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>> No.22831564 [View]
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What are your thoughts on the advantages of analogue reading over digital reading?

>> No.22177044 [View]
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Why can't bug people understand that e-readers are just an extension of the screen technology that is already dominating every single minute of their waking hours and that the point of physical books is to create a barrier between the screen machinery and them?
That novels are not the passtime it was centuries ago for recluses and the intellectual elite but the last haven for the focused mind?

>> No.22161303 [View]
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Do you think E-readers will ever replace the experience of holding a book with your own hands?

>> No.21903387 [View]
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An empty e-reader

>> No.21895911 [View]
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Why read books when screen scrolling is just easier?

>> No.21830059 [View]
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People are letting screens invade every space of their lives. Sacrificing every bit of personal territory in the name of comfort.
Because E-readers are not meant to serve you. They are meant to train you. They train your eyes and they train your mind. Think about it. You are always looking at some screen. Be it computers, phones and televisions, for work and entertainment. Why give to screens the already limited time off-line that you own?
It's really sad hearing that third worlders and poor people in civilized countries use E-readers and their government encourages them in the name of digital literacy and the fight for equality of opportunities. But the only thing they have in mind is creating cattle, more screen addicts. Easier to pander to, distract, and keep unfocused. Weakening their will and making pacify their spirits.
Use real books. Be real

>> No.21810930 [View]
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I think reading is meant to be something deeply personal, time consuming and not entirely fulfilling.
It should be like cutting off your legs and forcing yourself to watch a painting until something clicks with you and you start noticing things your previous walking self would not have realized.
But with E-readers all these elements disappear. That's why e-reading is not real reading. You are looking at a screen, which you already do with your non-reading time, giving away this right to privacy. Your right to spatial and virtual inmediacy and permanency (you are always interlinked to the web). In the name of endless entertainment (I CAN CARRY 4000 EBOOKS ON MY PHONE YAY! ). Looking online terms in a second while tricking yourself into thinking you are more educated than before.
This is in part because reading is not meant to be that good. That's why you find "people" listening to music while they "read" or "enhacing the experience" by later watching a movie in a similar genre to the book they are reading.
None of this adds up to the book. Quite the opposite. It takes away from it. From the actual significant, serious, often demanding and sometimes painful experience of actual reading.

>> No.21552016 [View]
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These people are not reading. They are scrolling. It's really sad to hear from fully grown people with developed brains say that it's easier to focus when reading from an e-book. Which means their minds have been rewired from childhood to pay more attention to screens than to anything else, be it a television screen, a computer screen or the screen of an smartphone.
It would not be so harmfull if it weren't so deceiving on the idea that digital reading, in fact, is reading, when all they are doing is just letting another screen take whatever is left from their - free - time.

>> No.21235300 [View]
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I can't get over the fact that fully grown people are so conditioned to look at screens that the only way they can read a book is in its electronic format. It's the about the weight of the book, not about the size of the word or the condition of the pages but about the medium. About the shiny screen that eats half of your free time and now endangers any moment of solitary peace and reflection left in your life.
Imagine the premiere of a Starwars movie with the opening crawl lasting 2 hours. That's the future of the book and the consequences of reading digitally.
People looking at screens thinking they are doing anything else other than wasting their time because let's face it. You are not reading.

>> No.21211977 [View]
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>let me take a break from reading to make a quick shitpost
>bro, i've reading so mucg lately while still being permanently online. I freaking love e-readers.

>> No.21064990 [View]
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>> No.21014639 [View]
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This can't possibly be considered reading

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