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>> No.16022995 [View]
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The amount of buzz words. Fucking LUL.
The anonymous niggerfaggots i be talkin to on 4chang man. its whatever

>> No.15161477 [View]
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I've never thought about it that way but you do make a great point.

>> No.14218381 [View]
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The great German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer was on his deathbed in much pain and suffering. One evening, just before he died, he cried loudly, "Ah God, my God!"

The doctor who was attending him was surprised because there was no place for God in Schopenhauer's philosophy. So he said, "Sir, is there any place for God in your philosophy?"

Schopenhauer opened his eyes and said, "In suffering, philosophy without God is insufficient."

The word insufficient is very significant. Let us contemplate it a little more. Even on his deathbed Schopenhauer remains a philosopher. A philosopher goes on thinking about God, at the most, as a hypothesis - sufficient or insufficient? But God remains, more or less, a hypothetical thing. God is not reality. Maybe the concept is needed because it is difficult to explain many things without it, but the hypothesis is a hypothesis and can be discarded at any moment. Any moment that we can explain life without God, we will be ready to explain life without him.

God is not life; rather, he is a hypothesis to explain the mystery of life. A hypothesis is a need of ignorance. When man becomes more and more knowledgeable, the darkness of ignorance is pushed away more and more. God will be thrown, God will be dethroned because he will not be needed.

Schopenhauer says, "In suffering, a philosophy without God is insufficient." In suffering, man feels his helplessness - fear, death, pain, and there is no explanation for it. The suffering is so much, and unexplained. One cries out of fear, anguish, anxiety, "Ah God, my God!" But this God is bogus. It may be a need of human frailty, human limitation; it may be a need of human weakness, human helplessness, but it is not reality. It is not that you have come to realize the truth of it. At the most, it is needed. You feel too alone in the dark without the concept of God. At the most it is make believe. It helps, it consoles, it gives a certain comfort when comfort is needed. It is what Marx calls "the opium." In suffering, opium is needed - something through which you can forget the suffering - but this is not the true God. The God of the philosophers is not the true God.

There is another God: the true God. The true God is not a hypothesis, it is a realization. And the true God reveals more when you are celebrating than when you are in suffering.

>> No.14211352 [View]
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Yes, I don't give much value to Freud, Jung, Adler or Assagioli. Freud, Jung, Adler and others are just children playing on the sand of time. They have gathered beautiful pebbles, beautiful colored stones, but when you look at the ultimate, they are just children playing with pebbles and stones. Those stones are not real diamonds. And whatever they have gained is very, very primitive. You will have to go slowly with me to understand.

A man can be physically ill; then a physician, a doctor is needed. A man can be psychologically ill; then a little help can be given by Freud and Jung and others. But when a man is existentially ill, neither a physician nor a psychiatrist can be of any help. Existential illness is spiritual. It is neither of the body nor of the mind. It is of the total, and the total transcends all parts. The total is not just a composition, a composition of the parts. It is something beyond the parts: it is something that holds all the parts in itself. It is a transcendence.

And the illness is existential. Man suffers from a spiritual illness, and dreams won't be of any help for that. What in fact can dreams do? At the most, they can help you understand your unconscious a little bit more because dreams are the language of the unconscious: the symbols, indications, hints and gestures of the unconscious - a message from the unconscious to the conscious. Psychoanalysts can help you interpret the dreams; they can become mediators, they can tell you what your dream means. Of course, if you can understand your dream, you will come a little closer to your unconscious. This will help make you more adjusted with your unconscious; you will have a little understanding. Your two parts, the conscious and the unconscious, will not be so far apart; they will be a little closer. You will not be split as much as before. A little unity, a sort of unity will exist in you. You will be more normal. But to be normal is nothing. To be normal is not even worth talking about. To be normal means you are as you should be ordinarily. Nothing else has happened, nothing from the beyond has penetrated you. You will be a more adjusted person in the society also. Of course you will be a little better husband, a little better mother, a little better friend - but only a little.

>> No.14154363 [View]
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