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/lit/ - Literature

Search: sffg

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>> No.23443439 [View]

This isn't /SFFG/

>> No.23443042 [View]
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Magic Castle Edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous Thread: >>23425174

>> No.23441825 [View]

>/sffg/ holy trinity

>> No.23441747 [View]
File: 3.00 MB, 1537x1498, sneed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who is the 3rd member of the /sffg/ holy trinity?
Anyone on the right side

>> No.23441556 [View]

Wolfe, Bakker and ???
Who is the 3rd member of the /sffg/ holy trinity?

>> No.23435582 [View]

lol when I realized that my first trackable post in this gay general was over 9 years ago, I felt nothing but dismay. /sffg/ is like a time loop of torture because there's simply no fucking place on the internet to discuss books so I'm stuck where I can actually critique into the wind.

>> No.23435503 [View]

Next year /sffg/ will have its 10th anniversary. I'm considering doing a retrospective, but I don't know how much time and effort I want to put into it.

>> No.23434135 [View]

It's a trend that Asian sciences are full of biases, because they overvalue tradition and adapt too slowly to new information. And then the western sciences will actually figure out what truly works.
This is yet another example of that.
I fail to see what this has to do with /sffg/ though. Did you accidentally post your /d/ shitposting in the wrong thread? I do remember some anon was using this book to shitpost in various futanari threads.

>> No.23425174 [View]
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Rainy Day Edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous Thread: >>23416579

>> No.23424963 [View]

I try and find something adjacent to some other media I'm consuming. For example if I'm playing dungeon rpg I might look for dungeon fantasy, or maybe I've been watching a heist show so now I want to read heist/crime fantasy. In this case I'm gonna go start reading Mistborn since I've been watching Ocean Eleven and some tv shows inspired by it. /sffg/ can help recommend stuff if its too hard to look

>> No.23418668 [View]

Dude, do you read one book per new /sffg/ thread? I like to take my time with books but you seem to just run through them

>> No.23416579 [View]
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Fantasy Landscape Edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous Thread: >>23405053

>> No.23405053 [View]
File: 101 KB, 974x639, in_the_mountains_pre_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monday Edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous Thread: >>23391398

>> No.23392656 [View]

wg is trash and filled with faggots who only like sffg and want to talk about magic and world building.

>> No.23391778 [View]

First thread barely survived. The second died right away. Such has been the fate of all offshoot threads. RIP this most recent attempt. /sffg/ barely makes it without spam and other filler content. What hope would any other thread have?

>> No.23391398 [View]
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Tropical Edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous Thread: >>23376452

>> No.23386833 [View]

How does /sffg/ feel about sci fi stuff in fantasy setting? Time travel, space travel, arcane technology and the like.

>> No.23384723 [View]


>> No.23379950 [View]

>Never heard of it.
Welcome to /sffg/

>> No.23376636 [View]
File: 28 KB, 260x395, 33257757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iron Gold, Red Rising Saga #4 - Pierce Brown (2018)

Ten years at war have passed and little remains as it was, not only for the characters, but for the readers and author as well. The first trilogy was entirely the story of Darrow. It is no longer. He is now one viewpoint among four, all told from the first person perspective. Lyria is a Red disillusioned by broken promises and the trauma she's endured. Ephraim, a Gray, is a disaffected former member of the Sons of Ares who has turned to a life of crime. Lysander, the Gold exile, wanders through space without much purpose, until an opportunity arrives. How much each of these new viewpoints matter is arguable, though it seems inarguable to me to say that Darrow's narrative remains dominant. The new viewpoints are a welcome addition that I appreciate. I hope that it remains this way for the rest of the series. If this had remained solely Darrow's story I would've enjoyed it much less

Only ~40% of those who rated the third book rated this one, it's even less for /sffg/, and it's the lowest rated book in the series. It may be that many were satisfied with what they got from the first trilogy and didn't need any more. It also suggests that quite a few weren't pleased with the direction that Brown chose for the second trilogy, which is understandable, as much of it feels like a new series rather than a continuation. The first trilogy was about aspiration, revenge, and revolution. Despite all the terrible things that happened, there was optimism, confidence, and competence. Everything was much simpler then, including the characters and narrative. This second trilogy seems to be about the opposite in several ways. Those who want to continue to fully and blindly support Darrow may be disappointed or upset. After considering the reception that doing similarly in other series has received, it seems evident that turning against reader expectations for a character is a risky gamble.

For me the most interesting questions though are why these changes happened and whether I should accept them for for what they are. I wonder how much these changes are because Brown became better at writing, was unsatisfied with what he had written, and because this was the natural evolution of the characters and story. What's presented here definitely wants me to take it seriously, which isn't how I felt about the previous books, but I don't know that I should because that means I'd have to judge it in a different way. I don't know that Brown can quite live up to being judged seriously, though perhaps the following books may change my mind. I believe this transition to be a good thing, at least in terms of my preferences. The characters are more developed, the plot is more complex, everything seems more meaningful, and interesting narrative choices are made. However, it's also much less fun and ridiculousness I enjoyed is gone. It's unfortunate when technical improvement leaves readers behind.

Rating: 3.5/5 (4)

>> No.23376615 [View]

Reccomend me an sffg book that has a tall woman/short man pairing

>> No.23376452 [View]
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Mother's Day Edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous Thread

Who's your favorite mother?

>> No.23376362 [View]
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Why does /sffg/ pretend RI is bad? Racism?

>> No.23375238 [View]

The Bakkerposters are the best of /sffg/, insect.

Let’s talk about sorcerer’s salt. Is Chanv made from it? Do salted sorcs achieve Oblivion?

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