow (weightlifting has been going well, now that I don't have coffee on 3 days a week)

>> No.11351907 [View]
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Why is almost every single 20th century British "literary" novel a formless, half-hearted, pathetic little thing?

>> No.11341448 [DELETED]  [View]
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>wake up at 9.30 am
>browse internet on phone, read book (The Idiot, which I found incredibly boring and gave up on), browsed the internet more
>watched football and tennis a little bit
>checked my bank account and have even less money than I expected due to huge amounts spent on binges; might have to ask parents for more
>decided not to go in to work today
>sleep for an hour and a half
>wake up and it's really hot and sunny outside; feel really pathetic because I still felt too tired for the gym or doing anything productive
>lie in bed and try to sleep more
>decide to go to gym and feel surprisingly strong
>go back to flat and am now in central London drinking coffee for a short time
>don't feel so pathetic after going to the gym and then showering and realising I'll get given money by my parents
>feel demoralised after seeing lots of Staceys outside though

>> No.11335429 [View]
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>> No.11234009 [DELETED]  [View]
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>wake up at 11 am
>browse internet on phone while in bed and then while drinking coffee in flat
>warm day in London but there's thunder and rain outside (feel miserable because it's not sunny kek, despite my endless complaining about it previously)
>watch tennis on tv, eat food after deciding not to bother exercising today
>throw away my coffee and tell myself I'll have one last coffee outside today to feel less alone but that's it (coffee ruins my sleep and strength at the gym)
>go to work (for the first time in 5 days) after 3 pm
>sit in the underground train and try to figure out a worthwhile life philosophy while knowing all life philosophies are stupid and I need the balls to simply do what I want
>get to work, stay for 15 minutes and have nothing to do, leave and decide not to bother going in tomorrow
>drink coffee in central London while browsing the internet on my phone (Staceys everywhere)
>go back to flat after 7 pm
>have almost no money left despite parents sending me money this month but my paycheck is coming soon
>realise that if I had to be in the office from 9 to 5.30 I would be demoralised as fuck; my full-time job requires so little work, I'm practically a WageNEET
>currently having a lot of pasta: the healthiest way to eat lots of carbs without having junk food, which I haven't had for 5 days
>still crave junk food; saw the Chicago burger advertised in McDonalds and want that
>plan to spend the rest of the evening eating while browsing the internet on my phone then reading

>> No.11221925 [DELETED]  [View]
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>wake up at 9 am
>browse internet on phone for almost 2 hours
>decide to eat food first thing while browsing the internet on my laptop
>managed to not have coffee yesterday so I decide to go and buy cheaper coffee from a store (to have at home), to reward myself
>spend the next 6 hours drinking coffee while mindlessly browsing the internet on my laptop; I barely even shitposted (only did that Italian PhD model topic), browsed more mindlessly than usual
>this is why I don't save money by buying coffee for home; at least browsing the internet on my phone outside while watching the Staceys go by is adhering to the "Jus go outside bro!" advice and feels less pathetic
>manage to tear myself away and go jogging; even at 6 pm it's a hot and sunny day
>leave flat after 7 pm to go in to central London, walk around, feel sad about life, and not have coffee
>really hot and sunny day, no work tomorrow, normies in paradise, me in a hopeless ugly box

>> No.11204880 [View]
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>wake up at 9 am
>go to gym but barely do anything because I'm so tired (still feel fat because if yesterday's last binge ever)
>go to work then leave after 10 minutes
>buy small amount of junk food when I get back (fudge and sweets)
>eat food then leave flat to go outside and feel sad about life in central London
>feel like my existential crisis has reappeared and rather than follow heuristics or systems I finally need to human up and do what I really want to do
>warm day, Office Staceys everywhere, mass demoralisation ensues
>go to library
>now drinking coffee before going home to watch question time with pol (this has been regularly disappointing for over a year, at least)

>> No.11203096 [DELETED]  [View]
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>be me
>be 27 year old ugly beta loser nofriends autist with no friends or social experiences since school, no female attention ever, never been to a pub, club, or party

I feel so bitter about being a loser. I hate how if I went to any social environments I'd be laughed at for being an ugly beta. I always became the ugly loser nobody talks to within a day of all my jobs.

Life is all about genetics and luck. That's it.

At least seeing young people working minimum wage jobs gives me schadenfreude.

>> No.10902450 [DELETED]  [View]
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>be me
>be 27 year old ugly beta loser loner autist with no friends or social experiences since school, no female attention ever, never been to a pub, club, or party
>woke up at 10 am on a sunny day
>told myself I'd have no junk food or coffee after yesterday
>feel sad because I have no reason to go outside without coffee and doing that while feeling sad outside and browsing the internet on phone has been my main hobby for 3 years (and gives me a boost in optimism)
>browse internet then start reading a new book while feeling like a consumercuck
>decide not to go in to work
>feel tired because coffee has ruined my sleep almost every day
>sleep at noon for 4 hours while it's sunny through the curtains so I felt like the ultimate waster
>go to gym but it's too busy to get a squat rack so I just do cardio (will have to wake up at 6 am to go to the gym when I work 9 to 5
>leave flat at 6:45 pm to go to the library, drink coffee, eat at McDonalds or burger king, feel less alone, reassess my life, and maybe plan to give up junk food and be productive tomorrow
>have seen tonnes of shellshocked wagies and enough Staceys to demoralise me for a month
>went to the library and suddenly had the feeling of wanting to read 10 hours a day but the feeling is gone now
>ate at McDonalds
>binged when I came home

>> No.10824150 [DELETED]  [View]
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>thinks Ancient Greece is same as present Greece
>goes to Greece to find a Platon's descendant gf
>the population looks more sandnigger than the population in muslim countries

>> No.9805834 [DELETED]  [View]
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I need 10 quotes from Catcher in the Rye. The protagonist is allowed up to 6. The other quotes must be from other characters in the novel. I also need page numbers. Yes, this is a school project.

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