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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.12419856 [View]
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I decided to finish the last book of the series so that I could had a properly informed opinion.

To me, Severian was probably the most unlikable protagonist I've had the displeasure to walk alongside on a fictional road trip, I can understand people defending the series, but never defending this insufferable omega-autist.
Also, he fucks every woman character that gets a name, I'm not even joking, even if this last part sound interesting to you, you are out of luck, because Wolfe just writes "and that night he penetrated her" and that it.

At some point some anon tried to refute this point, he was adamant than this series was not, in fact, an edgy teenagers wet dream where protagonist fucked the meat clam of every female character. He ree'd:

>"You don't get it! He's an unreliable narrator, just because he says those women got banged it doesn't mean it actually happened!"

And so anon scrambled for evidence of Severian not being a reliable narrator, and
proceeded to reveal his trump hard, his ultimate proff. Remember that one pivotal character from book 1 he promised his guild he wouldn't fuck? Well, turns out it was indeed, actually also fucked by our protagonist.

The world has some cool ideas but the character dynamics and dialogs are horrendous imo. I got tricked into reading it after some anon told me it was on the level of LoTR. Anon, if you are reading this, Ii just want to say you are probably a turbo crayon eater, and that maybe you should have more experience in the field of literature before making heavy handed recommendations.

One thing I want to make clear, is that I don't believe believe Wolfe to be "a bad writer", quite the contrary, the world he had come up with is fascination. The problem is that he is a stupid writer, because he cant write dialogue for shit, and chose a roadtrip adventure as the structure of the story.
Lets compare his to Lovecraft, someone who by no means I consider extraordinary, but someone who nevertheless played always to his strengths. He was a basement dweller who probably had a dozen or so face to face conversation in his whole adult life, knowing full well this was not his forte, he tells his story through letters, musings,and an impersonal narrator that tells us of new evidence being unearthed.

This might be a bit of a tangent, but years ago I read an spanish kids book called "La venganza de las risitas". The aforementioned "Risitas" where these kind of omniscient vengeful-trickster sprites that punished adults who were cruel to their children by planting an unavoidable dog turn on their way.To ensure a successful strike, these hairy sprites paid a sheckle to a dog that through many years of practice, had managed to poop out shit whit the exact shape of the sole of any shoe, so that shadow casted by the adult's footwear perfectly concealed the turds beneath.
To me, this is the perfect analogy for both the protagonist and the series as a whole.

that's all.

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