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>> No.22784001 [View]
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>> No.21720571 [View]
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imagine being so disconnected to what makes one human that the very idea that people produce for anything besides a profit is just simply unimaginable to you

>> No.21685478 [View]
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>The marxist video game list
Oh yeah that's some real rare and treasured knowledge

>> No.20950536 [View]
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this is such a throughly terrible thread

>> No.20912447 [View]
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>If you're attacking Stalin gtfo, the man was an ardent communist and got closer to establishing world communism than anyone else

> In our country, the sphere of operation of the law of value extends, first of all, to commodity circulation, to the ex-change of commodities through purchase and sale, the ex-change, chiefly, of articles of personal consumption. Here, in this sphere, the law of value preserves, within certain limits, of course, the function of a regulator.

>But the operation of the law of value is not confined to the sphere of commodity circulation. It also extends to production. True, the law of value has no regulating function in our socialist production, but it nevertheless influences production, and this fact cannot be ignored when directing production. As a matter of fact, consumer goods, which arc needed to compensate the labour power expended in the process of production, are produced and realized in our country as commodities coming under the operation of the law of value. It is precisely here that the law of value exercises its influence on production. In this connection, such things as cost accounting and profitableness, production costs, prices, etc., are of actual importance in our enterprises. Consequently, our enterprises cannot, and must not, function without taking the law of value into account.

nice "communism" you've got there faggot

>> No.19490122 [View]
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>You slander Calasso?
I have read all of Calasso's works excluding those focused on publishing. Your interpretation of Cadmus and Harmony is absolutely bizarre and entirely detached from the text. The most obvious case of ideology blinding its host from reality.
>I’ll make my own judgments once I finish it. It doesn’t matter.
Infantile, maybe you should consider finishing a text before making bold statements about it
>Women and men are not property.
Wes well in the Bronze and Classical Greek eras, they absolutely were, and that's absolutely reflected in their myths.

>> No.19338436 [View]
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I need to write a public policy essay for university and all of the topics are such neoliberal tripe. My eyes are rolling into the back of my head reading them. The essay is meant to be in response to a variety of Foreign Policy articles from the last year with topics like "The United States is facing a demographic crises, we can stay ahead by importing another 50 million Guatemalans", or "Climate Change is the Apocalypse, but Private Companies may Provide the Solution!" or better yet, "Covid-19 is Here to Stay Because our Draconian Policies Didn't Work; That's Why we Have to be TWICE as Severe when the Next Strain Emerges!"

And I fucking know my prof is a neoliberal who would give me a shit grade for setting any record straight and I need him for an academic reference just kill me

>> No.18627999 [View]
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America's racial psychosis is rooted in its dehumanizing fetishism and its codependency. American race relations deeply disgust me on a visceral level, and now my own country is fallen prey to them as well.

>> No.17747104 [View]
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Twitter is one of the most irrelevant social media websites on the internet and I cringe out of my fucking skin whenever people pretend it has any influence on anything in the real world. The only thing that made that hellhole relevant was Donald Trump's account, and it did not extend past that- none of his hanger-ons or detractors on Twitter became relevant as well. People on Twitter think people outside Twitter knows what goes on on that website- we literally don't care. I'm a dude that spends a fuck ton of time online in spheres adjacent to Twitter and even I don't know or give a fuck what account said what. No zoomers are on Twitter, it's literally only millenials because Twitter reached its zenith when they were still relatively young and they haven't realized how fucking passe they are for still using it.
The idea that Frog Twitter had ANY impact on the 2016 election is the most preposterous thing I've ever heard. Twitter's audience is a tiny echo chamber. No one saw any of their Epic Trump memes. No one gives a fuck if Kantbot and BAP are in a gay ass feud.
How the fuck is Twitter going to make kids illiterate, there are no fucking kids on Twitter, it's washed up 30 year olds vastly overestimating their own clout. Absolutely embarrassing

>> No.17322054 [View]
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I'm really, REALLY fucking interested in hearing the relatable & humanizing takes an affluent white liberal woman with tenure must have on modern America. If there's one demographic that we haven't heard from but desperately need to, that's the one. Sterile, white female academics with scorching takes on how normal people live.

>> No.16528840 [View]
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Your two reasons to stay with her (she's nice, I might regret it) are vastly overshadowed by your reasons you should break up with her (A "power imbalance, resentment for taking your youth, her having fucked around during her youth and now trying to tie you down for her benefit more than yours)
You hate to see a young man who in another time might have had the chance to be an explorer or champion be stifled by a the -threat- of regret rather than living a vital and spontaneous life.
Not my problem, enjoy your "power imbalance" with your old and very experienced "equal partner" (and child of another man you adopted rather than siring your own)

>> No.16488894 [View]
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>His rise can be directly traced to the decay of American capitalism
Jesus Christ you people are so fucking myopic

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