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>> No.21914408 [View]
File: 10 KB, 461x282, My Poem Of Heroes Philosophy Feels Good Mane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche's ideas developed over the course of his writings with many things developing in detail and some outright changing into different things. The Eternal Recurrence is most commonly seen in modern times as a "thought experiment" that Nietzsche came up with. In reality, ER was viewed by Nietzsche not only as a very real thing that can exist (keeping in mind the concept of the universe circa late 1800's where they believed it was eternal and static) and also as a religious idea/ideal, just like with the Ubermensch being Nietzsche's "what would Jesus do" where you weren't ever supposed to actually become the Ubermensch but instead view it as a never ending goal to reach higher and higher for mankind with each man and generation shooting his shot (throwing his spear or shooting his bow as the analogy goes) to constantly better mankind and society perpetually.

One thing you learn very quickly when reading Nietzsche for yourself is how crude and flat out bullshit a lot of his ideas are typically "interpreted" in modern times and also how in depth a lot of his shit is, with a lot of double/triple meanings and concepts that change over time due to him developing them more over his writings. This, combined with the fact that he doesn't offer a "doctrine" or ideology of "do this to be good, don't do this so you wont be bad" type of shit but instead preaches that by living and experiencing life and interacting with the world naturally, confronting it heroically is the true foundation for knowledge, development and even things like morality itself. - It may be very difficult to wrap your head around all of that if you never really read Nietzsche because he pretty much goes against virtually all of modern philosophy (hence the hate). Just remember that it is through (You) and the betterment and constant overcoming of your own struggles do you gain true knowledge and wisdom, not by reading some nerd book cope.

To Nietzsche, reading shit like philosophy done properly is to read it to gain insights and to challenge oneself, not to go looking for someone else to tell you what to do or believe in. If you are going to let someone tell you how to live and learn, let it be Nietzsche, because unlike most philosophers and ideological assholes, he teaches you to philosophize not with reading and writing, but instead with a hammer.

Off topic poem I wrote months ago for shits and giggles that I think fits in with the feels.

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