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>> No.19675110 [View]
File: 893 KB, 1800x4000, this is what rightoids actually believe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's certainly true in the UK and Australia where Murdoch and his ilk have much power. Probably America and the rest of the first world too. Remember, identity politics is not sufficient to be left wing. Can you remember the last time you saw any major publication promote anti-capitalism? Seriously support an actual socialist? Yeah, I didn't think so. There's the woke capitalists and the non-woke capitalists. That's all.
True. I want to live in the reality that exists in the heads of neoreactionaries and just normal boomers who call Biden a socialist and such. Shit would be cash.
They can claim what they want. Liberals voting for the democrats often consider themselves left wing despite not being anything of the sort. If you go into an economics class talking about Marxism you will be laughed at and then told "actually, the status quo policies are really good, capitalism is great! btw I have a black lives matter sticker on my car, so I'm a leftist"
they may not be ancap nutters but they are very clearly not socialist or leftist. It's extraordinarily rare to find any truly left wing economist/academic. You can say this is because it is wrong or whatever, but that's besides the point - economists, and the universities they come from, are economically right wing. Similarly, countries like Norway and Sweden are not economically left wing countries just because they have universal healthcare or whatever. If leftists are secretly controlling the world, why are they giving us capitalism with a few safety nets (and not even this in America), instead of actual left wing economics? I bet there are way more laissez faire types than socialists in academia, in any case.

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