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>> No.6208872 [View]

Noel Ignatiev, a Harvard Jewish Supremacist and author of "Race Traitor", has also openly called for abolishing the White race. These Marxist Jewish supremacists figure that if they can put the Aryan Whites out of business, then their mostly Turkic Caucasian ethnic sub-group will reign supreme over the World Government that is to come. Already, Jewish supremacists like Silverstein have gained control over so much of America's news media, Hollywood, academia, and the major banking institutions. Just Google "Jewish media" and "Jewish Hollywood" or "Jewish bankers"."

George understood immediately: "Oh my God! You're right Clarence. Of course. A hateful Race War is being waged against us White people, and we don't even know it! We are so brainwashed and preoccupied with White Guilt that we cannot see that it is we who, throughout history, have been targetted for mass murder and elimination! And these genocidal Marxists have also been instigating other races against us! 'Diversity' is a code word for divide and conquer, and 'Anti-racism' is a code word for anti-White!' "

>> No.6208871 [View]

"You see George, most people of all races are decent folks who go to work and mind their own business. But every race, including Caucasians, has its intolerant members. Ethnic bigotry can infect people of any race. Just like there are White bigots, there are also Black bigots, Chinese bigots, and yes, even Jewish bigots, mostly descendants of the Turkic Khazars. Black racists refer to Whites as 'crackers'. Hispanic racists refer to Whites as 'gringos'. Jewish racists refer to Whites as 'goy' and to White women as 'shiksas'. That's where the slang terms "guy" and "chick" come from. And even some of the peaceful Asians are getting in on the anti-Whitism. Chinese-American author Amy Chua, the so-called 'Tiger Mom" had an article published in the Wall Street Journal which carried the insulting headline: "Why Chinese Mothers are Superior."

The Jewish Supremacist will claim to be "White", so that he may subvert Whites from within. Just like Professor Silverstein, Jewish Supremacist Tim Wise of Tulane, author of 'White Like Me', has called for the end of the White race.

>> No.6208867 [View]
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"Who is behind the anti-Whitism of the modern world? Who is covering up the undeniable facts you have shown me? And why? To what end? The media is always harping about racism. Racism this! Racism that! Hollywood and our schools are just as obsessed. People like Professor Silverstein are only fixated on white racism. If a black commits a violent crime against a white, you hardly hear about it. But when a White says something even mildly inappropriate, it's front page news! From the time I was a child, I recall anti-racism hysteria constantly being thrown in my face. Why Clarence? Why do Whites like Silverstein constantly rub our noses in it? And what's with all the 'dumb blonde' jokes?' "

"George. Of what ethnic nationality is Silverstein?" Clarence responded.

"Well. He's Jewish. And he's constantly reminding us about how his dad, his grandparents, two of his uncles, and three of his aunts were all 'Holocaust survivors'. I think even his dad's dog was a Holocaust survivor' ." George chuckled.

>> No.6208864 [View]

Clarence went on to lecture the broken and depressed young man for seven days straight. He covered everything. History, science, economics, philosophy, art, literature, fine music, architecture, medicine, politics, agriculture, religion, and all the creations and contributions that the Caucasian peoples had made in every conceivable field of human endeavor. George listened closely to every word. He felt like a man who had been reborn.
"Clarence. You have enriched me more than all the gold in the world could. If any angel deserved his wings, it's you my dear friend. But there is one thing that I still don't understand Clarence."

"And what's that George?"


>> No.6208861 [View]

George began to feel sick in both his body and his mind. He could now see where his current world was heading and it upset him deeply. George became violently ill. He bent over and began vomiting.

"You've been given a great gift George.....a chance to see what the world would have been like without your people. You see George. Your father was right. You really had a wonderful race. Don't you see what a foolish mistake it is to be ashamed and guilty about your own people, and to let them just die out? This cold and brutal place is what the world would be like without the creative spark of Edison and Ford and Pasteur and Marconi. No great scientists, or mathematicians, or inventors or fine artists. No Archimedes, no Aristotle, no Socrates, no Alexander, no Renaissance, no Newton, no Kepler, no Goddard, no Mendel, no Tesla, no Faraday, no Guttenberg, no Shakespeare, no Dickens, no Twain, no Mozart, no Beethoven, no Da Vinci, no Michelangelo, no Galileo, no Copernicus. No Venice, no Paris, no Lisbon, no Madrid, no Zurich, no Berlin, no St. Petersburg, no Budapest, no Rome, no Milan, no Vienna, no London, no New York, no Rio, no Sydney. No orchestras, no museums, no universities, no hospitals, no libraries, no theaters, no radio, no books, no television, no electricity, no refrigeration, no heating, no plumbing, no houses, no steel, no stadiums, no vaccines, no cars, no planes, no trains, no ships, no dentists, no surgeons, no computers, no telephones, and most important - there's no creative genius to be found that could create and sustain such a high level of civilization. There's nothing for the people of this world to build upon. It's just a daily struggle for subsistence. A brutal planet where the few people who aren't mired in eternal ignorance and darkness have reached their peak of civilization and are advancing no further."

>> No.6208856 [View]

Ancient White mariners evidently dropped some "seeds" among the Negro population of the Solomon islands. Long before modern British explorers discovered the island, the frequency of straight haired blonde or redhead natives has varied between 5 - 10 %. Of course, as with the red and blonde haired mummies, modern "scientists" attribute this to some "anomaly".

George was speechless.

Clarence continued: "It's always been the same old story George. Whites build a civilization. Then they come into contact with another race. The other race benefits from contact with the Whites. Over the course of a few centuries, the races blend into a new hybrid race. The Whites then diminish in number and influence as the civilization stagnates. In some cases, such as the Huns, Incans, Amerindians, and Mongols, malevolent envy will drive the colored and/or hybrid race to actually turn on the remaining original Whites, physically murdering off the White males, and then 'stealing their genes' by rape-mating with the White women. Finally, to add insult to injury, the hybrid and colored races then claim credit for the historical achievements of the very people that they either blended out or genocided! And woe to any honest researcher who attempts to point out these inconvenient truths...for he will be branded as a 'racist.' "

>> No.6208851 [View]

"I can't believe this Clarence! I mean...I do believe it...but I can't believe it!!!"

"But wait! There's more George. I didn't tell you about the pyramids of southeastern Europe. There are pyramids in Bosnia that are as much as 30% taller than the largest one in Egypt. Oh, and did I mention the Ziggurat pyramids of Iran and Iraq? And then there were the Solutreans, the original ancient White settlers of North America who also disappeared, murdered off by by the ancestors of todays 'Native Americans'......and the Ainu, an ancient Caucasian people whose legends claim that their ancestors arrived in Japan long before the Mongoloid peoples displaced them. The historically persecuted Ainu people still have a slightly mixed- race remnant living on a Japanese island....And then there are the bright blonde and red headed black natives of the Solomon islands, yet another reminder of a lost people whose genetic remnants serve as a living testament to their ancient existence."

>> No.6208848 [View]
File: 16 KB, 220x218, mummy7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"My brain is overloading Clarence. Pyramids and White mummies in China......pyramids and White mummies in South America.....pyramids and White mummies in Egypt. UN-BE-LIEVEABLE!!!"

"But that's not all George! There was a 9,000 year old mummy found in Nevada, wrapped in cloth that was very intricately woven. No one had previously known that it was possible to weave like that at that time."

"Mummies in North America too?!! You're killing me Clarence!"

"It's true George. Have a look at this news report from a local Nevada TV station."

>> No.6208844 [View]

"Keep going! You're on a roll George!"

"The Egytpians wrote by using heiroglyphic images.....and the pre-Spanish civilizations wrote by using heiroglyphic images....and,...... and it's not that far of a boat ride from northwest Africa to the easternmost part of South America. It's the shortest, and the calmest, part of the Atlantic Ocean. A good size reed vessel could do it!" said George with great excitement.

He went on: "Pyramids, mummies, reed boats, heiroglyphics, bows and arrows, even similarities in their social structures and religions. You mark my words Clarence, one of these days some blonde and red haired White mummies will be discovered in Peru! Wait and see!"

Clarence handed his laptop to George and said: "Uh, George. They already have. Google: White Peruvian mummies will you please."

"No way! Don't tell me.......OH - MY - GOD!!! .....I was right! Ancient White mummies in Peru!"

George dropped the laptop, put his face in his hands, and dropped to his knees. Emotion and exhaustion had overcome him.

Inca / Maya / Aztec and Egypt: So many similarities.

pic: White Peruvian mummies match those in Egypt and China.

>> No.6208842 [View]

"Why George! That's the first independent critical thought that I've heard come out of your mouth! In fact, the Incan religion does teach that their 'God' killed off the evil White giants. Very good George! Now, tell me how you came to your conclusions George."

"Well, think about it Clarence. The Egyptians built pyramids.... and the American civilizations built pyramids!"

"Continue" Clarence said.

"The Egyptians mummified their dead rulers and placed them in pyramids with their possessions. ....and the Incans and Aztecs mummified their dead rulers and placed them in pyramids with their possessions."

"Excellent! What else?" asked Clarence.

"The Egyptians sailed in reed boats.....and the Incas sailed in reed boats."

"You have cracked the code my son! What else?"

George continued: "The Egyptians used bows and arrows.....and the pre-Spanish civilizations used bows and arrows."

>> No.6208839 [View]
File: 15 KB, 300x214, Wariruins.jpg.w300h214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the Spanish Conquistadors arrived in the 16th century, The "Cloud Warriors", as well as many of the colored natives, eagerly joined forces with the Spaniards. Native tribespeople saw the Spaniards as the returning "White Gods", come to liberate them from brutal Incan and Mayan oppressors, who would often practice human sacrifices on the oppressed natives." .

"Wow. Just wow!" said George. "You know what Clarence?"

"What's that George?".

"I bet an offshoot of the Egyptians, or maybe a lost White civilization pre-dating the Egyptians, brought civilization to this part of the world! The Incans, Mayans, and Aztecs copied the White template, then blended out or killed out the original Whites." George theorized. "Just like the Huns and that mass murderer Genghis Khan did to the Aryans of the Far East!"

Clarence was impressed with his student's progress.

>> No.6208836 [View]

"Sit down my friend, and Iet me tell you about the Incas, Mayans, and Aztecs."

George sat down upon a stone and gave Clarence his full attention.

"Incan and Mayan legends both clearly tell about a race of white skinned, blonde and red haired, blue eyed 'giants' who taught the local people how to settle, farm and build. Just like the Indo-Aryans spurred the development of Far East civilizations, so too did these Whites bring civilization to Central and South America."

"But Clarence. That does sound possible. But how much faith can you put in local legends?" George asked.
"The local oral histories are just one piece of the puzzle George. There's much more. We also have the written accounts of the Spanish explorers, describing in great detail a remnant of gentle, blue-eyed, red and blonded haired White people, whose women were highly coveted by the Incan elite. The Incans had been unable to kill them off completely, but these Whites did eventually blend out. They were known as "The Cloud People" because their settlements were built high up in these Andes mountains. Clearly, they must have retreated to the mountains beacuse they lived in fear of the very Incan civilizations which they had spawned many centuries earlier."

Pic: A blue-eyed Incan mummy mask

>> No.6208832 [View]
File: 16 KB, 300x188, Amazonian88b.jpg.w300h188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A frustrated Clarence put his palm to his face, then glanced up towards Heaven: "There must be an easier way for me to earn my wings Lord."

As George neared the natives, one of them loaded his blow gun and ejected a poison dart at him.

"Ouch!" cried George, as the dart pierced his thigh.

Realizing that he was in trouble, George began to run away from the natives. They gave chase, shooting three more darts into George's back and buttocks.

"Clarence! Ow!...Clarence! Ouch! ...Clarence Ahhhh! Save me Clarence!"

Clarence grabbed hold of the dying young man, detoxicating him instantly with his magic touch before flying away to safety high atop the Andes mountains.

George fell asleep. When he awoke the next day, he asked Clarence: "Clarence. What is wrong with these people? I only wanted to make friends with the Incas. Is there anybody civilized on this God forsaken world?"

>> No.6208827 [View]

After walking through the jungle for about an hour or so, it began to get dark. George then asked Clarence for a flashlight so that he could see.
"Flashlight? Sorry George, but Thomas Edison was an evil White man too...and he was never born. There are some branches over there if you want to make a torch."
"Never mind that!" George shouted back.
Suddenly, George spotted some local tribesmen hunting nearby.

"Look Clarence! Incans! They can take us to the Emperor and introduce me!" shouted George as he ran to greet them.

"George! You don't want to that George. ....George!"

"Ola! Ola! ...Amigos! ....Come esta usted?" George yelled out in broken Spanish.

>> No.6208801 [View]

George and Clarence flew southeast across the Pacific Ocean, finally arriving in an abandoned mud hut in the midst of what George believed to be Incan territory. Ever the whiner, George immediately began to complain about the heat and humidity.
"Clarence, this hut is hot like an oven. I'm sweating up a storm here. Get me an air-conditioner please."
"Air-conditioner?" replied the angel. "There are no air-conditioners here. Air conditioning and refrigeration were inventions developed by an evil White man named Willis Carrier, who never existed now."
"What?! You mean to tell me that in the year 2012 that even the Incas still haven't figured out a way to keep their homes or their food cool?" a frustrated George asked.
"No George, they haven't..... And they never will."
"This is ridiculous. I can't keep living like this. Let's go to the main city to see the Emperor. He's probably hanging out at one the pyramids. Where's a car...Oh, I forgot...no cars! Dammit I'll walk. Let's go."

>> No.6208796 [View]

"So George, do you still believe that the world would have been better off if evil White men had never been born?"
Thunderstruck by the light of discovery, George glanced towards the stars, engrossed in deep thought. And yet, in spite of his new found knowledge, there still remained the flickers of that skeptical stubborn pride, which accompanies the neurotic conceit of a puffed up, psuedo-education. A new thought came to him and he burst out in a final arrogant challenge to his learned teacher.
"Aha! I've got it! Central and South America! Yes! How could I forget?! The Incas, the Mayans, the Aztecs! Since European racists like Columbus, Cortez and Pizzaro never existed, these great civilzations will still be there. By now they will surely have equalled or surpassed those of Europe. Let's go Clarence!"
"Uh, George. I don't think you want to go there my friend. You see..."
George interrupted: "Oh no you don't! Not this time you don't Clarence! Don't even try to stop me. You know I'm right on this one." With that, he clutched Clarence's magic coat tail and shouted: "Peru, here we come!"

"As you wish George."

>> No.6208791 [View]
File: 88 KB, 270x240, acting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Without the infusion of White genes and White civilization, the Orientals remained a simple people. They stopped being nomadic, but never got beyond a basic agricultural society. Far Eastern societies like China, Japan, and Korea became orderly and civil, but not having had contact with the evil western and Indian Aryans, their development reaches a high water mark and then stops. There are no Fuji films, or Toyotas, or Hyundais in this non White Asia. Even the former Ambassador of China to the United States once acknowledged the great influence that Indian civilization - which was Aryan - had upon China's historical development. Listen to this revealing admission George - from Chinese writer and former Ambassador to the USA, Hu Shih. ...Quote: 'India (Aryans) conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without having to send a single soldier across her border.' End quote."

>> No.6208786 [View]

Paintings depict blue eyed Mongol Emperors!

>> No.6208779 [View]
File: 20 KB, 300x225, P1060753.jpg.w300h225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"And yet, early Mongol Emperors retained some Aryan genes. Genghis Khan, who slaughtered many millions of Aryans and then personally raped many of their women, had green eyes and reddish hair. Even today, northern Chinese still posess traits such as height, square jaws, and in rare cases, blue eyes!"
"Holy cow! You're right Clarence! That basketball player Yao Ming is 7' 6" tall, and he looks part European! So, Clarence, without this Aryan influence, what becomes of the Chinese then?" asked George.

>> No.6208777 [View]
File: 30 KB, 350x281, whitepyramid1947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's more George. Have a look at the pyramids of China, massive structures MUCH LARGER than those of Egypt! Google: "White Pyramid of China."

"Pyramids in China? No way dude!"

George then viewed the awe inspiring great pyramids of China's isolated interior. In a state of shock, he then dropped the laptop.

"Oh my God! You're freaking me out!.....Wow! I can't believe this!!! I didn't know there were pyramids in China! That thing is huge! Why wasn't I ever taught about this in school? What happened to this White civilization Clarence? Where did this they disappear to?"

Clarence explained:

"The anti-Whites don't want you to know about this. And the Chinese are too proud to admit the Aryan influence upon their early civilization. In time, Caucasians made contact with the Mongoloids. More recent mummies begin to show Mongoloid features. This indicates that the Whites shared their creative discoveries with the Mongoloids, before being mass murdered and blended out of existence by maurading mixed race Turkic Huns and genocidal Mongols."

pic: The White Pyramid of China is as tall as the Empire State Building!

>> No.6208774 [View]
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"Aryans arrived in western China long before the Chinese did. Again the mummies tell the tale." Clarence explained.
"Mummies?! There are no mummies in China!" laughed George as he rolled his eyes.
"There most certainly are! 100's of them, as old as 4000 years, were discovered in China beginning in the 1980's. The mummification techniques were similar to how the Egyptians dried and mummified their dead. The oldest mummies are DNA-confirmed Whites, some with red hair and even blonde hair. One mummy is 6' 6" inches tall! Here, have a look at what is known as 'the Beauty of Loulan." That's her mummy on the left, and an image of what she would look like in real life on the right."
George took the laptop and gasped at the images. "They found her in China?"
"Yes! Google Chinese mummies George. There are plenty more to look at."

George's jaw dropped in stunned amazement as he looked at the images of blonde and red haired mummies of China.

>> No.6208766 [View]

"China! Yes China! Now you're busted Clarence! China's ancient civilization was as advanced as any White culture."
Clarence stared at George, and then smirked silently.
"Aw come on Clarence! You telling me that China is backwards too now because there of no Whites?"
"Absolutely. Not as bad as India, but there is no high civilization there either."
George sat down on the ground and shook his head. "At this point Clarence, nothing surprises me anymore. Go ahead angel. I'm all ears. Tell me about China. This ought to be good!"

>> No.6208761 [View]
File: 29 KB, 300x438, 91c76f510e4.jpg.w300h438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

George reflected upon Clarence's words.
"Hey. You know what Clarence?"
"What's that George."
"There is this kid in my math class named Sanjay. He is as fair skinned as I am, and he did say that he was from Rajasthan in northern India, and that his family was descended from Kings! ... Wow! You're right Clarence!"

"Aryan genes are rare now, but still present throughout all of Central Asia. Years ago there was a famous photo of an Aryan girl from Afghanistan on the cover of National Geographic." said Clarence.
"That's right! I've seen that image. She was beautiful, and she had these piercing green eyes. Wow. This is too weird."
George became worried. He knew he could never fit into the harsh primitive world he had been thrust into, and he was running out of lands! Suddenly he thought of China.

>> No.6208757 [View]

Its against anti-Whitism.

Nothing in this story is racist. Of course you'd jump to that conclusion at the mention of anything to do with being proud of white history.

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