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/lit/ - Literature

Search: gene wolfe

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>> No.23441774 [View]

>yea, another strawman. i suspect you are the same gene hater in every thread with the similarity of things rattled off.
nice schizo strawman
there are plenty of people on /lit/ who don't think gene wolfe is the greatest author who ever lived
>retard, i read his review and he isn't as intelligent or receptive as he thinks he is. he feels the need to list authors of old to sniff his own farts, but then posts midwit takes like this
There is nothing wrong in his statement. BOTNs is just wish-fulfillment self insert fantasy, nothing inherently wrong with that but you're a retard if you think it's some literary masterpiece
>which is the reason people enjoy rereading his works, not because there is a lack of structure and they like to impose their own thoughts into the narrative
people enjoy rereading his works because they're midwits who are too stupid to read actual literary works so they rearead sci fi novels and try to pretend there's some great profound meaning and narrative in them
imagine if you put all the effort you have reading and rereading all 12 new sun books into reading actual literary classics
>he was the one on this board linking to his review and he hadn't finished it yet. there is an archived thread of it. i also think it's entirely fair to call him out on reviewing an unfinished story.
Literally no proof for any of this despite what you've claimed, and you shouldn't have to read an entire series to review a single book. you're the kind of retard who thinks anyone who criticises the wheel of time needs to read all 12,000 pages of it
midwit pseud
People don't like wolfefags because they're immature infantile midwits who think their ok sci fi novel is the greatest work of fiction ever written who also lambast the works wolfe took from
wolfe is sanderson for midwits instead of dullards
All those authors are better than wolfe
You wolfefags will cry about people hating wolfe then pretend the people wolfe took from are inferior writers
americans will see a guy with a beer gut neck jowls and no facial definition and pretend they aren't grossly overweight
delusional wolfefag

>> No.23439244 [View]

>Wolfe fanboys literally think that wolfe invented the dying earth genre blah blah
yea, another strawman. i suspect you are the same gene hater in every thread with the similarity of things rattled off.
>Keely likes conan and other masculine fantasy, he doesn't enjoy self insert edgelord torturer with black hair and huge muscles killing monsters and having sex with every girl he meets kind of fantasy
retard, i read his review and he isn't as intelligent or receptive as he thinks he is. he feels the need to list authors of old to sniff his own farts, but then posts midwit takes like this
>The women always seem to end up as playtoys for the narrator, running around naked, desiring him, sparring with him coyly, but ultimately, conquered; and the camera pans away. They always approach him, desire him, pretending they don't want him, then give themselves up to him. It's the same old story of an awkward, emotionless male protagonist who is inexplicably followed and harangued by women who fall in love with him for no given reason, familiar to anyone who's seen a harem anime.

every single woman in this story sleeping with severian is manipulating him or using him. the dynamic might not be apparent to you or severian, who is an unreliable narrator because he has no frame of reference for almost everything. keely doesn't seem to pick up on this, among other things. wolfe is transparently deceptive, which is the reason people enjoy rereading his works, not because there is a lack of structure and they like to impose their own thoughts into the narrative.
>wolfefags lambast keelys review because he didnt read the entire four books as if you have to read four books to review one book
he was the one on this board linking to his review and he hadn't finished it yet. there is an archived thread of it. i also think it's entirely fair to call him out on reviewing an unfinished story.

>> No.23438330 [View]

Gene Wolfe and Jack Vance

>> No.23435202 [View]

[Gene Wolfe has entered the chat]
*laughs in Space Western*

>> No.23435109 [View]

There's nothing truly like Dark Souls but here a few series/books with elements of them. Worth noting Berserk and Blame! if you like manga.
The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco
The Chronicles of the Black Company by Glen Cook
The Dying Earth by Jack Vance
H.P. Lovecraft's works (Bloodborne)
The Wizard Knight series by Gene Wolfe (confused time, time stratification and descending/ascending worlds, "soul" sharing, dragons and dragon shapeshiters and unreliable narration)

>> No.23434656 [View]

You can only understand Gene Wolfe if you're over 30 and recovering from severe misanthropy. Nobody else can actually read it, they try to read it but forget everything as soon as it happens and replace it with an awful version where Severian isn't the most hilarious narrator of all time.

>> No.23432288 [View]

they are different genres, first of all, so i assume it was a mistake on your part to even mention the two authors you did. secondly, gene wolfe takes a mary sue in patera silk and makes a more compelling main character than anyone of the mains in way of kings.

>> No.23432266 [View]

that anon wanted sci fi. gene wolfe is a sci fi genius. sanderson is a fantasy rpg mechanic autist.

>> No.23431563 [View]

In this sub Gene Wolfe is an hero, end of story

>> No.23419388 [View]

>Do you really want to attempt an Argumentum ad Populum?
Awarded by her peers? An award given to Gene Wolfe, Fritz Lieber, Ray Bradbury, Richard Matheson? Yes.

And you are obsessed with creative writing classes, which is why you will never produce anything of merit. Your peers will be other bitter creative writing flunks.

>> No.23419050 [View]

gene wolfe is the david lynch of scifi
throws a bunch of random nonsensical stuff in and then pseuds connect the schizo dots to construct their own "deep" meaning
total gibberish and barely scifi anyway

>> No.23418206 [View]

>Wolfe's prose is a lot more evocative than what you posted imo
Yes, he's writing from the first person. Things read more immediate and visceral that way. Maybe that's why? I am personally very fucking weary of authors who write present tense. Takes a master to pull that off.

Not the best comparison but I like Gene too. He won the same award 6 Years after McKillip.

>> No.23414551 [View]

>They had bad taste back then, imo
>Gene Wolfe did a cool thing

>> No.23414485 [View]

They had bad taste back then, imo.
Metaphors and allegory are peak literature.
The more layers of hidden meaning you can weave together without being obvious, the better a writer you are.

Gene Wolfe did a cool thing where he'd throw in archaic or esoteric words for things that 99% of readers would have to look up to know the exact meaning, but also wrote in such a way that you could reason out the general meaning without doing so. He did this because he wanted to convey to the reader the same feeling of encountering something new and unknown that the character may have had.

Allegedly, there is one single word in all of his publication history that is a typo and thus not found in any dictionary or thesaurus or online database, and he left it in on purpose for the novelty.

>> No.23414000 [View]

Gene Wolfe is much better than Peake honestly.
I would probably have liked Peake more as a child

>> No.23412324 [View]

>Gene teaching me the word 'pederast' by having me google it
Thank you Mr. Wolfe

>> No.23411691 [View]

>tfw you haven't read anything newer than Gene Wolfe because you don't want to pollute your writing style or accidentally copy popular authors
>but so many people giving writing advice say "you have to read A LOT to be good at writing"
I don't know if I'm making a serious mistake or not. Guess we'll find out.

>> No.23409874 [View]

>Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh
>The Diary of a Country Priest by Georges Bernanos
>Viper's Tangle by François Mauriac
>The Book of the New Sun series by Gene Wolfe
>Chronicles of the Nephilim by Brian Godawa
He looks cheesy and exploitative on first appearances but has been praised by theologians.
>The Dawn of All and The Lord of All both by Robert Hugh Benson
>Father Brown series by G.K. Chesterton
Other great works that I've read by him are
>The Napoleon of Notting Hill, The Man Who Was Thursday, The Ball and the Cross, Manalive, and The Man Who Knew Too Much
>Brighton Rock, The Power and the Glory, The End of the Affair, and The Heart of the Matter by Graham Greene
>Ad Limina by Cyril Jones-Kellett
>The Edge of Sadness by Edwin O'Connor
>Nine Hundred Grandmothers by R.A. Lafferty
>Wise Blood, The Life You Save May Be Your Own, The River, Good Country People all by Flannery O'Connor

>> No.23408375 [View]
File: 483 KB, 1358x2048, merlin_153699621_362de293-fe8d-4fa4-b817-810be2a61027-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proust was rejected too. Joyce fought for years to get Dubliners published for the first time.

Even just recently someone working in the publishing industry said that if Gene Wolfe were trying to get his start today he would likely be rejected by pretty much every agent and publishing house.

It's rough out there when you're doing something great.

>> No.23405420 [View]

Gene Wolfe said the distinction between sci-fi and fantasy wasn't really meaningful, and I would agree.
They're both pretty much genres that deal with imagination, and elaborate "what if?" scenarios.
The only "true sci-fi" is stuff that is pretty much set in the present, or in a very tangible near future, and is built on the author having some real scientific knowledge. So almost nothing.

>> No.23402556 [View]

Jack Vance books
Gene Wolfe books
A A Attanasio books
John Crowley books
R A Lafferty books

>> No.23398839 [View]

Recently? Catholics. No one else is even playing and they had Gene Wolfe.

Historically? Anglicans and Reformed/Calvinist.

Dickens beats every novelist and Milton beats every poet not named Homer.

In addition, you have Bunyan, Melville, the Brontes, Coleridge, Machen, Carol, Lewis, Dunsany,ect...
Catholics claim Chesterton, but all his great novels were written when he was Anglican.

>> No.23395378 [View]

It's certainly the case for fantasy/genre. Just take a look at Neil Gayman
>The Thirteen Clocks by James Thurber
>Voice of the Fire by Alan Moore
>Viriconium by M. John Harrison
>The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling
>The Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe
>The Once and Future King by TH White
>Dune by Frank Herbert


>> No.23388871 [View]

>It's too much of a coincidence to not be done intentionally by Wolfe.
you're coming at this like your explanation isn't the one on the page telling you to believe it. what you are saying is literally what severian is telling you to believe. with gene wolfe, it's never that simple and that's where i'm coming at it from. this is a very important moment in severian's journey as it causes a schism with what he was raised on.
>Morwenna would have had some sort of quick acting poison.
eusebia says she knew morwenna and that she was careful. she would have kept poison behind for herself and would have died before getting arrested. nothing about it being quick acting.

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