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>> No.14332363 [View]
File: 80 KB, 301x392, Lazarus-and-Rich-Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lazarus sat by and did nothing. And the rich man, led quite a busy and esteemed life. Guess which one went to hell? The fact that you view charity as an obligation, and worse, competition, to the point that you wag your finger at those "do-nothings" shows how inverted your soul is. Those acts exampled in your post are seldom done out of a genuine desire to uplift fellow man; it is to give yourself some satisfaction and a secular attempt to oppose the gnawing of conscience, which cries that they are deep down terrible, worthless people. If most of those individuals engaged in suchwork had charity in mind, and practiced it in their life daily, they would be so worn out from helping the very people immediately in their lives that they would not have time for any volunteering. In fact, there would be not need for volunteer organizations, 'nonprofits' and so on, if each individual practiced charity and goodwill to all those surrounding them. Instead, they ignore people in their life and convince themselves that they are a good person by writing a check to some charity, or picking up a few scraps of trash for two hours on a Saturday. Your entire post exudes pride. You view these acts, done on occasion, as some god-like example of altruism that should be commended and appreciated, are are upset when someone exposes them for the cheapness they are. Even if they were helpful, your hubris undoes any self-benefit that would be derived from doing them instead become a cause for pride.

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