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>> No.13563498 [View]
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>Suppose in Heaven I decide that I want to become Napoleon or Caesar and experience their life, is that possible? That is, I want to leave Heaven and experience life on Earth as a different person.

Yes, absolutely. In fact, in heaven you have the multiverse as your smorgasbord. You can choose to experience precisely whatever you want, any kind of physical life you can possibly imagine. If you want to live a life as Frodo going on such a quest in such a world, or as Luke Skywalker, or as Jamie Lannister, you can. If you can imagine it existing, you can choose to experience it when you are in heaven. In fact, there are even an immeasurable amount of things we can not even imagine with this limited mind that exist as options there as well. And in eternity, we get to experience everything that we want to experience. Nothing is denied us, and we really just have to ask for it.

But again, we live one life at a time. Whatever you ask for will not materialize in the here and now, because the plan for this life, which you chose and designed before you came here, is already in motion. But if down the line in later incarnations you want to play different roles, you will have that opportunity.

>That is, I want to leave Heaven and experience life on Earth as a different person.

Yeah, you can stay in heaven for as long as you like or just leave immediately when you get there and start a new life if you want that instead.

>What about relativity of simultaneity? Assuming as Einstein did that all moments are equally "real" then you can be both inside of it and outside of it, am I not already inside of heaven in a sense?

Yeah. We are all "in" heaven right now, as the entire universe is really just a little pinpoint of size from heaven's perspective, and the universe exists inside heaven in a very real sense. It is a created objective existence for us to live out the dramas and peculiarities of physical life. We are essentially participating in an existence right now, and we do so voluntarily.

>Does heaven constitute a kind of preferred/privileged reference frame or does it obey the Lorentz invariance?

The former. The laws of physics do not apply there, and the laws of physics of our universe are just one instantiation thereof. Other universes have entirely different laws of physics, designed to create a different kind of world.

>> No.13516444 [View]
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>I can't imagine a way it can be proven.

Scientifically it already has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt (see for instance Chris Carter's trilogy and the book The Self Does Not Die among the original links). Of course, the word proven in this context should not be understood as "beyond a logical possibility of being false", but rather as "a lot more likely to exist than not, given the evidence" since it is based on empirical evidence.

>I was merely surprised with that amount of texts and videos on the idea of afterlife being put here.

May I ask why?

>firstly, I believe there is something more impactful on my life

While I have nothing against you feeling this way, I am not entirely sure what you mean and how that relates to your reluctance to indulge in this material. So feel free to elaborate. Is it that you would lose your interest in this world if you would know that there was an afterlife?

>even if there is some form of spiritual, I see no reason why it's "existence" implies christianity/similar-philosophy values

It does not, and I apologize if came off this way. If we take NDErs at face value about what they report about the afterlife and how that relates to the meaning of these lives, we can get three general answers:

1. We are here to do whatever we want, and there is no way to do the wrong thing and fail at life.
2. We are here to have fun and enjoy this role-playing game for what it is.
3. We are here to learn to grow in our ability to feel unconditional love, kindness, acceptance, etc., towards everyone and everything, no matter what, and no matter how challenging it may be.

But while the third point is the only thing that could constitute any kind of objective meaning with life, I want to make it clear that it is also no big deal if we do not do that, because if the afterlife that NDErs are talking about is real, then we are existing within eternity, and our eternal quest to become infinite love can be completed whenever, whether it is now or 10^10000000 eons from now. We are in no hurry to do anything in eternity, as whatever we are meant to achieve or become will be realized eventually.

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