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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.13316046 [View]
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>A trumpet, spreading a wondrous sound
>Through the graves of all lands,
>Will drive mankind before the throne.
>Death and Nature shall be astonished
>When all creation rises again
>To answer to the Judge.
>A book, written in, will be brought forth
<In which is contained everything that is,
>Out of which the world shall be judged.
>When therefore the Judge takes His seat
>Whatever is hidden will reveal itself.
>Nothing will remain unavenged.
>What then shall I say, wretch that I am,
>What advocate entreat to speak for me,
>When even the righteous may hardly be secure?

>> No.11245885 [View]
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I-I never even went to university. B-been working in a factory since I was 16.

>> No.11033752 [View]
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>he's dead
It's not fair

>> No.10961451 [View]
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Gypsies are genuinely terrible though.
>They stole my bike when I was ten

>> No.9947354 [DELETED]  [View]
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>numbers 12:1-10
Is racemixing God approved? Big if true...

>> No.9683055 [View]
File: 7 KB, 250x242, pepecantdoitanymore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw thinking of you crying

>> No.29366 [DELETED]  [View]
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>tfw the gym twink stole my manuscript that was going to change aesthetics as we know it

>> No.9028223 [View]
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>tfw you will never be bound in a nutshell

>> No.9008917 [View]
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>the battle of thermopylae

>> No.8980484 [View]
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"I am used to something sweet. Raisins, fine ones... take them all!"

Liek dis if you cri erv tiem

>> No.8952061 [View]
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>> No.8935380 [View]
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>tfw no Gerasim

>> No.8898428 [DELETED]  [View]
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>tfw dog knocked spaghetti all over my books

>> No.8309229 [View]
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>transported to ancient Greece
>oh shit I don't know which on is Socrates
>walk up to the oldest dude there, that's probably scrotes
>shit I don't know Greek
>try to argue through charades
>get arrested
>I'm a slave now
>Socrates walks in
>starts pounding my boipucci

>> No.7363704 [View]
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For too long I have been redpilled by the filth that is /pol/...

I want to go back to being an obedient worker class subordinate again so that I can stop being an edgy NEET and get a real job.

Any books I can read that can help with that? How do I convince myself to accept the fact I will be a low paid wageslave for the rest of my life and its not the fault of the jews?

>> No.6608379 [View]
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>yes, you, the shut-in, anime-watching, socially-phobic, waste of time, who'll get stuck with a safe and secure job you'll hate until retirement
>who'll get stuck with a safe and secure job you'll hate until retirement
i was following until that

>> No.6562866 [View]
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>yfw just because you arent an atheist doesnt mean you cant be a neckbeard

>> No.6538187 [View]
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Dont do this man....

>> No.6504301 [View]
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Right in the feeler.

>> No.6449106 [View]
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>> No.6028317 [View]
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This is why I don't read reviews on Goodreads. It gets me depressed.

Hold me anon, hold be tight.
It's also fascinating that people say it isn't moral. Yea, it doesn't have to be you tasteless fuck.

>> No.6020321 [View]
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English literature is my passion, I want nothing more than to study it and publish a book, but I'm leaning towards a STEM major because one day I want to have a family of my own that I can support and I would feel unfulfilled having my work go unpublished and being an English teacher.

Feels bad man

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