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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.8498200 [View]
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>philosophy of psychedelics

>how it can be used as a form of therapy

These two things are different. For the second, your best bet is primary sources from researchers. Popular science articles and books are garbage.

>> No.8446954 [View]
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forgot pic

>> No.7996176 [View]
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it's a popular new branch of pseudoscience based on anecdotal evidence

it's not impossible that it works, but not enough research has been done on it to say it does

>> No.7969125 [View]
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This is easy, read Philip K. Dick.

His books are all around 200 pages, fast paced, and you won't get made fun of on /lit/ for reading them. His stories are exciting and "out there" and will appeal to someone who enjoys Dresden Files.

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, Ubik, Time Out of Joint. Pick up those or any of the other 40 or so novels he wrote.

>> No.7905279 [View]
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this is good too. better actually.

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