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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.15729386 [View]
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>be me
>Dawson College CEGEP fag, 16yo, now 23yo McGillionaire
>walk into advanced english class, mandatory
>start work first thing, and analyse a text
>Jewish teacher asks me at random to explain the word ''catharsis''
>I freeze and give a shitty explanation, say it means ''t-to be frozen by emotion-''
>teacher interrupts me halfway through, basically tells me to shut up, and goes ''Actually, no... in fact it means quite the opposite, it means to have a release of emotional weight, very disappointing, what's your name?''
>''I'll be sure to remember that, Anon''
>entire class laughs at me, literally like something out of a 4chan greentext story about spilling spaghetti, hot cheerleader type girls and business school bros turn around to smirk at me
>I came to this shitty institution for a STEM degree, because that's the only place where my pseudoautism shines - but now the heat is on
>vow to study my ass off to show this bitch
>end up getting a 93-95% in her class, and become one of her top students
>make sure she remembers my name
>start bringing vaguely antisemitic literature to class to flex on her, like Leonard Cohen's Flowers for Hitler, and when she asks me what I'm doing for personal reading outside the class, I nonchalantly go through that list, only for her to get a sour face, and say ''N-no, I haven't heard of it'' and walk back to her desk (at this point I'm sure she was trying to befriend me, but fuck being a teacher's pet at this point)
>went to every class early just to show her up
>see this cute green-eyed redheaded girl sitting outside the classes early, reading some YA novel (The Book Thief)
>go home and read sections of it and memorize quotes
>see her reading there and slide down next to her, and quote the book she's reading
>she blushes and stutters, super quite shy girl, her name is Celina, an Italian like me
>becomes my first real gf, first real kiss, first real date
>meet her family, her dog, learn that her dad abandoned her
>she eventually breaks up with me as a test to see if I'll fight for her
>I'm 16 so i'm too young to know the games women play, so I take it on the chin and assume it's something I did wrong and leave her alone
>eventually find out later she wanted me to fight for her, probably as some coping mechanism for her dad abandoning her family
>too late by then
>we reconnected recently after 7 years
>she moved away from her mom and sister to Toronto on a whim to live with her boyfriend
>they both do drugs together, have an open polyamorous relationship (his choice forced upon her), piercings, and tattoos, she dropped out of Concordia
>this guy also beats her and their dogs, and she's sent me a few photos of her busted lips
>the very same face I had my first kiss with in the Dawson peace garden under a blossoming tree that first summer, is now the face that some retarded stoner breaks with his fist
... At least me and the Jewish teacher became friends tho....

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