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>> No.11340712 [View]
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political views are worthless abstractions next to decisions of real political action. Anyone can be left or right in their head. I know many people who swear up and down how rightwing they are, but it's easy to catch them up in their bullshit when you talk about real power and real politics. And considering how little power you probably have, being right or left is ridiculous posturing that only gives information collecters a hint as towards which way you'll vote, not how you would deal with an actual issue.

A Nazi on 4chan is no different, no less powerless than a gamer choosing Orcs or Elves and, if you think otherwise, you're destined to fit in well with the rest of the /lit/tles.

The redpill exists only as a deterrent from actual political engagement in the same manner that News-comedy or infotainment or infowars subverts community bridging efforts of various groups.

The fact that Nazis and Feminists have some much in common and are so opposed to Right-libertarians will never be apparent to those who identify themselves within those tribes, or swarms or herds.

Right-communists and Fascists have this problem too.

And then don't get me started on environmental and cultural distinctions that result in specific, usually countrywide false right/left dichotomies that are not universal at all when comparing the actual strategy of political parties.


I'm an Omnivorists myself, devouring political agency until I myself am able to set the measure of political views. Some people call this wanting to be a tyrant, but I like to think of myself as much more detached to the people and the earth. I'm more like a cancer, and humanity is simply a resource which I will digest and then be done with forever. I'm more interested in creating a symbiotic entity with the earth so as to grow a mouth in which I can chew the sun.

I've mused at calling this the enlightenment pill, but I don't want people to think I'm joking. I'm dead serious about this. It's the only relevant political view I've been able to come up with to suit the natural tendencies with which I was born.

>> No.11122980 [View]
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The problem with trickle down economics is that because the uppermiddle class is tasked with giving the upperclasses their culture and worldview, the stream is under their control though once removed in agency and completely detached in time. This creates a situation whereby the uppermiddle classes seeking to be in full agency of those above them have a tendency to view socialist ideas more favourably and this thereby creates the alienation the most wealthy and powerful people feel, having no sense of the other except through the ideologies of the uppermiddle class. With American cultural hegemony diminishing any sense of high culture as being important at all except as aesthetic taste or consumption, the cultivation of elite has been left to themselves. In order that the rich not be left to feign interest in the affairs of the poor, it is neither good to alienate them or diminish the importance of their role. It is the general cynicism manufactured in the 60's conflicts that have diminished the need for cultivating compassion in our elites. That this view will be levelled is a telling sign of the cultural hegemony of our day.

>> No.11113804 [View]
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Imagine that like Kant's and my nouemnon that the fuckers are unknowable and therefore non-fuckers and instead you're mistaken and you actually have deities watching over you, that the good in everyone shines forth. Imagine then that this I experiencing such others as either fuckers or deities are also a product of yourself. Think clearly.


>turns from red to blue, sits down, earth still doesn't conspire with him.
>tries to learn meditation
>gets bored

>> No.11001009 [View]
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At this point the women can't write meme is more for women's motivation than anything and speaks more to the /lit/ doesn't read meme. I don't know about you, but I prefer to listen to women who you've just told can't do something because they're a woman. Then again all boys are Shakespeares in need of masochism too, maybe we should start a campaign dedicated to stop men from reading, beginning with a Men can't write anymore thread, insinuating that they'd rather masturbate and take pictures of themselves then accomplish anything truly comparable to what men were capable of before. A whole red pilled woman campaign to call men out for their lack or inability to be comparable to their fathers. How about it?

>> No.10853791 [View]
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>there is no doubt that, from time to time, the party has found its inspiration on the left of the political spectrum and has championed some progressive measures. To some extent, this is why the Conservative party of Canada used the name of "Progressive-Conservative Party"

>> No.10848388 [View]
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Exponential growth of human populations coupled with climate change. Are you super-techno-optimistic man enough to rally billions to allow billions more to be saved from starvation and death? The net of compassion can not be about abstractions. You need to condemn agents because you are not powerful enough to save them all. Just as you make the decision to stand up only for humanity and condemn all living things. We destroyed the environment to save and better humanity, and now we either win against the universe or die along with nature. It's senseless and vain, and I'd stand with you until I had to push you off the life raft to save my own. Sorry.

>> No.10783449 [View]
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I can never tell if I'm triggering "people", or agents, to make these threads or if you're siding with "me".

>> No.10724365 [View]
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I had a thought about getting into book binding yesterday. Just a thought. But it came about because of a potential market I see opening in statement such as these, although not so over the top. Basically, once books hit the record stage of revival because of nostalgia and their supposed "warmth" of type, a book binder might find themselves in vogue. I'm speculating that a Pippy, those follk-punkish hippys making zines, who outgrows his wanderlust and finds himself wealthy yet discontent returns one day in his thirties after his girlfriend leaves him for a younger, hep chad, to a radical entrepreneurial phase in which, to the dismay of all, he binds the most gorgeous books filled with ancient obscure texts for people that some consider to be neo-nazis, or fascists at least, capital C corporatism, as well as tech billionaires obsessed with Giarard and Innis - those who have already had the faux-diamond hieroglyphics carved into their factorys' entrance ways.

Price points are menacing things. But even worse is the inherent branding within the product. Luxury states something that cheapness does not. In fact the cheapness of my books are almost necessary in that the level of their sacredness is brought into full view. To edge Darwin's origin of species in rubys would be worthwhile, but dangerously misleading....

>> No.10704693 [View]
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>> No.10587853 [View]
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Anyone come across some poems/novels made on the spot, say for jerking off to, or divination? Should I be consulting an US based oracle for these types of questions first, or is there a long history of European interference in different types of communion?

Asking for my friends....

>> No.10466134 [View]
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You're switching one noxious animal for another. You are also inadvertently claiming that human environmental impact will always have a level as it does now, but you can't be certain of what impact each human will have in the future unless you are talking about enforcing rule to how we live and what we eat. You are in fact hoping to paint a picture of the future as a fenced in green meadow in which the herd can graze on.

This is a cultural war. You hold nothing on the end of your stick. Humanity is not good in and of itself. It is good by and because of its place in nature, and it's end is inevitable. To let the world populate more and more by your method is to pass on an exponentially mass suffering to future generations. That doing nothing is worse is a matter of debate. And some people have a lot of time.

>> No.10296871 [View]
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Hey /lit/, I've been so exceedingly happy lately that I can't accept it anymore. It's just too much Ah and Ooo, if you don't mind the simplification into feels. I've tried CBT to help even out my positivity, but my brain keeps defaulting to tranquil, calm, and even blissful rumination. Help me /lit/! Flood me with depressing memes until I accept there legitimacy. I seriously want to choose to be less happy, but I think I need your help.

>> No.10181911 [View]
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>This is simply unreasonable, even if you share the same flag with the others, it does not mean that they share the same interest, or do you think that people will simply be satisfied in "conquering"?. Ultimately, the winners will wage war against themselves.

Humanity is the sickness; humanity is the cure. Each animal is proud of how God gave them each, individually, the duty to their home in Nature. Pride in the ability to do violence is inseparable from an individual relationship with God, or with that sense of Humanity that brings harmony to the marketplace. There is no escape from this Daemon's trap. But we can definitely get a good drum circle happening.

>> No.10156628 [View]
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