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>> No.7494267 [View]
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>> No.7452931 [View]
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>> No.7271000 [View]
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C'mon nigga

>> No.7085542 [View]
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herp a derp le it's 2015 meme XD

>> No.7082235 [View]
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>a delusion

you even trying?

>> No.7055553 [View]
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>> No.7052654 [View]
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stirner is just a convenient way to brush everything that challenging or uncertain under the rug of ego, ala pomo, except it's muh spooks instead of muh social constructs.

stirnerfags like to shoot back "he's not saying these things don't exist, he's just saying to be aware of their influence and to not let abstractions dictate your behavior!" time out breh, you mean critical thinking skills are a requisite to being a healthy and stable individual? FINAL BOSS OF PHILOSOPHY I TELLS YA

>> No.7037263 [View]
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so basically it took him all those words to say "sometimes a system can be defined by something external to it as opposed to its rules and axioms"

much insight such pomo

>> No.7008716 [View]
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>> No.6990926 [View]
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No point in writing this grand literary work if you're too scared to show it off. Would rather have someone shoot it down early or force me to change the story trajectory or w/e than spend years nursing a turd.

>> No.6990664 [View]
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>wanting to read books about your fetish

get a hobby nigger

>> No.6958983 [View]
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>muh suffering
>muh pain is bad
>muh consent

congratulations, you've abstracted real life to the point that wanting to avoid inflicting pain and distress on living beings is "ideology". you think you're so smart using that word. fucking faggot pomos and their meme buzzwords

>> No.6933281 [View]
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>lemme just lift cushions to get big
>can someone explain to me why the logic in this picture is flawed?

you couldn't be more out of touch with life if you tried

>> No.6893358 [View]
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>god delusion

>> No.6882881 [View]
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you're a clown dude. you have no idea what any one of us is trying to say

so this vast, intricate system that's just a "lot of math" blipped into being because...

where did the math come from? how do we have a concept of 1, let alone 1+1=2? why is this random quantum fart of a reality so well-ordered that i can be posting this right now and not just swimming a soup of particles for eternity?

you can say the universe just 'is', but why is it the way it is?

>> No.6878519 [View]
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shut up you spergy faggot

>> No.6853922 [View]
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Yo dead ass right now. Fuck Islam

>> No.6835559 [View]
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fuckin 4chan man a nigga cant even mention his sister without some weirdo piping up "WELL GENTLESIR IT CUD BE YOUR SISTER WANTS SUM FUK"

>> No.6826725 [View]
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>defining yourself by a personality test

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