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Search: nevernight

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>> No.23476129 [View]

from what i have heard, this series is supposed to be better than nevernight. i have the first book of nevernight, haven't gotten around to finishing it but the first couple chapters seemed okay

>> No.23476092 [View]


I read another book of Jay Kristoff’s (Nevernight) and it had objectively some of the worst and most useless asides and exposition I’ve ever seen in a fantasy novel. Will probably try Vampire at a later point but I’m not enthusiastic about it.

>> No.23396200 [View]
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anyone here read the nevernight trilogy?

>> No.23311423 [View]
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anyone here read the nevernight series? what are your thoughts?

>> No.22049408 [View]
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Nevernight's protagonist is bi, but her primary lover is another woman. It's not a masterpiece but it is plenty of fun to read.

>> No.22023508 [View]
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I read them when I was younger and enjoyed them well enough, though I'm not really compelled to read them again. I've been liking the steampunk sequel series a bit better. If you want a trilogy with an edgy superpowered teenage girl, I'd recommend Nevernight instead.

>> No.21931052 [View]
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>> No.21734895 [View]

Did you read his other book nevernight? I liked the first two,but the last one was trash. I going to give this one a chance though.

>> No.21332425 [View]

I mean, is it news to you that women love YA? They've literally taken it over and kicked teenage boys out completely.

And Godsgrave(Nevernight) is technically adult, even if the main characters are mostly teens.

>> No.21320855 [View]
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Anyone read Nevernight? An Anon recommended it to me on Omegle last night. Seems pretty good.

>> No.21263001 [View]

i actually really enjoyed nevernight. i was surprised to hear a lot of people disliked the prose and annotations. I thought the annotations did a really good job building the world while not deviating from the narrative and really gives the feel that its being written by an actual character. the ending was also badass

>> No.16599384 [View]

Thoughts on Nevernight Chronicle series?

>> No.16005001 [View]

for more info:

>> No.15767632 [View]

I'm just gonna list some action focused fantasy series that I read quickly.

Will Wight (travellers gate and cradle)
A WIll Eternal
Monarch of Evernight
Greatcoats (de castell)
Copper Cat
doubt this one will land but Crown of Shards
Gortek and Felix (warhammer)
Acts of Caine

>> No.15679268 [View]

By Jay Kristoff? how you like the fact that she doesn't get rammed and turns into a carpet muncher?

>> No.15678871 [View]

Nevernight, it's something

>> No.14947448 [View]

On a somewhat more positive note, before I started in on Nevernight, I sat down and reread the Mammoth Book of Extreme Science Fiction, edited by Mike Ashley, and christ, I cannot recommend that book enough. I think there were maybe two stories there that I disliked? Some of the more abstract stuff is a little meh, particularly the second-to-last story, but the rest are really nice if you're into SF. Note that it says 'extreme' not 'hard' so don't go in expecting the one and not the other. Mammoth is also an apt description, there are a lot of stories in this anthology and it'll keep you occupied for quite a while. I grabbed it off of gen.lib so it's easy to access as well. Seriously, if you like SF short stories at all, I'd almost consider this mandatory reading.

>> No.14947438 [View]

So I've just finished the first two books of the Nevernight trilogy by Jay Kristoff (or at least I assume it's a trilogy at this point, Senlin Ascends got me with the same trick). The first book was entertaining enough but it was still schlock, sure enough, but good lord, I have never had as many conflicting emotions about a book as I have about the second one, Godsgrave. There are so many things I took issue with and so many things I enjoyed.

First off, I found it absolutely unbe-fucking-lievable that Mia would end up falling for Ashlinn of all people when it's already been established that basically her only reason for existence is revenge. I haven't had my suspension of disbelief challenged so hard by a book ever since I tried to read Seveneves and Neal Stephenson, that hack, tried to make me believe that the entire population of planet earth would a. be okay with asteroid ragnarok and not go fucking bananas and b. that the Powers That Be would actually TELL the entire population of planet earth about it. Christ. There is zero fucking chance that Mia and Ashlinn would end up together and I firmly believe that Kristoff has a lesbian fetish and was writing with his dick when he thought that one up. Oh, and, as a side note, I get that it's a trendy political thing now, but come the fuck on, there would not be this many lesbians in Fantasy Rome.

Meanwhile Mia continues to be the Maryest Sue there ever was and not only get to have several cakes and eat them too by not only killing the dudes, getting the girl, and saving all her gladiator friends with some absolute bullshit that she should not have gotten away with. Furian should have died way earlier but no, Mia has to eat him instead so she can be dark and mysterious. Oh, and Magistra being the bad guy? At least hint at it, fuck. Now, that being said, despite everything going her way, I do actually like Mia as a character, and I am going to read the third novel, although I do get the sinking feeling it's going to end up being similar to the reboot of Carmen Sandiego, and I felt like Mia separating with the Red Church so early in this book after she'd worked so hard in the first one to get there is ridiculous. Oh, and good lord, whenever I read the word 'gentlefriends' I felt like I was going to lose it.

That being said, this series is a pageturner and I am eager to see what sort of ridiculous bullshit Kristoff comes up with in book three. A definite guilty pleasure read. Another pleasant surprise is that Kristoff is actually a decent writer, as in, the actual construction, prose, etc, is good. Might not be a great plotter as he seems to adhere to the typical mass-market strategy of 'think of the most bullshit idea you can and then top it sequentially for the rest of the book, and make sure you end on a cliffhanger' but if you don't hate that sort of thing it's easy to look past it. There's a reason that type of book sells, after all. All that being said, I would recommend this series.

>> No.14741818 [View]
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recommend me some fantasy books, folks
>pic related, it's stuff I already read

- stuff shilled to me by /sffg/ which I hated: anything Sanderson, Gardens of the Moon, Book of the New Sun, Gaiman nonsense
- stuff I actually enjoyed: Titus Groan, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, Black Company, The Two Towers (just that book), Name of the Wind (just that book), Nevernight (again, just that one), stuff by Marchetta, Novik and CM Valente

>> No.14683400 [View]
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Would I like Nevernight if I mainly watch anime?

>> No.14563671 [View]
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>> No.13908064 [View]

Is Nevernight any good?

>> No.13836305 [View]


>> No.13457322 [View]

Harry potter, nevernight, throne of glass. After that women will consider you well read.

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