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>> No.6353801 [View]
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Is this meant to be an insult against Stirner? Because he'd most likely think it was funny.

>> No.6345100 [View]
File: 66 KB, 400x469, bruno_bauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you demolish your teacher on a regular basis
>tfw everyone goes quite and the teacher starts sweating when you put your hand
>tfw the only male in the class room
>when your shit is cash and you're so smug the proffesor keeps telling you if you're not careful you'll get cocky and fail
>you never do

Haha, fuck you Mr. Dando. I only took Sociology as an extra joke class and I demolished you, who spent your life studying it, on a regular basis.

>> No.6329375 [View]
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>I almost liked you too.

Your hate is my property, my dear modern. But I have no problem violating your love because it is not sacred to me.

>> No.6298740 [View]
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Stirner had quite a hard life. His Mother fell gravely ill and he had to look after her from a young age. Then his first wife died in childbirth, and then his second wife divorced him after he spent her inheritance. After the Ego and its Own, he was pretty penniless, and spent the rest of his life moving house to avoid creditors he couldn't pay back. After spending a short spell in prison for his debts, he was stung by an insect and died. Out of all his so called friends, noly Bruno Bauer showed up to his funeral.

But despire all that, its impossible to scry whether or not he was happy, because we're talking about a man who live 175 years ago. He never spoke about the subject. He never inteded to be edgy though, he's more a joker personality. Someone who laughs at the world rather than despise it.

>> No.6286700 [View]
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Bruno Bauer was the best looking of the Young Hegelians though.

>> No.6282388 [View]
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How utterly insane does one have to be to think people can "steal" their thoughts? Here's an idea; write your fucking book.

>> No.6229646 [View]
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Considering that Stirner and Bruno Bauer would just stand against the wall smoking cigars and watching the chaos. Plato would probably attempt pederasty on Bruno because who wouldn't, he was so fucking handsome when he was young.

>> No.6203051 [View]
File: 66 KB, 400x469, bruno_bauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Fascist, Nationalist, Humanist and "God Fearing" Christian,

Why should I, the Newhalf, or "trap" as you call it, bend to your will? You call me the Satanist, the seflish the degenerate - all the names that roam the Earth under the blue sky. You demand that I bend to the will of the "Nation", "the White Race", "Masculinity" and - "Piety". But each of these *labels* is just as selfish, Satanist and degenerate as I - for each of them pusues nothing but their own - *will*. They wish for nothing for nothing more than the completion of their own ego. Why should I not wish for the same? I am the closest to *me*, the unique, the creative nothing from which the *world* bubbles up from my side of the *cornea.*

The Fascist kneels on the ground and throws his hands up to the blue sky; "For heaven's sake!" he cries! "Why do these *degenerates* plague the Earth so, when there is a Nation to satisfy, to make Strong! Trily the day will come when these *profligates* will hang from the trees!". At this, my dear Fascist, I laugh in your face, and pose the question; why should I sacrifice *my* will for the good of the Nation, for the *ego* of the Nation? The Nation and me are in opposition; I want one thing, the nation wants another. Both me and the nation bare one comminality; we both wish to take *my* body as our property. We are foes, enemies; and so far as it is in my power, I will exert my might to retain dominance over my body, this *flsh golem* that I, as the Unique One, shape as I see fit.

You ragamuffins call the *criminal*, the *profligate* against your "Nation of Spooks". I simply laugh in your face and call you fools; take my body if you want it so! But the fact remains *I* exist, and the fact remains that to sacrifice your own *will* for the "Nation's" is treason against yourself. We're *all* traitors and vagabonds, the differece between me and you, my dear Hitlerite, is that I am a traitor against the Nation, while *you* are a traitor against *you*.

Is this a legitimate defence for "transexualism"?

>> No.6193259 [View]
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>implying capitalists aren't actually Priests of Entropy
>implying they don't believe the total heat death of the universe is the ultimate gaol of everything and seek accelerate it by consuming everything and shitting out subgradiated forms of energy

>> No.6184321 [View]
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>you will never be as handsome as Bruno Bauer

>> No.6143990 [View]
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How does one become a "warrior-poet" in this day and age?

>> No.6129623 [View]
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There's a photograph floating around but I've heard (and am inclined to believe) it isn't actually him. I prefer the cast of Hippel's Wine Bar being drawings, it enhances their character so much.

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