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>> No.23228234 [View]
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I've always found the term pagan slightly confusing. Not the term itself, I know what pagan means as people use it, but I'm confused as to what qualifies as pagan and how certain things came to be considered pagan while others managed to slip the noose of being considered pagan. Nobody I'm aware of calls Islamic, Far Eastern, or native American religions 'pagan' for example, it always seems to be European traditions. People also refuse to the use the names of these old traditions if they have any, simply calling them 'pagan traditions' instead. I never understood why the old European traditions are approached this way unlike others, even front antiquity, that never caught the label.

>> No.22895289 [View]
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You can argue round and round that one or any of these fundaments drives the other but you'll never really make the snake bite its own tail. Humans are driven by the fact it's all a big yippee. Humans are driven by everything from a grain of sand to eternity, including interesting questions like this.

>> No.22886483 [View]
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Campbell is very good, he's adjacent with Jung as far as I'm concerned but has a heavier lean towards anthropology rather than psychology and transformation. All his work is light, fun, and engaging, and a good primer for any of the other subjects he talks about.

No point in reading Watts since almost all of his books are just transcriptions of his lectures and he is a excellent orator. Watts talks more about transformation than either Jung or Campbell though. Supreme Identity should be required reading.

>> No.22877488 [View]
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People can't find an answer to the question of free will because I don't think they understand what they're asking. Whenever I get into it, people struggle to define what they mean by 'will' or 'I'. The most succinct answer I ever got a sort of acting and existing independent of everything else, but we run into dualism with this idea because we as we know ourselves only exist /in relation/ to everything else! There's no such thing as partially being exerted upon any more than you can partially exist. So you're right insofar we act a certain way regardless of the way things are, because the way we act are a component of the way things are. But nobody wants to know how things are they want to know how to get one up on how things are -- if that makes any sense?

>> No.20199309 [View]
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>communication guy
Seethe. I've written 2500 words so far today, and will probably have 6000 before this chapter is over.
My technique works.
You won't even try it, because you think you know everything.

>> No.20083204 [View]
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>Does it have interesting characters?
>Is it heart warming, cozy, just enjoyable to read for its atmosphere?
Abso-fucking-lutely yes

>> No.19255594 [View]
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were there any Tradionalists who took the Catholicism pill instead of going full muzzie like Guenon?

>> No.19239474 [View]
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Tradition does not fail because it is somehow unfit for rational defense. The radical draws their positions from emotional irrational roots, too, this is incredibly obvious. The liberalization of society in the modern era is entirely a result of bourgeois sentiments being propagated successfully by people who already favored those sentiments, those being merchants, urbanites, capitalists and ultimately liberated women: and then the fact that there was room to expand in that direction, due to societal surplus that allowed most directly for the maintenance of a restive intellectual class, but also for expensive and disruptive societal reforms to be afforded and realized. Liberalization could never happen in the early feudal system as the necessary institutions were missing; feudalism urbanized and mercantilized, and therefore enabled its own downfall. Also, intellectual traditions (such as the English Catholics) opened up avenues of attack against themselves, rendering themselves indefensible through internal contradiction, not because they were intrinsically indefensible. These are the mechanisms of failure for any tradition, as they always apply specific to the local culture.
The matter is terminally confused in the American backdrop, because this society is a masonic colonist arch-liberal state, where even conservatives are only conserving liberalism and social atomization. Any tradition founded upon the American Constitution - an Anglo-Liberal document - will face the pressures of ever-expanding emancipation leading to destroyed cultural boundaries. Then, emancipation expends cultural and moral capital for improved economic potential, which is reinvested in perpetuating emancipation. This has happened on a global level thanks to Western dominance and Anglo-Liberal hegemony, first by Brits then Americans. Anyhow, American society is fated to progressive decay due to its historical predicates. It cannot be otherwise. But that is not because of Bauer's particular categorical understanding.
Conversely the modern Turkish Republic had a strong liberal-nationalist and secular start, but the foundation of the Turkish nation being the Ottoman Caliphate, reaction eventually succeeded against the conservative institution of the military, even if military coups caused liberal setbacks several times. Lebanon had a strong Franco-republican start, but thanks to the brinksmanship in the region they devolved; secular Arab nationalism has thoroughly failed, in fact, now the greatest liberal threat to Islam is in the Arab states where oil-sheikh technocrats rule with disregard to the Ummah. Japan and India have trended contra-radical as well.

>> No.18902984 [View]
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Nothing happens in Stoner and most of it makes no sense.

>> No.18726282 [View]
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>Thucydides 'History of the Peloponnesian War
>Computer Science
>parasitic relationship with parents
>twitter posters, redditors, commie larpers, polacks, r9ktrannies, tripfags, jezebels
>every thousand posts or so one comes across an effort post that's worthwhile, it's thanks to an anon from here that I discovered The Once and Future King and thus I am grateful

>> No.18452647 [DELETED]  [View]
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Give me some routes to philosophy, info-graphs, lists, etc.

>> No.18361661 [View]
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Rip friend. Well. I'm rooting for ya if it counts.

>> No.18336843 [View]
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File names fresh off Tumblr presses, thanks anon, saved.

Know your enemy.

>> No.18019501 [View]
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We all have a different definition of making it fren. Some people like piles of wealth. Some like family. In some way or another, you will make it.

>> No.17229941 [View]
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What philosophical idea/s, that once understood, changed your way of perceiving life/reality, anon?

>> No.16288914 [View]
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White people are overwhelmingly successful, powerful, and beautiful because they have better genetics and develop better cultures than other races. However in America, and increasingly in Europe, whites don't live in isolation from other races. Those groups want power but cant out compete whites because whites are superior. In order to beat the whites they try to create a rigged system that allows them to cheat their way past their superiors (affirmative action, cancel culture, reparations for slavery, shit like that). The main weapon that these minorities have is white sympathy, that is to say they play off the altruism of white liberals. Their tactics have thus far proved fairly effective, although it is starting to create some serious push back. That's the entire explanation.

>> No.15925600 [View]
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>Every human his powered by a identity, that is basically sourced from a denial of death
I agree but with the caveat that this only applies to materialistic identities. Genuine religious experience/identity allows someone not to deny death, but to understand death as a stage of their spiritual journey.

>> No.15888752 [View]
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>the gods always have booming voices that vibrate the surroundings

>> No.15437211 [View]
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>they're both really short, like 150 pages
Oh wow, say no more. I love a good, short book. Just bought both.

I did get these as well. I was most interested in the History series when I posted so I was already leaning towards it. Got vol. 1 for now.

>> No.13236678 [View]
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That’s becuase my truths hurt too hard and you know deep down you can to refute them, so you call me a bigot and think
>it’s okay, what they say isn’t true, it will work out for you and trans people, you are doing the right thing
To yourself
This might surprise you but thier is a objective world out there and if you try to pretend everything is a construct you are going to have a very miserable life. And this is why trans commit suicide, they try to deny this till they can’t anymore.
It’s no great liberal or progressive thing to deny this

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