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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23432968 [View]
File: 34 KB, 355x168, PLATON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you think that the person who is likely to succeed in this attempt most perfectly is the one who approaches each object, as far as possible with the unaided intellect, without taking account of any sense of sight in his thinking, or dragging any other sense into his reckoning - the man who pursues the truth by applying his pure and unadulterated thought to the pure and unadulterated object,
cutting himself off as much as possible from his eyes and ears and virtually all the rest of his body, as an impediment which by its presence prevents the soul from attaining to truth and clear thinking? Is not this the person, Simmias, who will reach the goal of reality if anyone can?

>> No.19495386 [View]
File: 478 KB, 1200x1800, Platon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Plato is hated by Epicurus, Nietzsche, Deleuze, Carnap, Marx, Sartre, Kierkegaard, Heidegger, Popper and Arendt.

But I want a rough list about notable people who hated the old Atenian and I need book recommendations about refutations of Platonism through history.

>> No.18691264 [View]
File: 65 KB, 698x640, pythagoras-portrait-698x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a thread for discussing literature pertaining to platonic and neoplatonic thought.

recommended reading:
Start with Plotinus - Ennead V then go:
>Proclus - Elements of Theology
>Pythagoreaon Sourcebook [extremely important]
>Platonic Dialogues alongside Marsilio Ficino and/or Proclus' commentaries
>Read Aristotle alongside Simplicius and Syrianus' commentaries
>Read the rest of Plotinus (Ficino has some good commentaries on Ennead III & IV)
>Porphyry - Isagoge
>Iamblichus - De Mysteriis and Arithmetic Theology
>Proclus - Theology of Plato
>Read Damascius [Sara Rappe]
Do the Christian Neoplatonists:
>Origen - De Principiis
>St. Augustine - De Trinitate [parts of City of God are relevant too]
>Boethius - Consolation of Philosophy
>Dionysius the Areopagite - The Complete Works
>St. Maximus the Confessor - Ambigua
>John Scotus Eriugena - Perisphyseon
>The Cloud of Unknowing
>St. Thomas Aquinas' Commentary on "the Book of Causes" [that's the Medieval title of Proclus' Elements of Theology]
>Meister Eckhart - Commentary on John
>St. Bonaventure - Itinerarium
>Marsilio Ficino - Platonic Theology
>Nicholas of Cusa - On Learned Ignorance, On the Hidden God
I left Thierry of Chartres off the list because I have no clue if his work has been translated.
If you want some decent modern works to help you make sense of all of this, check out Eric Perl's works, Stephen Gersh, Llyod P. Gerson and Wayne J. Hankey
Oh and Jean Trouillard when and if he ever gets translated

>> No.18478575 [View]
File: 238 KB, 1242x810, Socc and a Jimmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous thread: >>18474920
Prior threads: >>18402046 & >>18385968

Discord: https://discord.gg/nNgfFT46

Plato's Dialogues

The following is the general order the Neoplatonists of Iamblichus, Syrianus, and Proclus' school [The Anonymous Prolegomena to Platonic Doctrine] recommended reading Plato's dialogues in, merged with recommendations from previous threads and John M. Cooper's order.

If you get stuck with something Plato is saying, check either Proclus or Ficino's commentaries. If, somehow, they don't resolve the aporia, go to the secondary sources list. The dialogues with "⦾" are marked as essential parts of the "Platonic Canon" by the three aforementioned Neoplatonists: a decad crowned by the Timaeus and Parmenides. Curiously, the Republic and Laws were not part of the curriculum. Those marked with "*" are of disputed authorship or is confirmed to be written by Plato's students but circulated under his name. Once you finish Timaeus and Parmenides (esp. the latter), you can comfortably start reading the Neoplatonists.


⦾ Alcibiades I
⦾ Gorgias
>Laws, Books I-V
⦾ Phaedo

⦾ Cratylus
⦾ Theaetetus
⦾ Sophist
⦾ Statesman
>Laws, Book X
⦾ Phaedrus
⦾ Symposium
⦾ Philebus
⦾ Timaeus
⦾ Parmenides
>Laws, Books VI-IX, XI-XXVI

>The Letters

>Alcibiades II*
>Rival Lovers*
>Greater Hippias
>Lesser Hippias

>On Justice*
>On Virtue*

>> No.18474920 [View]
File: 92 KB, 769x1024, Play-doh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time again.

Previous thread: 18402046

Discord: https://discord.gg/nNgfFT46

Plato's Dialogues

The following is the general order the Neoplatonists of Iamblichus, Syrianus, and Proclus' school [The Anonymous Prolegomena to Platonic Doctrine] recommended reading Plato's dialogues in, merged with recommendations from previous threads and John M. Cooper's order.

If you get stuck with something Plato is saying, check either Proclus or Ficino's commentaries. If, somehow, they don't resolve the aporia, go to the secondary sources list. The dialogues with "⦾" are marked as essential parts of the "Platonic Canon" by the three aforementioned Neoplatonists: a decad crowned by the Timaeus and Parmenides. Curiously, the Republic and Laws were not part of the curriculum. Those marked with "*" are of disputed authorship or is confirmed to be written by Plato's students but circulated under his name. Once you finish Timaeus and Parmenides (esp. the latter), you can comfortably start reading the Neoplatonists.


⦾ Alcibiades I
⦾ Gorgias
>Laws, Books I-V
⦾ Phaedo

⦾ Cratylus
⦾ Theaetetus
⦾ Sophist
⦾ Statesman
>Laws, Book X
⦾ Phaedrus
⦾ Symposium
⦾ Philebus
⦾ Timaeus
⦾ Parmenides
>Laws, Books VI-IX, XI-XXVI

>The Letters

>Alcibiades II*
>Rival Lovers*
>Greater Hippias
>Lesser Hippias

>On Justice*
>On Virtue*

>> No.18443402 [View]
File: 1.52 MB, 1600x1767, ficino-platonictheology.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous thread: >>18402046

Discord: https://discord.gg/nNgfFT46

Plato's Dialogues

The following is the general order the Neoplatonists of Iamblichus, Syrianus, and Proclus' school [The Anonymous Prolegomena to Platonic Doctrine] recommended reading Plato's dialogues in, merged with recommendations from previous threads and John M. Cooper's order.

If you get stuck with something Plato is saying, check either Proclus or Ficino's commentaries. If, somehow, they don't resolve the aporia, go to the secondary sources list. The dialogues with "⦾" are marked as essential parts of the "Platonic Canon" by the three aforementioned Neoplatonists: a decad crowned by the Timaeus and Parmenides. Curiously, the Republic and Laws were not part of the curriculum. Those marked with "*" are of disputed authorship or is confirmed to be written by Plato's students but circulated under his name. Once you finish Timaeus and Parmenides (esp. the latter), you can comfortably start reading the Neoplatonists.


⦾ Alcibiades I
⦾ Gorgias
>Laws, Books I-V
⦾ Phaedo

⦾ Cratylus
⦾ Theaetetus
⦾ Sophist
⦾ Statesman
>Laws, Book X
⦾ Phaedrus
⦾ Symposium
⦾ Philebus
⦾ Timaeus
⦾ Parmenides
>Laws, Books VI-IX, XI-XXVI

>The Letters

>Alcibiades II*
>Rival Lovers*
>Greater Hippias
>Lesser Hippias

>On Justice*
>On Virtue*

>> No.18402046 [View]
File: 561 KB, 680x797, 44265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous thread: >>18385968

Discord: https://discord.gg/nNgfFT46

Plato's Dialogues

The following is the general order the Neoplatonists of Iamblichus, Syrianus, and Proclus' school [The Anonymous Prolegomena to Platonic Doctrine] recommended reading Plato's dialogues in, merged with recommendations from previous threads and John M. Cooper's order.

If you get stuck with something Plato is saying, check either Proclus or Ficino's commentaries. If, somehow, they don't resolve the aporia, go to the secondary sources list. The dialogues with "⦾" are marked as essential parts of the "Platonic Canon" by the three aforementioned Neoplatonists: a decad crowned by the Timaeus and Parmenides. Curiously, the Republic and Laws were not part of the curriculum. Those marked with "*" are of disputed authorship or is confirmed to be written by Plato's students but circulated under his name. Once you finish Timaeus and Parmenides (esp. the latter), you can comfortably start reading the Neoplatonists.


⦾ Alcibiades I
⦾ Gorgias
>Laws, Books I-V
⦾ Phaedo

⦾ Cratylus
⦾ Theaetetus
⦾ Sophist
⦾ Statesman
>Laws, Book X
⦾ Phaedrus
⦾ Symposium
⦾ Philebus
⦾ Timaeus
⦾ Parmenides
>Laws, Books VI-IX, XI-XXVI

>The Letters

>Alcibiades II*
>Rival Lovers*
>Greater Hippias
>Lesser Hippias

>On Justice*
>On Virtue*

>> No.18385968 [View]
File: 416 KB, 2048x1081, Dpv4DBGW0AETo_i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous thread: >>18371044

Discord: https://discord.gg/nNgfFT46

Plato's Dialogues

The following is the general order the Neoplatonists of Iamblichus, Syrianus, and Proclus' school [The Anonymous Prolegomena to Platonic Doctrine] recommended reading Plato's dialogues in, merged with recommendations from previous threads and John M. Cooper's order.

If you get stuck with something Plato is saying, check either Proclus or Ficino's commentaries. If, somehow, they don't resolve the aporia, go to the secondary sources list. The dialogues with "⦾" are marked as essential parts of the "Platonic Canon" by the three aforementioned Neoplatonists: a decad crowned by the Timaeus and Parmenides. Curiously, the Republic and Laws were not part of the curriculum. Those marked with "*" are of disputed authorship or is confirmed to be written by Plato's students but circulated under his name. Once you finish Timaeus and Parmenides (esp. the latter), you can comfortably start reading the Neoplatonists.


⦾ Alcibiades I
⦾ Gorgias
>Laws, Books I-V
⦾ Phaedo

⦾ Cratylus
⦾ Theaetetus
⦾ Sophist
⦾ Statesman
>Laws, Book X
⦾ Phaedrus
⦾ Symposium
⦾ Philebus
⦾ Timaeus
⦾ Parmenides
>Laws, Books VI-IX, XI-XXVI

>The Letters

>Alcibiades II*
>Rival Lovers*
>Greater Hippias
>Lesser Hippias

>On Justice*
>On Virtue*

>> No.18371044 [View]
File: 41 KB, 600x450, 1622556715178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous thread: >>18354277

For a proper introduction to Platonic metaphysics, philosophy and it's historical background that isn't butchered by academic caricatures:
>Eric D. Perl - Thinking Being
>Algis Uždavinys - Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism
>Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie - The Pythagorean Sourcebook and Library
>Lloyd P. Gerson - From Plato to Platonism

Middle Platonism:
>Stephen Gersh - Middle Platonism and Neoplatonism

>Porphyry - Launching-Points to the Realm of Mind
>Llyod P. Gerson - Plotinus
>Gregory Shaw - Theurgy and the Soul
>Radek Chlup - Proclus
>Sara Rappe - Reading Neoplatonism

Christian Neoplatonism:
>Eric D. Perl - Theophany
>Eric D. Perl - Methexis
>Deirdre Carabine - The Unknown God
>Stephen Gersh - From Iamblichus to Eriugena
>Fran O'Rourke - Ps. Dionysius and the Metaphysics of Aquinas
>David Albertson - Mathematical Theologies
>Michael Allen - Ficino

Max Tegmark's Mathematical Universe is a great read too.

When reading Plato's Dialogues, a good practice would be to read them alongside Proclus' or Marsilio Ficino's commentaries.

Resources & notes:
If you can get the Loeb print of a text, opt for that. the Cooper transl. of Plato is fine.
Plotinus' Enneads + Commentary
Proclus' Elements of Theology w/ Dodds’ commentary.
The Classics of Western Spirituality Series is good but with Ps. Dionysius, read the Rev. John Parker transl. instead:
The only good print of Eriugena's Division of Nature:
Wayne J. Hankey's publications:
Gregory Shaw’s publications:
Intro to mathematical Platonism:
Ancient Commentaries on Aristotle

>> No.18354277 [View]
File: 222 KB, 676x1024, pythag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous thread:>>18339253

For a proper introduction to Platonic metaphysics, philosophy and it's historical background that isn't butchered by academic caricatures:
>Eric D. Perl - Thinking Being
>Algis Uždavinys - Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism
>Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie - The Pythagorean Sourcebook and Library
>Lloyd P. Gerson - From Plato to Platonism

Middle Platonism:
>Stephen Gersh - Middle Platonism and Neoplatonism

>Porphyry - Launching-Points to the Realm of Mind
>Llyod P. Gerson - Plotinus
>Gregory Shaw - Theurgy and the Soul
>Radek Chlup - Proclus
>Sara Rappe - Reading Neoplatonism

Christian Neoplatonism:
>Eric D. Perl - Theophany
>Eric D. Perl - Methexis
>Deirdre Carabine - The Unknown God
>Stephen Gersh - From Iamblichus to Eriugena
>Fran O'Rourke - Ps. Dionysius and the Metaphysics of Aquinas
>David Albertson - Mathematical Theologies
>Michael Allen - Ficino

Max Tegmark's Mathematical Universe is a great read too.

When reading Plato's Dialogues, a good practice would be to read them alongside Proclus' or Marsilio Ficino's commentaries.

Resources & notes:
If you can get the Loeb print of a text, opt for that. the Cooper transl. of Plato is fine.
Plotinus' Enneads + Commentary
Proclus' Elements of Theology w/ Dodds’ commentary.
The Classics of Western Spirituality Series is good but with Ps. Dionysius, read the Rev. John Parker transl. instead:
The only good print of Eriugena's Division of Nature:
Wayne J. Hankey's publications:
Gregory Shaw’s publications:
Intro to mathematical Platonism:
Ancient Commentaries on Aristotle

>> No.18339253 [View]
File: 255 KB, 349x321, socrates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous thread:>>18314044

For a proper introduction to Platonic metaphysics, philosophy and it's historical background that isn't butchered by academic caricatures:
>Eric D. Perl - Thinking Being
>Algis Uždavinys - Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism
>Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie - The Pythagorean Sourcebook and Library
>Lloyd P. Gerson - From Plato to Platonism

Middle Platonism:
>Stephen Gersh - Middle Platonism and Neoplatonism

>Porphyry - Launching-Points to the Realm of Mind
>Llyod P. Gerson - Plotinus
>Gregory Shaw - Theurgy and the Soul
>Radek Chlup - Proclus
>Sara Rappe - Reading Neoplatonism

Christian Neoplatonism:
>Eric D. Perl - Theophany
>Eric D. Perl - Methexis
>Deirdre Carabine - The Unknown God
>Stephen Gersh - From Iamblichus to Eriugena
>Fran O'Rourke - Ps. Dionysius and the Metaphysics of Aquinas
>David Albertson - Mathematical Theologies
>Michael Allen - Ficino

Max Tegmark's Mathematical Universe is a great read too.

When reading Plato's Dialogues, a good practice would be to read them alongside Proclus' or Marsilio Ficino's commentaries.

Resources & notes:
If you can get the Loeb print of a text, opt for that. the Cooper transl. of Plato is fine.
Plotinus' Enneads + Commentary
Proclus' Elements of Theology w/ Dodds’ commentary.
The Classics of Western Spirituality Series is good but with Ps. Dionysius, read the Rev. John Parker transl. instead:
The only good print of Eriugena's Division of Nature:
Wayne J. Hankey's publications:
Gregory Shaw’s publications:
Intro to mathematical Platonism:

>> No.18314044 [View]
File: 104 KB, 686x900, Jusepe de Ribera - Plato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last thread was quite productive aside from the shit-flinging over Hypatia.
Previous thread:>>18277107

For a proper introduction to Platonic metaphysics, philosophy and it's historical background that isn't butchered by academic caricatures:
>Eric D. Perl - Thinking Being
>Algis Uždavinys - Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism
>Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie - The Pythagorean Sourcebook and Library
>Lloyd P. Gerson - From Plato to Platonism

Middle Platonism:
>Stephen Gersh - Middle Platonism and Neoplatonism

>Porphyry - Launching-Points to the Realm of Mind
>Llyod P. Gerson - Plotinus
>Gregory Shaw - Theurgy and the Soul
>Radek Chlup - Proclus
>Sara Rappe - Reading Neoplatonism

Christian Neoplatonism:
>Eric D. Perl - Theophany
>Eric D. Perl - Methexis
>Deirdre Carabine - The Unknown God
>Stephen Gersh - From Iamblichus to Eriugena
>Fran O'Rourke - Ps. Dionysius and the Metaphysics of Aquinas
>David Albertson - Mathematical Theologies
>Michael Allen - Ficino

Max Tegmark's Mathematical Universe is a great read too.

When reading Plato's Dialogues, a good practice would be to read them alongside Proclus' or Marsilio Ficino's commentaries.

Resources & notes:
If you can get the Loeb print of a text, opt for that. the Cooper transl. of Plato is fine.
Plotinus' Enneads + Commentary
Proclus' Elements of Theology w/ Dodds’ commentary.
The Classics of Western Spirituality Series is good but with Ps. Dionysius, read the Rev. John Parker transl. instead:
The only good print of Eriugena's Division of Nature:
Wayne J. Hankey's publications:
Gregory Shaw’s publications:
Intro to mathematical Platonism:

>> No.18277107 [View]
File: 1.76 MB, 1619x2251, Head_Platon_Glyptothek_Munich_548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Middleplatonists and Neoplatonists are worth a read?
And where can I find an extensive list of all Middleplatonists and Neoplatonists who have available writing?

>> No.14214493 [View]
File: 545 KB, 2048x1261, pythagorians PRAISE THE SUN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread to discuss and engage in dialectic regarding Presocratic, Pythagorean, Socratic, Platonic, Aristotelian, and Neoplatonic philosophies and their many medieval, modern, and post-modern heirs...

(((Abrahamics))) and ((perennialists)) are tolerated, though urged to stay on topic.

REMEMBER: "Pneumatics" are Daemons purposed to challenge the soul to impede the ascension of the yet unworthy (being punished for past lives), Gnosticism is a lie, every soul is chosen, just not every life.

If anyone can find out whomever that girl whose linked vid got hid, that'd be nice.

>BASED Pierre Grimes, truly a modern Isidore!

>orientalisms and (neo)platonic revivals in occidental history:

>free platonic writings online:

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