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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22500590 [View]
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guaranteed replies in sffg

>> No.22044959 [View]
File: 2.69 MB, 1740x1667, the chart version 6_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started with Gormenghast. What do I do now?

>> No.21977292 [View]
File: 2.69 MB, 1740x1667, the chart version 6_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both sides have good authors, and all these right wing left wing dichotomies are mostly artificial. Some might be even wrongly put to one side or another. Anyways, here's some authors from the picture that are good in my opinion:
>R. Scott Bakker
>Ursula K. Le Guin
>Robert E. Howard
>Frank Herbert
Others are decent also but I left them unnamed. I'd like to conclude this topic by saying that if you like an author, never ever go and read what they post online. Never read their blogs for the love of god. It is like Bakker himself said it: Reading an author's personal blog is like looking up a tranny's skirt. All you will find is another dick.

I hate how this image persists here as some booby trap or rat poison; all rat poison is also food but there's poison. Only here, the ratio of poison to food is about 60 to 40.

Anyway what's up? I tried to read Rise of Endymion but holy shit that book is so bad it killed all my will to read any more science fiction so instead I read:

>> No.21677081 [View]
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Here, have the original.

>> No.21486650 [View]
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>> No.21482126 [View]
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The Darkness That Comes Before
The Once and Future King
Lord of the Rings
The Lord of Light

>> No.21440053 [View]
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>> No.21417454 [View]
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>> No.21350732 [View]
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>inb4 whining

>> No.21348807 [View]
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>What did you finish recently?
>What are you reading currently?
>What will you read?

>> No.21325678 [View]
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I was vastly disappointed by Gormenghast coming from this chart. It's just old people talking nonsense. When does the fun start?

>> No.21303407 [View]
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>If you could chose a book to get a complete and faithful film/tv show adaptation, what would you chose?
Prince of Nothing

>> No.21285810 [View]
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>> No.21243133 [View]
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>> No.21207728 [View]
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>> No.20810431 [View]
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Alright. Today I am feeling productive and think its time I allow people to suggest changes to the chart. I have also thought that because the chart only allows, at the moment, only six book covers per tile, I'll have an additional picture (a list) for books that did not make it to the chart but will be listed there with the accompanying classification (e.g. The Emperor's Soul - B2).
Please, if you suggest a book to be added to the chart, please suggest also which book to be removed from the said tile (to make space if the tile is full) or which book to be moved to another tile. I shall weigh opinions based on the reasoning given.
As I look at the chart now, I see there are some changes I would myself do and those are the following:
>Move "The Worm Ouroboros" from A2 to A5 based on its archaic language.
>Move Lord of the Rings from A3 to A2.
>Swap "A Song of Ice and Fire" with Frankenstein (A2, and A3)
>Swap Piranesi (C1) with Narnia (B1), or even take Narnia out of the chart and move it to the appendix list.

>> No.20809976 [View]
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I haven't updated the chart since 14th of December 2021, but since you asked nicely I'll grant you your wish. I'll see if I am motivated to take more suggestions this week at some thread (not this one), perhaps next.

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