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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.19803465 [View]
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>winter 2017, everybody's calmed down after the political shitstorm the year prior
>teaching a poetry class for non-english majors
>professor i'm working under is very chill, assigns almost no work besides reading and class discussions, so there's nothing for me to grade
>paid hourly so i have to sit in the office and look busy
>pass the time by chatting with the gender studies TA down the hall
>let's call her "becky"
>she's a friend of my girlfriend on top of being a co-worker, so i've kept things pretty professional: weather, family, tv, books we're reading, other small talk topics
>then one afternoon, a young guy (couldn't have been older than 20) storms out of her office and stomps down the hall
>i see tears in his eyes
>knock on becky's door
>she invites me in
>i'm expecting her to be upset too, but i can tell she's been holding back laughter
>no clue how to react
>notice the kid left his book-bag and papers on becky's desk
>she asks: "is he coming back?"
>i look down the hall
>"no sign of him"
>finally she lets out the most horse-like laugh i've ever heard
>she explains that the kid is set to fail the class because he didn't do any of the reading
>he needed an A- or better on this paper to avoid retaking his gender studies elective next semester
>he got a C- on this paper because his thesis boiled down to: "stay-at-home moms have privileges that working-class men don't, so sexism isn't that bad"
>nowhere in the paper did he address the required reading about how historically a majority of women have also worked, just for lower pay and in less safe conditions
>so the first premise of his case is resting on the edge of a cliff
>there are also some genuinely wild leaps of logic --- stuff like asserting that required material he never read was "propaganda"
>or that the mandatory gender studies elective itself constituted "oppression against men," even though it was literally 40/40/20 men's issues, women's issues, lgbt issues
>the professor did her job: pointed this out, and graded the paper accordingly
>he came to becky's office looking to pick a fight
>becky has no say in the grading, and couldn't do anything about his complaints even if she wanted to
>she tells him as much
>he asks if she "at least think[s] [he's] right"
>she says no
>he storms out
>i feel bad for the kid, but i have to admit it's funny
>as i'm saying this, he comes back in to pick up his book-bag
>he blushes, grabs everything, and runs away again
i've always wondered if he browsed /pol/

>> No.18907419 [View]
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In Legends of the Jews there is a great story about Rabbi Hanina and the hungry frog.
Also, you should know that the plague of frogs in Exodus was actually just one giant frog.

>> No.14601022 [View]
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What's your favorite Irish short story? Mine is def Araby or The Dead but I also really like Irish Revel by Edna O'Brien

>> No.14468674 [View]
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King of the world
Culture of critique

>> No.14427207 [View]
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How do you guys decide what book to read next

>> No.13773586 [View]
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Me too!

>> No.13724920 [View]
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>> No.13242116 [View]
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Where do I start with aesthetics lads?

>> No.12782662 [View]
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What books does /lit/ consider fun ?
Y'know, books that don't really require you to think about them, don't have convoluted plots and a person can enjoy rather passively. What are the best and most memorable examples?

>> No.12759590 [View]
File: 462 KB, 660x500, E7FC2951-5BF7-4D33-A680-F6719B09B74D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to local used book store
>Buy a Mishima book
>Old man behind register tells me to read Abe, his favorite Japanese author
>tfw face of another is one of my favorite books now
Thank u old man

>> No.12573537 [View]
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For all the aspiring writers on this board, just give up. Nobody cares about what you [don't] have to say.

>> No.12556546 [View]
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hi /lit/ my question is how and what to start reading, I am 19 and I never read a book from beginning to end in my life, where should I start? my purpose is to become a connoisseur in literature

>> No.12545025 [View]
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>its better than an emily dickinson poem i read
wow you really do not get literature

>> No.12199403 [View]
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love the review quote

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