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Search: "jewish inversion"

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>> No.22740474 [View]

Critical theory IS guilt. You think a woman that becomes a dyke is not doing to appropriate and release the guilt of her parents? The whole problem with the youth is the martyrdom of themselves and their ambition to teach their boomer parents. Critical theory is a typical Jewish inversion.

>> No.22587976 [View]
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being tyrannical cry bullies is what got their asses rounded up into camps to begin with. classic jewish inversion and victim blaming "wet streets cause rain!"

>> No.22530233 [View]

That's because of the jewish inversion of values that the weak have enacted.
The kitten has triumphed over the lion. Nothing to be happy about.

>> No.21752640 [View]

Leftism is not built on materialism it is built on a Jewish inversion of Christian concern for the victim in an anti-Christian manner

Materialism is not reality anyways

In summation: kill yourself

>> No.19153953 [View]

>how can leftists still believe in ideal forms, platonic spookiness, and overarching narratives of justice? I thought they were supposed to be post-modernist??! ecks dee
what a boring question

A better question is why haven't christians minecrafted themselves when they realized that their "natural law" is literally a satanic, jewish inversion of natural, old morality. Specifically, that a "satan" was invented, about 50%-70% of human emotions were made out to be pure evil, and being lucky/privileged went from being synonymous with god-favored and noble-blooded to being a point of shame, and to have symptoms of being myopic and untruthful and evil-adjacent.

As Nietzsche predicted, the christian church was not a promoter but a ball and chain on this judeo sour grapes morality.
Western atheists are such miserable and pathetic beings because they have taken the judeo-christianity cake, stripped it of every aesthetic, frosting, ritual, cream, and redemption arc, and are now left with the core of the cake: sour fruit.
Indeed, they have unleashed a monster. And it won't end until every saint on the cathedral wall is from an underserved community.

Buddhists, stoics, and virtue ethicists need not reply to my post.

>> No.16056095 [View]

>The tradition of America's founding is Enlightenmentism. Whether that's a Satanic Masonic Jewish Inversion of actual Tradition or not is irrelevant to Spengler. It is the well from which America springs. It IS America. America is rooted in it, and is totally inseparable from it.

Again, we disagree on this point.

>> No.16056084 [View]

The tradition of America's founding is Enlightenmentism. Whether that's a Satanic Masonic Jewish Inversion of actual Tradition or not is irrelevant to Spengler. It is the well from which America springs. It IS America. America is rooted in it, and is totally inseparable from it. The Evangelical Christian "tradition" is just one branch of Enlightenmentism. Marxism is as well. There is no fundamental conflict between these two, as they're branches of the same tree. They want the same things, they just argue about how to get them and what exactly these things they want mean and why they're good.

But they want the same things. You want to RETVRN America to TRVDVVN? Go join a BLM protest, that IS the American tradition.

That's precisely why a Caesar is needed. People have given up on Enlightenmentism. The Caesar's coming is the sort of last gasp of it. As put it, >>16055998 Washington trusted the American people to continue his work, just as Romulus and Numa trusted the Romans to continue theirs. The American people have become exhausted. The Caesar, then, takes up power to enforce by gunpoint what Washington tried to do peacefully.

>> No.16004672 [View]

I'm not denying that. But also keep in mind that Nietzsche wasnt a moralist and didnt denounce slave morality. He viewed jewish inversion of morals and the follow up of christianity as an interesting and ambivalent step in history. He viewed it as both decadence and as something that made the man interesting to investigate.
I know what he says about jews. I study GM. My point is that there is a conceptual distinction that can be found in his philosophy between "raw" ressentiment, which is just an explosive affect that blames the other and "sublimated" resentiment that finds its historical form in bad conscience. And the latter for Nietzsche is more interesting than unhinged ressentiment of a mere animal. Now, the leftists of today have clearly sublimated their ressentiment, they create theories etc. Pol retards do not. Nigger also do not.

>> No.12326235 [View]

I'm not disagreeing with that. But that's not a positive thing.

What? Slave morality is the result of the jewish inversion of values that I am explaining.

>> No.12326192 [View]

Nietzsche said more or less what I'm saying in Genealogy in describing jewish inversion or transvaluation of European as a strategy. Nietzsche like nearly all philosophers of his time did not fully understand jewish nature, though, and precisely because they took jewish ideas like Marxism as an abstract system instead of an ethnic one. But that's a reflection of our nature.

>> No.12324900 [View]

Absolutely not.

Postmodernism is an extension of modernism, whose iconoclastic and professed anti-bourgeois attitude was a direct reflection of the jews who were filtering en masse into urban areas like Paris, infiltrating art communities, agitating the populace with Marxism, and creating or incentivizing the creation of what Tzara termed anti-art -- "Kunst ist Sheiße." Art thus became shitty and weird, theater absurd via shabbos commies like Brecht, music distorted via jews like schoenberg, literature warped by jews like Kafka, etc. But this transvaluation, to use a Nietzschean term, was always a reflection of its jewish leaders. Europeans got tired of this jewish-inspired distortion of art and turned to neoclassicism, fascist movements arose and started dealing with the jewish problem and jewish art, Hitler began sending piles of it up in beautiful blazes, international jewery ganged up and took Hitler out, jews went back to their same old tricks promoting degenerate art and the Beatnik counterculture that led to the 60s, when this jewish inversion of art and culture generally became, with increased jewish domination of academia, institutionalized and known as "postmodernism," which no one actually understands because they don't understand the jewish nature of it. Postmodernism reflects the inverted nature of the jews as well: PM literature throws all narrative standards out the window, PM philosophy claims truth and meaning don't exist, art is unaesthetic and grotesque, etc. Everything becomes an inversion of its former European self because jews have an inverted identity, or anti-identity, they as a diasporic people have evolved to distinguish themselves from their host societies and keep members from out breeding, that they project onto the culture.
Get it, plebs?

>> No.10029813 [View]

it should be clear to you at this point that philosophy is a jewish inversion of white values. All philosophers are jewish at heart

>> No.10029742 [View]

How is it that the only jewish postmodern philosopher is Derrida but still postmodernism is allegedly a jewish inversion of western philosophy despite there being no established link between the 'inversive' aspects of postmodern philosophy and the work of Derrida other than his jewishness? It should be easy to find some sort of evidence in his work, yes?

If not, then what makes postmodernism 'jewish' if not for Derrida's (rather late) contribution?

>> No.10028786 [View]

Because postmodernism represents the jewish inversion, or transvaluation as Nietzsche put it, of western values. People get very mad when you say this, though, as can be seen from the reactions in the Derrida thread; Derrida being a jew who did arguably the most to advance these postmodern jewish revalued norms.

>> No.10028723 [View]

Have you read the first part of Genealogy? Transvaluation refers to the jewish inversion of European morality and belief systems, and how this inversion is uniquely jewish. Derrida's philosophy is also an inversion of European philosophical norms and belief systems. What Nietzsche was referring to, which again he was not the first to do, was how jews think, and Derrida is an extension of that.

This imposter is not me.

>> No.9881924 [View]

I will point you to a book titled "Moses the Egyptian" which highlights how jews were kicked out of Egypt for creating anti-cultures, something Egyptologist Jan Assmann calls "normative inversion." Jewish "culture" is and has always been the inversion of their host society's culture and this is well-documented, so you aren't going to present a convincing argument that our current judaized system of western culture is actually western in any way, because it's not. European people strive for meaning and truth; the jewish inversion of that is stated quite clearly through the postmodern ideals that contend that truth is unobtainable and all meaning is subjective, no?

>> No.9828667 [View]

>from your /pol/ perspective
The main problem with your post is the assumptions you're making about myself and what I'm talking about. I've never posted on pol and have been there less than 5 times in my life. And I haven't used the word notsee because despite what you've been told, white identity is not tethered to what you correctly diagnosed as a particular thing from a particular point in history. But the larger point here pertains to the way you have been misinformed wrt ideology. What I'm proposing is not revolutionary, it's simply a state of nature, the way it's always been. What is happening now, which I agree is not happening on any massive scale quite yet, is a resetting of that. It was postwar jewish revolutionaries who took over western culture in that period and pulled everything out of sync -- inverted the norms of western societies -- but that was an aberration. I know you've been told it's "progress" your whole life, so you believe it is, but it is not. It is inversion, jewish inversion, which is what they do when they gain power -- what they were kicked out of Egypt for doing thousands of years ago. That's the revolutionary side. Men like myself are not proposing anything revolutionary, merely the reversal of what jews have done to our culture and society in the last ~50-70 years.

>> No.9793399 [View]

>they are under the impression that postmodernism is anything more than a jewish inversion of European values and culture
I fail to see a connection between Jews subverting European culture and postmodern literature, if you could make that connection with clarity and evidence it would be very appreciated

>> No.9793309 [View]

It's very important that white people more shrewd than yourself understand how jewish people think. If they are under the impression that postmodernism is anything more than a jewish inversion of European values and culture, I am going to inform them that they are incorrect and show them why they are wrong. People are free to challenge my argument with ideas and data; unfortunately, there are dimwitted losers like yourself who cannot make them but still, mistakenly, believe they have something to say.

>> No.9793270 [View]

>I literally answered the question in the OP.

For the past two months? Yes I'm counter-signalling by linking to every time you've said "jewish inversion" on /lit/. If you think that pointing out the lack of development in your argument in such a long period (probably due to a lack of reading) means I'm 'counter-signalling' then I think that speaks to how you perceive the quality of your argument. You know you're being a dishonest shit

>> No.9793164 [View]


Can't believe you've been at this for at least two months

>> No.9793120 [View]

It's really little more than the jewish inversion of European cultural norms and value systems. The jews have been doing this in their host nations for millennia, and it's the reason they got kicked out of Egypt way back when -- "normative inversion."


This is a jewish ethnic strategy to weaken the host population and promote themselves to power. That's all postmodernism is and ever was.

>> No.9784179 [View]

I am well aware that people who have been told their whole, likely short, lives that postmodernism is something real and worthy of deep exploration will be resistant to the notion that it is simply a jewish inversion western values and ideals, but it's still the most accurate way to understand it. I, too, spent many countless hours reading postmodern thinkers and believing that they were saying something of value before I understood the jewish problem. But we live and we learn...

>> No.9784049 [View]

>What you're doing now is like shit talking modern politicians by decrying "governance" and saying that your cool new rebel group doesn't use any "governance" you just "make rules"

Why would you expect me to respect your argument when you misjudge my own so badly?

>Postmodernist criticism is almost definitionally the most successful form of criticism
No, it's not. It is jewish inversion based on relativism that was devised to eradicate any hierarchy of thought.

It's you, dear fellow, who doesn't know what he's talking about here.

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