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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.19668075 [View]
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>> No.17448647 [View]
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Anon the Artemis Fowl series is a deep and arduous pursuit, to continue with them you must start with the Greeks... then you'll understand.

>> No.17430377 [View]
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Any books that will stop me from being obsessed with sex? I'm 31 now and I still think about sex nearly constantly, and the only time I'm happy is when I'm having sex

>> No.17028226 [View]
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tweets from influencers, NPR opinion pieces and the new yorker

>> No.16764692 [View]
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Is auteurship valuable, or is it a dated idea? Is it necessarily valuable to present a singular vision? Or is it necessarily better to present a collaboration?

Books are almost always written by one person. Just an observation.

>> No.16084455 [View]
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So, within Advaita, if Atman and Brahman are one, how does individual experience arise? Why isn't everything experienced at once?
Guenonfag is welcomed to the thread, he probably has a good explanation. Pic unrelated

>> No.15881247 [View]
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How many hours pass in silence. He hears the rattle of a campsite. Shuffling feet. The glow of fire through the hood. A sudden stop.
>Another one came over
>Chief's not gonna like it
>He'll have to. We couldn't leave him. You know what the so¥folk do in diversity training. Just get the damn thing out
The bustling pauses, turns to a murmur.
An old man thunders.
>It's too late, big man. Just uncuck him.
>We'll get him
The giant shades pull him off the cart. Thud. The glow gets bigger and he can feel its warmth. One holds him from behind like a giant crab. The bag scrapes off his head. There is an ancient woman, covered in tattoos. She reaches into a satchel and produces a gleaming tube, sharp on one end.
An explosion of pain in his right ear. Hot blood runs down his cheek. Testing and twisting and a POP. It's out.
>Cast it into the fire!
The earpiece sits in the flames for a moment. He fears it is indestructible. But it begins to crackle. Then melt. Then is curls up into a black little ball like cannabis resin. Then it is dust.

>> No.15877711 [View]
File: 1.77 MB, 3564x2097, Acheron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll check him out, thanks anon

I hope you did/can

short answer: maybe but then I'd have to be an engineer, no thank you

long answer: math is best if you don't like commitment. studying engineering more or less locks you into whatever field of engineering you chose, and you won't have as many opportunities to go into research. broader STEM fields like physics or chemistry have more flexibility in that regard, but generally you'll still be committed to your field. meanwhile taking just one or two additional classes in addition to the math core gives you enough of a background to pursue almost any applied science field, since they'll care more about your math skills (I studied dynamical systems and am currently planning to go into neuroscience modelling research, though I could also work with population dynamics, physics, chaos theory, sociology, etc). most people also reap massive benefits from having close contact with a professor for more rigorous math classes; the more abstract topics are very difficult to self study. also I'm just pretentious and cringe at the thought of studying something as applied as engineering.

>> No.14714868 [View]
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Since everyone is freaking out about or lovely Corona-Chan, I want to make a deep dive into the Black Death, you'll help me out, right, Anon?

>> No.14358649 [View]
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>Stop inviting them.
>The only solution is to bar them entry and increase exclusivity.

Gatekeeping is a good thing

This is where 4chan can shine.
I'm sure there are females on this board but they don't bring attention to the fact.
We need to promote quality fantasy, and more obscure or underappreciated works

>> No.14293416 [View]
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Based books about aesthetics ?

>> No.13815209 [View]
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What is, in your opinion, the ultimate road map of philosophy? Where to start, where to finish, and everything in between.

>> No.11383927 [View]
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No, it was a book about a godly fisherman who used a roustabout to test his faith, and ultimately became what he feared most in the world--only to be violently devoured by the folkish inhuman sea-things that consume all lost fisherman, no matter who they are or what they've done.

What do I look like I want to be, some Ill-advised DFW clone? Dude was a hack.

>> No.11373367 [View]
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>> No.11323118 [View]
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>> No.9122564 [View]
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>> No.9090490 [View]
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>he's choosing to convey his ideas through literature instead of manga or a visual format

>> No.8388802 [View]
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Sup /lit/izens?
I'm looking for a book(or a couple) which comprehensively describes the history of western literature chronologically, preferably written by a professor who knows his shit and writes for academia and not for pleb normies, so rec me something along these lines please.

>> No.7031054 [View]
File: 1.80 MB, 3564x2097, The Souls of Acheron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6942326 [View]
File: 1.62 MB, 3564x2097, Adolf Hiremy-Hirschl - The Souls of Acheron (1898).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6582381 [View]
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Post your favorite passage from your favorite book as well as your favorite painting.

Mais, quand d’un passé ancien rien ne subsiste, après la mort des êtres, après la destruction des choses, seules, plus frêles mais plus vivaces, plus immatérielles, plus persistantes, plus fidèles, l’odeur et la saveur restent encore longtemps, comme des âmes, à se rappeler, à attendre, à espérer, sur la ruine de tout le reste, à porter sans fléchir, sur leur gouttelette presque impalpable, l’édifice immense du souvenir.
Et dès que j’eus reconnu le goût du morceau de madeleine trempé dans le tilleul que me donnait ma tante (quoique je ne susse pas encore et dusse remettre à bien plus tard de découvrir pourquoi ce souvenir me rendait si heureux), aussitôt la vieille maison grise sur la rue, où était sa chambre, vint comme un décor de théâtre.

>> No.6559161 [View]
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Hey /lit/, I don't consider myself well read or too knowledgeable when it comes to literature but I thought maybe we could post some authors we enjoy and make recommendations to people based on them. You can even recommend writers that are the polar opposite of one if you'd like.

some I like in no order are

Flannery O'Connor
Soren Kierkegaard
Walker Percy
Gene Wolfe
Viktor Frankl

>> No.6515239 [View]
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Hermes in Hades

>> No.6392592 [View]
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You are getting closer to your own death

What are some books that deal heavily with death?

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