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>> No.23376460 [View]
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anyone ever tried a POV Read Through? I'm trying to create an order as I go along. Basically, you pick a POV and read all their chapters, then when you're done you go back and read another POV through, going on until you read through the books. This method gives a unique feel for the story and presents a completely new experience in the narrative.

I'm starting with Tyrion, and just finished his AGOT chapters. So far, the narrative from only Tyrion's POV is him going to visit the Starks along with the King's retinue, then he goes up to the Wall with the Stark bastard, who sees being a bit of an angsty teenager. Then he leaves the Wall, with grave warning about some ominous danger threatening the world. Tyrion returns to the world after he's been away for awhile, as the next POV is him in Lady Stark's captivity. You learn there was an attempt on the life of the Stark boy at Winterfell, and she thinks he's responsible. The journey to the Eyrie is fun, and Tyrion escaping is fun also. Finally, Tyrion gets a Third Act by joining his families' armies (along with his Mountain men) and we see him fight in a battle then leave for the Capital.

Reading through the book this way, Tyrion-only POV teaches the reader about Winterfell/the North, the Wall, the Vale, and some of the Riverlands. For characters, Tyrion offers insight and interacts with Jon Snow, Joer Mormont and Ser Alliser and Yoren, Catelyn, Lysa and Sweet Robin, Ser Rodrick, Bron, The Mountain Clans, Kevan and Tywin Lannister, the Mountain, Shae, and Pod Payne. Also the Innkeeper lady at the Inn at the Crossroads, but she's dead in the chapter we actually see her.
This all gives the narrative a nice vibe to it. It's fun jumping through the story and having to piece together what happened.

My POV Order isn't final, but Tyrion has to be first and Dany has to be last. Throughout the entire story, characters in various POVs hear rumors about this Dragon Queen far across the sea. Dany has to be last so that the reader can experience learning about Dany only through rumors and the like. Then, finally, the reader goes back and sees first hand what Dany has really been up to this whole time.

Thoughts? Anyone ever done something similar? Advice for POV order? Here's what I'm kinda thinking currently. I try to have the next POV at least tangently related to the previous one, like the characters intersect at some point or something:

>Jon Snow
>Jon Connington

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