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>> No.9242234 [View]
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I agree with this. Discussions in person have their charm, but just consider the concept of time, or distraction, or whatever else. People checking their phones and not listening. Stuff like that.

A disembodied conversation that can stretch over days, where attention is scattered all over the place, is really interesting. It's like floating in space, sensory-deprivation. I've become less triggered IRL since coming here, because trying to be a Special Snowflake on /lit/ is absurd. When everyone is a snowflake, nobody is. It helps to realize how much of what we say is this a craving for recognition. You will get called a pseud and you will get triggered because you are a pseud.

There is always the temptation to bait, to try and get a response from some anon *without knowing why.* It's like a debased postmodern thymos. I wonder what psychoanalysis would say about the discourse of the anonymous. Is this hyperreal? It doesn't feel like it. Feels more like hyperreality becomes the actual reality, becomes a context for a kind of speaking that isn't discursive.

>which is how it would feel, if you were a complete hikiko. which you are
>fuck you freudian superego, you're not the boss of me
>kek. that's funny
>*sniff* you're such an asshole, superego
>that's the job, dickface. i shit on things
>but why?
>there is no why, fuck you
>but superego, on /lit/ having power is ridiculous. people don't care
>yes they do. they do care. Things Matter A Lot
>not as much as you'd think. when everyone is big brother, then no one is. thinking that your big other is the big other is outrageously stupid here
>*melting* b-but you want power
>on a burgundian gymnastics forum? please. pretending you have power here is even worse than having it in real life. power in real life is bad enough. trying to be a big deal here is the height of stupidity. this is not a place for fame, but for the disenchantment of the allure of fame. being a somebody on an anonymous forum is worse than being a nobody in real life. believing you are important here is dumber than believing you are important out there. we both know this
>*smoking* b-but you're trying to be a big deal now
>true, but one has to divest and accept being ridiculous somewhere. this is the place to do it. it's a potlatch
>you're a loser, you'll always be a loser
>that's the point, that's what i'm saying. the point is not to win, b/c winning an internet argument is worse than losing it. it means you needed to win a fake argument from your basement. the point is to lose in the right way so that the game continues
>*screech, howl* you're a c-c-cuck
>sure. there's no denying this. but the point is that i'm not stuck in here with you and trying to escape. you're stuck in here with me
>oh god you're such a dork
>sure. but what's the alternative? trying to prove you're not a dork makes you look like a dork. the more you deny it, the more obvious it is. the choice is between being a creative fool or a repetitive idiot

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