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Search: ntr

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>> No.23438650 [View]

Daddy why is every sex scene NTR?

>> No.23435783 [View]

>sensual gf/bf porn
>amateur college
>amateur reddit
>nudes my exes let me keep
>/gif/ and /b/
>caption porn
>sex fantasy stories
>swinger captions
>hotwife captions
>cuck porn
>ntr doujins
>get disgusted, decide to stop watching porn
>week passes
>sensual gf/bf porn

my porn watching cycle, repeats every two month

>> No.23430508 [View]

Do non-Asian people enjoy NTR? English speakers are pretty vocal against it.

>> No.23430458 [View]

With NTR being so popular, should I write NTR YA romantasy?

>> No.23423215 [View]
File: 129 KB, 640x358, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scat play

>> No.23369119 [View]

He's videos are interesting but his old name was strange (cuck philosophy)??? Like, he's in favor of NTR?

>> No.23366289 [View]

Perrin's multi book long dark and brooding arc, starring Jordan's thinly veiled NTR fetish
Elayne's boring-ass muh queendom muh andor arc during the last 4 books of the series
Everything involving the Shaido tbqh, I couldn't name a single character from that group with a gun to my head
Gawyn sperging out about Rand for literally half the series
Gawyn's brother (I can't remember his name either)
The part's of Egwene's arc where she just goes on and on about muh white tower and muh aes sedai unity and whatever the fuck
Padan Fain's whole character arc
Mat's adventures with his band of murderhobos (got better at the end tho)
Lan's arc, the muh duty thing got old after a while
Murderhobo Rand and schizophrenic Mat
Mat's romance with the qt loli african kween
Darth Rand becoming Based Rand
Tsuntsun Nynaeve becoming Deredere Nynaeve

>> No.23364235 [View]

>too much romance in an original power fantasy
my story has neither present
>bullshit powerups, both the MC and side characters (I despise the latter)
the setting is pretty grounded. no character really gets a power up
>dungeon arc (ok if it's not too long)
>tournament arc (fine if it's well done)
>academy arc (fine the first time)
its not a fantasy or long running serial so you wont see these
in all but name
>self-righteous MC (putting himself in mortal danger for people he has no connection to)
the MC is pretty anti righteous
>pushover MC
>arrogant MC
>bootlicking MC
the MC is a bit arrogant of these three but i think thats what makes him entertaining
>bratty love-interest
mesugakis are great but no such character is in this story
>lots of hostage situations
theres a few
none of that
>shallow magic system
depends on what you consider shallow
>amnesia/crippled arc
this is a thing?
I try to restrain my dialogue from being too long
>bloat (typically with litrpg stats)
not a litrpg
I'm not good with web serials which is why there hasn't been an update in awhile. I drafted to the end and I'm currently editing my way there so It'll be a while before there's any changes posted.
I'm not a big fan of long running stories but I'll take a look at these, maybe leave a comment or two

>> No.23364035 [View]

>too much romance in an original power fantasy
I think I strike a fine balance of the two.
>bullshit powerups, both the MC and side characters (I despise the latter)
I feel that I justify all of the power ups that the MC gets as coming from something he researched and connecting the dots between spells and magical phenomenon.
>dungeon arc (ok if it's not too long)
>tournament arc (fine if it's well done)
I've done neither.
>academy arc (fine the first time)
Guilty as charged. But I break it up with some other stuff since the MC can come and go as he pleases, and for two months of the year he is back home. I think mine lasts from about chapter 70 to 210, but as I mentioned, I break it up with my MC leaving.
>self-righteous MC (putting himself in mortal danger for people he has no connection to)
He has his reasons. It's not just that he's some kind of shining beacon of virtue, it's guilt for all of the lives he has already directly or otherwise been involved in taking.
He hates to see people abused and solves it with violence when he can.
>pushover MC
MC is constantly pushing the bounds of what he's allowed to get away with, and those bounds keep getting further and further as he gets stronger and more well connected.
>arrogant MC
I wouldn't call him arrogant, at least, not moreso than anyone who got too much power too quickly. People set him straight when he gets out of line and he mellows out a little as he grows up.
>bootlicking MC
Refer to my section on being a pushover.
>bratty love-interest
No. His love-interest, the first one, is slavishly devoted to him, which he dislikes. But, she grows into her own independent person overtime.
>lots of hostage situations
I can think of just one instance, and it gets resolved fairly quickly.
Technically, but there are factors at play.
It also depends on what you consider NTR.
The situation involves a clone behind left behind that has all of his memories (other than knowledge that he is a clone) and the MC lacks the ability to return for a year in the story.
He moved past her already, because he didn't expect to go back anyway, but it's a sore spot for a little bit.
>shallow magic system
I think my system is deep without turning into pages of explanations on how every single thing works. I spread that stuff out so I don't bog down the story with exposition.
>amnesia/crippled arc
Actually going through that right now, but he's rapidly regaining his memories and will be mostly back to himself in another couple chapters. Otherwise all crippling events last a chapter or two at most.
Funny enough, I've gotten a few negative comments and even a review because I don't info-dump.
>bloat (typically with litrpg stats)
Not a litRPG.
There, now I've shilled myself.
I didn't want to just post my story in the thread then run away without contributing to anything.
If you'd like clarification on anything here, just ask.

>> No.23353495 [View]
File: 1.24 MB, 2230x1600, Kazuya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would Epicurus react to NTR? On one hand it gives you biological pleasure due to instinct as shown by science, but it completely destroys you mentally and physically. Like a drug, particularly meth. How would Epicurus respond to being cụcked?

>> No.23353477 [View]

How would Epicurus react to NTR? On one hand it gives you biological pleasure due to instinct as shown by science, but it completely destroys you mentally and physically. Like a drug, particularly meth. How would Epicurus respond to being cụcked?

>> No.23351563 [View]
File: 401 KB, 1257x837, Comfy mommy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've yet to see a single romance book between a mother and her son that doesn't have cheating or NTR, them splitting apart at the end, or isn't pure pornographic smut. Please help me brahs, I just want a good wholesome biological mom-son romance, I can't find one anywhere.

>> No.23349744 [View]
File: 64 KB, 250x365, The_Invasion_Front_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related
>Yeerks = NTR/cucking
>Animorphs = Furries
>Aliens = monster sex

>> No.23348685 [View]

>too much romance in an original power fantasy
>bullshit powerups, both the MC and side characters (I despise the latter)
>dungeon arc (ok if it's not too long)
>tournament arc (fine if it's well done)
>academy arc (fine the first time)
>self-righteous MC (putting himself in mortal danger for people he has no connection to)
>pushover MC
>arrogant MC
>bootlicking MC
>bratty love-interest
>lots of hostage situations
>shallow magic system
>amnesia/crippled arc
>bloat (typically with litrpg stats)
That's all I can think of right now. Of course, I won't immediately drop if one of these appears, it's usually an accumulation.

>> No.23348027 [View]

Junichiro Tanizaki has something with powerful dominant or just plain asshole women doing shit to (their/a) man, Captain shigemotos mother is cute and more male centered but Naomi is NTR/Cuck peak, i love his prose but jigga is too fizated on western culture poisoning women.

>> No.23345463 [View]

With the problematizing and ‘de-doxifying’ of both realist reference and modernist autonomy, postmodern representation opens up other possible relations between art and the world: gone is the Benjaminian ‘aura’ with its notions of originality, authenticity, and uniqueness, and with these go all the taboos against strategies that rely on the parody and reappropriation of already existing representations. The second major device that we employed to create a liminoid invitation was the booking of a future appointment. While each of the participants enjoyed their chosen cupcake, Karen and I discussed the importance of dates in relation to the significant dates for the development of the NTR (the day of the first set of encounter being the date that marked the start of the development of the project). We both discussed the role of our diaries in our lives and our own involvement with the future of the NTR. We then asked the participants to tell us about their own diaries and their significance to them. We drew the encounter to a close by asking the participants to book a meeting with us for the following year on the same date, in the newly developed NTR – whatever form it might have at that point. This task was designed to engage each participant in an imagining of the future NTR in relation to their own hopes; a liminoid invitation to create, to imagine and to propose possible futures.

>> No.23339493 [View]

What's NTR (and no, I'm not going to Google it because it might be icky)?

>> No.23339468 [View]
File: 36 KB, 112x112, sad-pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I added another NTR scene in my fantasy story
Why do I keep doing this....

>> No.23313765 [View]

It's sexually stimulating but only enjoyable as a fantasy, in the same way that men masturbate to NTR, mommy-dom, farts, and traps but wouldn't actually enjoy these things in real life. The difference between men and women is men will watch straight up pornography but women need to obfuscate it as a YA trilogy.

>> No.23282619 [View]

I fucking hated this book. I can't stand cuckshit, and I can't relate to it. When the main character is watching his crush get plowed every night it makes me uncomfortable and not want to read. I don't give a fuck about the themes or anything else, I don't want to read NTR.

>> No.23264174 [View]

>enjoying a manga
>look up author's twitter
>find out they whore out their characters on fanbox/skeb and draw fuck tons of gross gangbang NTR cuckshit
>this has happened multiple times
What the fuck is wrong with japs?

>> No.23256073 [View]

Is this the thread for recommendations?
I would like a good site for r18 stories with plot 100+ chapters with sex scenes and action, I liked blood warlock edge kino but it's a bit much chinese and Darx NTR story on chyoa, but I need more.

>> No.23142438 [View]

>self reported ntr enjoyer
Hilariously based
Also, ahegao is about fucking the brains out of some chick. It's a power fantasy, no need to flavor it with cuck shit. That's all you.

>> No.23142389 [View]

Fuck if I know. Looked retarded in 2d, looks retarded here in 3d too. I'll assume that all the people who like it also happen to enjoy NTR, because only somebody with that severe level of bad taste can enjoy this shit.
Shut your mouth you fucking faggot. Do you want another round of being stuck in the locker?

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