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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20443713 [View]
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The average breadtube fan has nothing better to do with their life than to watch their verbose-ass shit

>> No.12427609 [View]
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>> No.8614183 [View]
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>tfw you will never steal a GET this big like /mu/ just did

>> No.8112001 [View]
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>that example where neither the translation he likes nor the one he criticizes is actually accurate but he sides with the one that fits his own preferences
Pot calling the kettle black T B H

So the frequency of male pronouns in everyday speech that's been influenced by biased translations means we MUST keep the same bias in future translations. Great thinking.

>> No.8078962 [View]
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What I mean are the people who read someone like Plato or Aquinas and go "Oh, this resonated with me so game over, all the rest of philosophy BTFO and not even worth looking at." You see it a lot on /lit/ and way too often in autistic Classics majors and Christians.

>> No.8076801 [View]
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This. I grew up in a big house and I would hate to have one without help to clean it, and I hate dealing with the help. I suppose I'd do it if I had a family and wanted extra room for them, but I Imagine I'd downsize once the kids are gone.

That looks like a nice place to chill out in the summer. What do all you sophisticated WASP shipping magnates have in your back yard?

>> No.7400855 [View]
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>the narrative is beholden to the limitations of time

>> No.7156176 [View]
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Fuck you I compare the sound of a projectile to a banshee in my book and now I have to see if anyone reads "A screaming comes across the sky," that way to see if I'll have to trash a whole chapter or two. Go die in a fire.

>> No.7152452 [View]
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This is how every discussion of predestination and free will went at my Christian high school. The teacher was generally an idiot but he made an extremely compelling case for predestination. Baptist girls (Baptists don't believe in predestination) would literally weep in class and have their parents complain that he brought up this particular point of doctrine because "he should just teach the gospel."

Women are rationalization machines. We should study their brains, if only for the purpose of finding ways for future AI to deceive itself.

Went to a good US college and am currently working in a third world country. This is not true at all. It's fun to joke about, but Latin American universities really blow chunks and even the middle class's standard of living is irritating if you come from the states and aren't totally poor.

>> No.7137054 [View]
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>someone pokes fun at the way self-important college students trumpet their achievements every time they change the gender of a fictional character
>other posters get extremely mad
>it's the fault of the guy who made one joke post that the thread becomes totally derailed with all the posts complaining about the tone of his joke

>> No.7125134 [View]
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>taking multiple days to read a short story
yikes tbh fam

>> No.7117334 [View]
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Haha, this might be the worst thing I've ever heard of.

Catholics have a hard time with accepting that the middle ages weren't the pinnacle of human existence. I mean, just look at how salty all the other catholic universities get about Georgetown being by far the most prestigious and also the most liberal.

>> No.7115299 [View]
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>Why is college more about qualification in this day and age then about collaborating with others to advance our intellect?
Because we live in an age of rapidly expanding information and the ability to handle new info coherently the way you should in university is the main qualification for many lucrative jobs. Normies want lucrative jobs and even "intellectuals" are regularly bought by consulting and finance companies where they do things that don't relate to what they did their PhD on.

>Why pay for degrees to show we are qualified when we could read books on the subject and learn just as much and more?
If you actually believe this then you either haven't been to college, went to a shitty one, or just coasted through for the grades the way all the people you disparage also did. If you seek out relationships with the faculty you'll gain 50x what you would have in 4 years of self study.

>> No.7108017 [View]
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>bothered by black and white morality
>in a book by a Christfag
What did you expect?

>> No.7098996 [View]
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I've got this, guys.

>First week of class
>Guy reads a story he wrote that's basically an American Psycho rip off
>extreme misogyny, rape, racism, but where he fucked up was introducing S&M play into the rape
>Emaciated Vegan Pansexual Maoist Jew-boy from New Jersey in the class happens to be really into S&M and strongly resents associating it with rape
>/pol/'s wet dream of a Jewish stereotype comes in the next week with his own work that's just a scene where a loving couple does bondage stuff
>Bateman Jr. comes back doing essentially the same as his first story but with the rape/misogyny turned up to 11
>at this point the entire class is talking about how both guys are making them uncomfortable and wasting our time on their masturbation material
>Jersey-boy responds with a story about a guy who "comes out" as an S&M enthusiast and meets a bunch of cool smart and hot people who are into his kink
>BEE-himself just keeps on trucking
>Schlomo becomes more and more direct with each passing week
>The S&M enthusiast's last reading was a story that's entirely the set-up for a line about how "every creative writing class has one guy who will make any excuse to write about his rape fantasies."

I didn't know how to act each time they read. All I could do was try to take notes and keep a straight face while playing footsie with the girl in the class I was fucking at the grossest parts.

>> No.7094558 [View]
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>Dad has a PhD in a biology field
>Devout Christian, sends me to Christian school
>Bible teacher is a fucking retard,
>make a B in his class because his essay assignments and grading criterion are retarded
>Offers to let me take an A in the class if I write a twenty page essay on Why Us? by James Lefanu
>Dad grants that the teacher is a tard, but says I should have tried harder so I should do the essay
>Get into the book, it's utter rubbish based on completely false scientific claims despite the author being a doctor
>Show dad
>flips out, puts post-it notes on every page where the book is wrong
>looks like a fucking Christmas tree when he's done
>returns it and tells me to write the essay anyway
>basically wrote it already on those post-its
>waits until I turn the paper in and get that sweet A on my now flawless transcript
>goes down to the school and spends an hour castigating the Bible teacher for being teaching while illiterate
Fuck you, Mr. I.

>> No.7091390 [View]
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>ugh, well I hope you all enjoyed Didion, because now it's time to talk about (sigh) Pynchon
>Every year I try to cut him from the curriculum but he's too big to ignore in good conscience.
I get it, he's complicated and you wish you could justify another black writer in the syllabus, but either teach him or don't. I'd rather not spend a week talking smack about Papa Pynch.

>> No.7089890 [View]
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For the huge majority of people including those with a knack for it, yes. University will expose you to men who've worked with these ideas for decades who will make sure you don't think you're clever when you're not (self-education is very susceptible to the Dunning-Kruger effect). The reading lists are often unconventional, so you'll even read stuff you might not have heard of otherwise. Class discussions and term papers will put your rigour to the test.

Self teaching a field that is almost 100% about debate and mathematics would be extremely difficult.

Flyover state, "autodidactic," mustang-driving welder detected.

>> No.7088995 [View]
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>pomo is trash
>all he reads is pomo
>mother night: 4 stars

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