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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.18778626 [View]
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You are welcome friends. May the Spirit keep you.

>Full text: https://www.marquette.edu/maqom/The%20Hymn%20of%20the%20Pearl.pdf

>Thread theme:

>> No.17166899 [View]
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Blessed thread. God Bless you all.


>> No.16979077 [View]
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I follow Christ, the soul's redeemer; I am a Gnostic Christian. As a true Christian it's important to sift through the fabrications and lies created by the Papal Roman church to usurp worldly political authority over God's word; anything after the Council of Nicea is suspect. "Yahweh," the "God" of the Old Testament, is in fact a deceiver, the serpent who created this false world of pain and violence in order to keep our souls trapped here for his obscene sustenance. The true God, the Light of Truth and Love, shines through our souls, via the Holy Spirit, through the artificial veil created by the malignant imposter.

>> No.16541936 [View]
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forgot artists>
fra angelico, bosch, brueghel the elder, yves tanguy, willem de kooning , hilma af klimt

>> No.16512258 [View]
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/lit/ will seethe, but i personally believe that there are grades to how capable artists are of transcending mediocrity.
composers are most able to realize the divine inspiration of their visions, since their medium is pure sound. and yet much of music is simply pleasant, or worse, dull and/or brash.

painters and sculptors are next since their work involves pure material. but much of painting and sculpture is crude forms, unwieldy and imperfect representation.

writers have it somewhat in-between. they are capable of transferring the inner thoughts and feelings of their souls into language, yet so much of great literature is filler or hackery. if you read the Bible or Borges or Joyce, the passages of divine beauty are submerged within hundreds of pages of "meh". i challenge you to a find a writer whose every word is impactful.

filmmakers have it the hardest since their medium is so complex and dependent on humanity in its execution. that's why even the greatest filmmakers have maybe 2 or 3 great films. and within these, there are only a few scenes or shots that stand out as truly magnificent.

but i guess as artists we still have to try and keep trying, despite the fragility and flawed nature of the work and our human potential.

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