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Search: >I should probably just make a pasta about this at this point

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>> No.12045489 [View]
File: 113 KB, 711x712, 9834508324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

before i get into these questions - as you might have guessed, i have all kinds of things to say about them - i need at least some kind of feedback on what >>12045325 has already asked.

it warrants repeating:

1) i *don't* own this.
2) i *am* an anon
3) i'm not a you.

i'm repeating this now. i would love to get into responses to these questions, because they are absolutely important and right in my wheelhouse. obviously i have feels about this (and frankly, you can probably guess what they are already).

but >>12045325 has said something important that i don't want to get away from just yet. i do like making the OPs in these threads, no doubt. i really do! it's fun. but i don't own this thing, and it's not my blog, and all the rest. if any other anons want to take over - or let it just fade - i'm fine with this. as i said, everything you need to make an OP later on has already become pasta, & the cruffitan liveth. this thing really isn't my blog, and i don't want to give the impression that i think it is, or that i own it, or whatever else.

i'm very open to taking a 24-hour break, or longer, tbqh. i have something like 30K words of schizo-ramble on a word-file that i would like to condense down into something like micro-essays, and they've all percolated up from these threads. i could not be happier with that! 'tis good times. and obviously i have a track list with about a dozen songs on it for future OPs, tumblr art, all the rest. i do not anticipate using them all, i just like putting it together. it's my thing, it's what i do. and i don't really have anywhere else to put it, and it probably should go into a blog, if not a paper.

Stop Fucking Each Other isn't an exclusively *literal* thing, obviously. it has an ethical dimension, that is, Don't Get Trigged. *try* not to get trigged. which, ofc, is an impossible task, given how life is on Planet Meme. even Clint Eastwood gets trigged sometimes. these are blog-thoughts.

so what i'm saying is, and i repeat, it isn't my blog, i own nothing, and i am no one. i am thinking that maybe it would actually be a good idea to let things take their course, and if anybody else wants to make a future OP - or not! - then it's all basically there at this point. behold the cruffitan
>that said i think you should rotate the pic in >>12032807 to be different cowboys, samurai, &c. that would be fun
>also Giorgio Moroder for the next Atmospherics section, he's cool. i'm thinking Tom's Diner. it's way cool. DJ Krush is always dope
>and put Land's bitcoin paper in the OP
>also update Aminom's section for his links
>hmm what else. oh yeah there was this one tumblr account. it's

okay? peace. impermanency. the co-created self-created golden braid. Marty Glass. Cosmopasta. cruffitan. all this. *just* this. okay? there, i've spoiled the ending.

>A path is made by walking on it. - Zhuangzi

>> No.11194765 [View]

You again?
How many times must you be told to ask /pol/ for /pol/'s interpretation or opinion on a particular topic, given that the answer:
>/pol/ is accusing the usual suspects of playing both sides of a given conflict
hasn't satisfied you yet?

>> No.11194721 [View]

OP here. You're all missing the point. I was referring to /pol/'s concept of the Hegelian dialectic
>I should probably just make a pasta about this at this point, Athism is a mix of marxism, nihilism, and Christianity and all bundled into one core idealogy which focuses its worship around the concept of the Hegelian Dialectic and solipsism, in which solipsism is selectively used to deny certain syllogisms and observable phenomena in the environment. Most athiest are Christians at heart, they have the same moral structures, beliefs, and carry themselves in the manner of heretical but still highly obvious Christians. lrn2 ontology
>He who controls the Hegelian dialectic controls the world.
>They are using global warming/climate change as a way to further their globalist agenda to establish a single planetary government. Remember: Global 'problems' require global 'solutions'. This is the Hegelian dialectic on a global scale. Not only do they want a single planetary government, but they also want to DE-INDUSTRIALISE THE WORLD via their global warming/climate change SCAM. Don't fall for it
>Neocohens aren't a new phenomenon. You're just waking up. Jews hve been playing the Hegelian dialectic forever.
>Bear in mind that the Hegelian Dialectic is another old and consistently effective page from the playbook. This same Chicago crowd also practices the "Responsibility to Protect" doctrine; after sufficient chaos is created, then there is moral justification for militaristic forces to come in and stomp out the chaos in order to restore order: the new world order.
>I'd just point out that the most ''''conoservative'''' jews I know also happen to be the most neocon--Ben Shapiro and Sam Harris, for instance are super zionists in their own ways. Compare them to the ''''liberals'''' like Chomsky whose job it appears to be to break down other western societies in a Hegelian dialectic--good cop, bad cop tandem as you say

There are thousands of these posts

>> No.10350163 [View]

>he doesn't know that /pol/ thinks the following about Hegelian dialectics

read and weep

>I should probably just make a pasta about this at this point, Athism is a mix of marxism, nihilism, and Christianity and all bundled into one core idealogy which focuses its worship around the concept of the Hegelian Dialectic and solipsism, in which solipsism is selectively used to deny certain syllogisms and observable phenomena in the environment. Most athiest are Christians at heart, they have the same moral structures, beliefs, and carry themselves in the manner of heretical but still highly obvious Christians. lrn2 ontology
>He who controls the Hegelian dialectic controls the world.
>They are using global warming/climate change as a way to further their globalist agenda to establish a single planetary government. Remember: Global 'problems' require global 'solutions'. This is the Hegelian dialectic on a global scale. Not only do they want a single planetary government, but they also want to DE-INDUSTRIALISE THE WORLD via their global warming/climate change SCAM. Don't fall for it
>Neocohens aren't a new phenomenon. You're just waking up. Jews hve been playing the Hegelian dialectic forever.
>Bear in mind that the Hegelian Dialectic is another old and consistently effective page from the playbook. This same Chicago crowd also practices the "Responsibility to Protect" doctrine; after sufficient chaos is created, then there is moral justification for militaristic forces to come in and stomp out the chaos in order to restore order: the new world order.
>I'd just point out that the most ''''conoservative'''' jews I know also happen to be the most neocon--Ben Shapiro and Sam Harris, for instance are super zionists in their own ways. Compare them to the ''''liberals'''' like Chomsky whose job it appears to be to break down other western societies in a Hegelian dialectic--good cop, bad cop tandem as you say

There are thousands of these posts

>> No.10145512 [View]
File: 600 KB, 500x370, 2ZPK[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think our friends on /pol/ means by 'Hegelian dialectic'? I am genuinely dumbfounded.


>I should probably just make a pasta about this at this point, Athism is a mix of marxism, nihilism, and Christianity and all bundled into one core idealogy which focuses its worship around the concept of the Hegelian Dialectic and solipsism, in which solipsism is selectively used to deny certain syllogisms and observable phenomena in the environment. Most athiest are Christians at heart, they have the same moral structures, beliefs, and carry themselves in the manner of heretical but still highly obvious Christians. lrn2 ontology
>He who controls the Hegelian dialectic controls the world.
>They are using global warming/climate change as a way to further their globalist agenda to establish a single planetary government. Remember: Global 'problems' require global 'solutions'. This is the Hegelian dialectic on a global scale. Not only do they want a single planetary government, but they also want to DE-INDUSTRIALISE THE WORLD via their global warming/climate change SCAM. Don't fall for it
>Neocohens aren't a new phenomenon. You're just waking up. Jews hve been playing the Hegelian dialectic forever.
>Bear in mind that the Hegelian Dialectic is another old and consistently effective page from the playbook. This same Chicago crowd also practices the "Responsibility to Protect" doctrine; after sufficient chaos is created, then there is moral justification for militaristic forces to come in and stomp out the chaos in order to restore order: the new world order.
>I'd just point out that the most ''''conoservative'''' jews I know also happen to be the most neocon--Ben Shapiro and Sam Harris, for instance are super zionists in their own ways. Compare them to the ''''liberals'''' like Chomsky whose job it appears to be to break down other western societies in a Hegelian dialectic--good cop, bad cop tandem as you say

There are thousands of these posts
Are they essentially right? Was Hegel really a Jewish invention? What is this nonsense all about?

(this isn't bait, I genuinely want to know what they mean. I haven't studied Hegel all that closely, but this particular aspect escaped me. Please explain if you're from there)

>> No.9637036 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 79 KB, 652x400, winifer-fernandez-is-an-olympic-volleyball-player-and-she-is-setting-the-internet-on-fire-652x400-1-1470744699[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What on earth is /pol/ on about with the term 'Hegelian dialectic'. Look through the /pol/ archive, there are thousands of posts like these:

>I should probably just make a pasta about this at this point, Athism is a mix of marxism, nihilism, and Christianity and all bundled into one core idealogy which focuses its worship around the concept of the Hegelian Dialectic and solipsism, in which solipsism is selectively used to deny certain syllogisms and observable phenomena in the environment. Most athiest are Christians at heart, they have the same moral structures, beliefs, and carry themselves in the manner of heretical but still highly obvious Christians. lrn2 ontology
>This is the hegelian dialectic, Judea's most powerful and efficient weapon. A weapon that plays on the insecurities and fear of the masses that are too afraid or lazy to band together and fight.
>Talk about advance Jewish mind control (aka Hegelian Dialectic)
>I hate to say this guys, altough I support Trump 100% because he is our only option, we are still being played by the jews. Its called the Hegelian dialectic, something people used to discuss here before /pol/ was overrun by newfags, "alt-rights" ctr, and idiotic faggots.
>An excuse to introduce more legislation to CONTROL the chaos. Increased surveillance, police powers etc. Classic Hegelian dialectic.
>The beleif that everything is a complete accident of chemestry and everyone is a soulless machine driven by chemical interactions is an example the duality I speak of. Likewise people who become so fully immersed in religon that they beleive in God's predetermined plan for them. It's the same duality that has been created in people to control the way they react. Hegelian dialectic is a very basic form social engineering and there are much more subtle and advanced methods
>The World has echoes of the Hegelian Dialectic. The Illuminati NWO as the pyramid, and some other on the left, clearly being both controlled by some third party. Perhaps this has been rearranged from the Illuminati being in the obvious middle, to show their possible back-up plan, The Mask, acting like they were not the center.

Why do we laugh at plebbit, tumblr, twitter, whatever, and never this pile of utterly retarded shit?

>> No.9098627 [View]
File: 411 KB, 1920x1200, scratching-head[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think our friends on /pol/ means by 'Hegelian dialectic'? I am genuinely dumbfounded.


>I should probably just make a pasta about this at this point, Athism is a mix of marxism, nihilism, and Christianity and all bundled into one core idealogy which focuses its worship around the concept of the Hegelian Dialectic and solipsism, in which solipsism is selectively used to deny certain syllogisms and observable phenomena in the environment. Most athiest are Christians at heart, they have the same moral structures, beliefs, and carry themselves in the manner of heretical but still highly obvious Christians. lrn2 ontology
>He who controls the Hegelian dialectic controls the world.
>They are using global warming/climate change as a way to further their globalist agenda to establish a single planetary government. Remember: Global 'problems' require global 'solutions'. This is the Hegelian dialectic on a global scale. Not only do they want a single planetary government, but they also want to DE-INDUSTRIALISE THE WORLD via their global warming/climate change SCAM. Don't fall for it
>Neocohens aren't a new phenomenon. You're just waking up. Jews hve been playing the Hegelian dialectic forever.
>Bear in mind that the Hegelian Dialectic is another old and consistently effective page from the playbook. This same Chicago crowd also practices the "Responsibility to Protect" doctrine; after sufficient chaos is created, then there is moral justification for militaristic forces to come in and stomp out the chaos in order to restore order: the new world order.
>I'd just point out that the most ''''conoservative'''' jews I know also happen to be the most neocon--Ben Shapiro and Sam Harris, for instance are super zionists in their own ways. Compare them to the ''''liberals'''' like Chomsky whose job it appears to be to break down other western societies in a Hegelian dialectic--good cop, bad cop tandem as you say

This is just the first page.
Are they essentially right? Was Hegel really a Jewish invention? What is this nonsense all about?

(this isn't bait, I genuinely want to know what they mean. If you're one of the frogmen from there, please explain)

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