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>> No.18032679 [View]
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unlikely to happen because this command has already been self-referenced here >>18032395 in anticipation of your post. it only means what it means from within itself, and no more elsewhere.

>stop it
haha i am sorry there is no more of this

>> No.16052864 [View]
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>try showing my mom This Is Water to get her to chill the fuck out and stop raging at everything and stop spending 5 hours a day neurotically doing makeup just to look like a fucking lizard with comically large eyelashes
>hears the word "platitude" and falls asleep within the first 2 minutes
boomer books for this feel?

>> No.14652382 [View]
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FUCK. not even close to SERM. how do i change my personality? should i take a bunch of shrooms nonstop and LARP my desired personality into fruition?

>> No.14605116 [View]
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>You're not even worth my time
You're the one that replied to me, lol what

>Arguing with a chimp
Again, what argument? You call me out for using "fallacies" such as "strawmen" but you haven't explained how >>14599663 isn't a strawmen. Where did I say, or even whisper the sentiment that college was useless?

>> No.11120241 [View]
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so, having churned up another enormous and ungainly stew of thought...
>feels bad man
>but, i guess we must shitpost sometimes and divest ourselves of this ridiculousness

>how old are you?
a gentleman never tells

>how long have you been reading theory?
was always a big reader. history mainly, but that turned into theory. and that only really intensively for about 5-6 years. i didn't study it in school (can you tell?!!?!)

>how long did it take you to synthesize enough thought to have a stable intellectual framework?
i always kind of had the same anxieties about the same things. some things just don't line up. having certain philosophers click - girard, heidegger, land, baudrillard - just helped me realize that *i wasn't alone.* it wasn't *only me who felt like a fucking mutant,* and believing that it was only compounded the problem. *everybody* is weirded out by the mimetic society, the society in which we are all slightly too close to the thought of the other. it's mcluhan's global village like that. establishing some kind of proximity or building an internal reference-map is an ongoing process like that. said stable intellectual framework is an *always-ongoing* project. and, now and again, it overlaps with those of others: very much like a great many glass bead games all quite beautifully and mysteriously linked into ever-larger glass bead games.

this is why i tend to believe that one of the goals for all of this is a kind of collective sanity, or proximity. we are all fucking suffering in the kali-yuga. and we should choose our scapegoats wisely.

>are you american?
nope. a fucking leaf

>what impact do you think you have on others?
god only knows. i hope it's positive. it's certainly not all about fucking *me.* i am so spectacularly unimportant it's mcdiculous. i don't want it to be all about me. whatever interesting stuff i turn up sifting the wasteland is not mine to own. i didn't make it, and i didn't invent the philosophical concepts that turn it up. i am some faceless and grease-stained jabronie douchebag in a post-apocalyptic truck stop serving you a Wasteland McChicken Sandwich. enjoy, wanderer. and may be the wasteland winds be with you.

>imagine a canadian version of mad max: fury road. it's the only wasteland where people are really polite to each other

>what's your relationship with your parents like?
complicated. they're good and kind and loving people and yet they dislike each other for all kinds of reasons. this unquestionably has played a large part in the way i think about things. desire, envy and mimesis, yo. marriages and liberation and so on. they are a thing. some parts of what peterson says really resonate with me for these reasons.

>are you in love/have you ever been in love?
not at the moment. but yes. i have been. and it really was exactly the way it was described on those old chuck jones/looney tunes cartoons. very short, but very memorable. and when it was over it was over with no hard feelings.

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