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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.2147227 [View]
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>dresden files
>implying everybody and his mother hasn't at least heard of this "urban wizard" bullshit and doesn't know what it's about

>> No.2071554 [View]
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>no mean feet

>> No.2057388 [DELETED]  [View]
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>mfw my kindle will never warp no matter how humid it is and I don't have to spend money on a bookshelf or dumbass humidifier

>> No.2009129 [View]
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>mfw at first I read this as, "list of sexually attractive popes"

>> No.1961897 [View]
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>joyce's face when he basically just wrote LOL RANDOM bullshit before /b/ existed and the literary community lapped it up like the sheep they are, just because he was already an acclaimed author

>> No.1941679 [View]
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>mfw I'm a soldier and I read a war/military story by someone who has never served

if you are a writer, please don't fucking do this. either join the service for practical experience or find some other shit that interests you, because you just cannot pull it off. even writers who /have/ served in militaries often come off as try hard (I'm knife-handing at you, robert heinlein), so it's really a doomed effort for you, someone who hasn't even been through basic training, to try and understand how soldiers think.

every time I happen upon this kind of nonsense, I think "get a load of this fucking guy, what a cheesedick" (cheesedick = weeaboo for the military, who has never served and just wants to be tacticool) and it's ridiculous to read about the YES SERGEANT!!!!!!!!! super loud private, and other garbage that was portrayed by the media in the 80s.

mark twain said "write what you know". while I think a better statement is "write what you can know", ie write about something that you can reasonably understand through vigorous research or whatever means necessary, soldiering is too distinct a culture for civilians to understand. it's easy to tell when privates have just graduated basic training because of how newfag they still act, and they're soldiers. you are not a soldier. you have less understanding of military thought than a basic trainee.

>> No.1928014 [View]
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>mfw I read like 40 pages in and all that happened was descriptions of clothing and people bitching about the homeless

movie confirmed for 1000x better than book, I can even put up with palahniuk, but this fucking guy

the sad part is bret easton ellis makes himself seem just as fucking annoying and vapid as bateman via twitter, he has the hugest case of "sarcastic trendy homosexual" I have ever seen, which often means veiled dissatisfaction with oneself

I predict suicide by age 50, and good riddance

>> No.1908805 [View]
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>considered a hero everywhere I go
lol no, random handshakes and people buying you a drink in redneck towns doesn't equal "hero everywhere you go"


>200k per year security contractor

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH at ease wannabe-private, trolling is not authorized

>I fuck bitches just because of my uniform
I have been in the army for a year and haven't had sex in six. Unless you have an outgoing personality aka ALPHA AS FUCK, you cannot randomly just "fuck bitches", and contrary to civilian belief, not all soldiers are jock meatheads. I am an aspie faggot who reads books all day, I don't even look like I'm in the army. all you have to be able to do is a lot of pushups, situps, and run fast. none of that requires a lot of muscle mass.

>how do you feel about that

I feel like you're retarded, there's a reason females ride permanent PT profiles: because they have no other prospects, so they treat the army like welfare. employers don't give a fuck about your military experience unless you also have the skills to perform the job, especially PMCs, they don't just hire average joes. you have to actually be good at something.

tl;dr OP is a troll and a fag

>> No.1903526 [View]
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typical cliche pseudomedieval milieu + black-and-white morality, (the author is even a mormon,) I liked this shit when I was a teenager, but then I grew the fuck up

this was before the third book came out. later when well of ascension hit the local library I thought hey I'll get back to that interesting little series about the metallic magic that I never finished

>read first page
>realize I had shit taste in literature, brander sanderson's ilk is everything wrong with fantasy and what the fuck was I thinking
>throw book back on shelf, don't care if it's damaged

of course you're free to like whatever you want, but you asked for opinions

>> No.1901011 [View]
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>mfw I have yet to hear a convincing argument against solipsism

but this isn't /phi/, so I don't care to hear one either

>> No.1890099 [View]
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I am a 14J Air Defense Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence Tactical Operations Center Enhanced Operator/Maintainer.

A lot less cool that it sounds, mostly entails making radios in the back of a truck go BEEP BEEP BOOP all day. And cleaning. Lots of cleaning.

Don't know if I want to stay in the service until retirement, planning on reclassing to 92M Mortuary Affairs Specialist if there are any slots open when I reup, then studying mortuary science and becoming a mortician/funeral director in the civilian world. Also, I write speculative fiction and regularly daydream about how awesome it would be to write fiction for a living instead of marching around sand world in camouflage all day.

Such is the life of a dilettante private first class.

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