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File: 22 KB, 300x209, Vietnam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2185553 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, I've been looking for some books about the war in Vietnam, but i'm kind of having some trouble. If you know of any it would be much appreciated if you shared :P

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>> No.2185739

Matterhorn is the best book about Vietnam I've ever read.

He wrote a non-fic followup that is equally good.

>> No.2185752

Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam.

Be sure to check out the companion documentary.

>> No.2185775
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not sure if serious, but this is the only Clancy novel that deals with Vietnam. everything else is Soviets or terrorists.

>> No.2185806
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This is the only book you need.

e.g. on the strength of it, Herr wrote the voiceovers for Apocalypse Now

>> No.2185929

'About Face' by David Hackworth is 50% Korea, 50% Vietnam and 100% awesome

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[ERROR] No.2185549 [Reply] [Original]

I don't read much at all but want to change that. Can you guys give me some books that will really get me back into reading regularly?

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>> No.2185691

Thanks, this sounds good.

Fuck yeah brofist. Thanks for the recommendations man, I'll try to check them alll out

>> No.2185695

No problem man.

What is this? Is it actually about running?

>> No.2185710

AKA Maniac Magee. Probably the first time I read a "real" book.

>> No.2185718

mmmm I wouldn't say it is about running. It is about a guy who runs, but the context is pretty different. Trust me, you'll like it.

>> No.2185720

just listen to free bird. It's basically the same thing condensed.

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[ERROR] No.2185532 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, recently heard about On A Pale Horse by Piers Anthony. Is it any good? Not sure about getting into the series or anything but the idea of becoming Death is interesting.

>> No.2185541
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I thought it was fantastic! The second book wasn't AS fun with all the ridiculous time bullshit going on, but still a decent read. I have the third one on my bookshelf waiting for me to finish a Brian Greene book before I get to it, but I would totally recommend at least the first book if you're willing to get engaged in magic and science working ~*~*together*~*~.

Also the means for coming into the offices seem to get way cooler every book. Just saying.

(This thread made me really happy to see by the way!)

>> No.2185551
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Awesome. I've been getting bored of A Dance with Dragons (heresy, I know), and this book seemed kinda cool. I read a whole bunch of reviews on Amazon and people seem to like it, but I'm glad to hear than someone on /lit/ also enjoyed it and recommends it.

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[ERROR] No.2185485 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/.
I've been trying to read more. But I never really enjoyed it. until I discovered I was just reading the wrong stuff. I just needed better authors. I picked up American Gods, Neverwhere and a few other Neil Gaiman books and I adored them.

I hear great things about Terry Pratchett and the passages I've read I really like. But he's written quite collection.

Where do I start?

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>> No.2185545

That's a fair point. I can see how it could get preachy.

>> No.2185550

You're a casual reader who likes simple writing and stories. Just look in the science fiction or fantasy sections of your local bookstore and you're bound to find something you like.

>> No.2185555

They just make me depressed now, fortunately I've read them all. But ever since I watched that interview with him about his alzheimer's, I just picture this frail old man having to dictate his books to his assistant whenever i look at the discworld collection on my bookshelf.

>> No.2185574

I like them too but they're not on the same level as the rest of the series and a little different stylistically. That's why I think they're not the best place to start.

>> No.2185582

oh yeah i completely agree with the difference in style

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[ERROR] No.2185472 [Reply] [Original]

hey guys, this is pretty embarrassing but im writing a college paper and i need a word for somebody who likes pleasure and is really careless. i originally used the word 'heretic' but it was way too strong and didn't quite fit.... you guys know any good words?

also really helpful if anyone knows a site that can find words based on your definition.... thanks

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>> No.2185494


>> No.2185496

decadent, aesthete, libertine, bohemian

>> No.2185500


>> No.2185504


that's it! thank you!


fuck off, lol

>> No.2185512


Actually, this guy's right. You reall should go back to high school.

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[ERROR] No.2185468 [Reply] [Original]

Is this worth reading? It seems like a history book from 1945 might have information that is outdated. Is there a better book about the history of western philosophy?

>> No.2185478


I don't trust russell. He thought neitzsche was an evil insane man.

So clearly Russell's reading comprehension skills are very poor--his historical analysis is probably just as terrible

>> No.2185484

In the context of the history of ideas, 65 years is not that long of a time at all. It's fine as long as you're aware of Russell's biases (like his hatred of Nietzsche).

>> No.2185497

Reading this now, OP, but supplementing it with original texts and a few other 'history of philosophy' books as well.
Russell's biases and general shittiness towards more modern philosophers is well-noted, even by himself. I find it pretty readable, especially for a 'history of philosophy' book, and especially for one written in the 40s.

>> No.2185522

Its a decent book OP. It gives a good overview of the entire philosophical landscape and most of the good arguments that have been presented. A lot of people say its not as comprehensive as it could have been, but its a very large book and covers a lot of information.

It wont make you an expert on philosophy (obviously) but will give you a good idea of its outlines.

>It's fine as long as you're aware of Russell's biases (like his hatred of Nietzsche).

He doesnt hate on Nietzsche that hard in the book. I think he gives a fair representation of Nietzsche's position.

As for Russel's biases, hes an analytic philosopher, he doesnt like random bullshit and treats random bullshit like random bullshit. Sorry if he doesnt give undeserved respect to your pet philosopher

>> No.2185529

Well OP, there has been no philosophy since 1900, so it might not be so outdated. That being said, there are a fuckload of texts you can consult on the same topic. But the problem with books like these is that philosophy is a field of depth, and these books by nature give only a superficial overview.

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[ERROR] No.2185467 [Reply] [Original]

>You will never have a friend who buys you a whole wardrobe for 9 oubles 55 copecks

>> No.2185471
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>that feel when you miss your buddy Vlad now
Thanks OP. :<

>> No.2185493

>Latvian go to potato vendor.
>Potato is 15 rubles.
>Latvian is poor and says "I give you 5 rubles."
>Potato vendor says, "Give me 10."
>Latvian say "I give you 8."
>Potato vendor say "Deal."
>Latvian ashamed, say "I have no money."
>Potato vendor say "Is ok I have no potato to sell."

>> No.2185665

I laughed way too hard at that.

>> No.2185745

prepare your anus


>> No.2185749

Three Latvian are brag about sons. “My son is soldier. He have rape as many women as want,” say first Latvian. “Zo?” second say, “My son is farmer. He have all potato he want!” Third Latvian wait long time, then say, “My son is die at birth. For him, struggle is over.” “Wow! You are win us,” say others. But all are feel sad.

File: 93 KB, 400x399, frodo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2185459 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Frodo not simply walk into Mordor?

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>> No.2185547
File: 50 KB, 572x549, frlodloafdasodo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wyh didnt frodo just voldemort gandalf with the ring on his dick with stark watching snape raping a snake?

>> No.2185548

Shirley you meant to mention Gandalf's Shaq-Fu?

>> No.2185859

why didn't Frodo just exploit the natural divisions between Ferahgo and Klitch?

>> No.2186295

Why did Aragorn get into three duels with Drizzt, Wulfgar, and Catti-Brie when Darken Rahl was clearly planning to subvert Queen Cersei by exposing her secret affair with Uhtred of Bebbanburg?

>> No.2186329

Why didn't Harrison Frodo just stay and help Obi-Wan when he was fighting with light-saber-wands against Darth Voldemort?

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[ERROR] No.2185452 [Reply] [Original]

Please recommend a good book that will make me want to kill myself, or that will make me miserable.

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>> No.2185463

Just cut out the middle man and kill yourself.

Or look for a book that will show you the way around your whiny (no offense) depression.
The answers are simple

>> No.2185465


>> No.2185499

The only reason you would consider killing yourself after reading it is that your life will never be as good as MC's.

>> No.2185509

Something Happened by Joseph Heller. I was a happy person until I read that, seriously. I can't even have it in the same room as me.

>> No.2185511


What happened?

File: 40 KB, 264x404, 2011-08-Modelland-Tyra-Banks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2185424 [Reply] [Original]

>Great work of contemporary fiction or greatest work of contemporary fiction?

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>> No.2185446

Pulitzer Prize-winning pot ledom.

>> No.2185450

Did anybody see her show? It was worth seeing. They rounded up a group of PHD chem students to see which one was the best at wearing clothes.

>> No.2185453
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The stylistic elements that Banks employs are quite extraordinary, indeed.

>> No.2185457
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This just reminds me of this drivel

>> No.2185475


That's top model backwards!

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[ERROR] No.2185367 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone pick this up today? Thoughts?

>> No.2185407

Holy shit, this has been released?

>> No.2185414

Yeah, Jonathan Lethems doing a book tour thing with it as well...

>> No.2185418

Oh yeah! I thought it wasn't coming out til December for some reason. Just checked Amazon...$22.00 for hardback. So yeah, someone go get this and report back!

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[ERROR] No.2185357 [Reply] [Original]

Could this, in retrospect, turn out to be the most unfortunately titled autobiography in recent history?


>> No.2186558

It certainly could.

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[ERROR] No.2185355 [Reply] [Original]

How do I harness my crushing misery and never-ending loneliness into art?

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>> No.2185445

I guess I do.
And when I mean fun, I don't mean like sex-with-a-blueberry-woman amounts of fun, I mean, like mentally fun. Playful I guess? Channel your desperation into something new and interesting. Since you're totally alone, you've got lots of free time, presumably. Make it a goal to write exactly what you want to write and keep reading and writing until you do.

>> No.2185449
File: 25 KB, 300x300, 51JhYEqwZ7L._SL500_AA300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might be familiar with this since 4chan, but Welcome to NHK is a pretty fun, dark book on loneliness. Might not be exactly what TIoBOtaB is talking about, but a good way to see some funny absurdities meshed into why the main character is lonely. Like it shows how his paranoia and distrusting nature kind of keeps him lonely and all. Actually helped me get over the crushing part of being lonely too, and on to acceptance (not to imply you have to accept it). Just a thought on a good read that could help you both mentally, and in how you write. Yes there was an anime adaption, but the book the anime is based on has its own merits.

>> No.2185473

If you have enough time to read this stuff, why don't read real existential literature instead? It's dealing with the same subjects, and doing much better job of it.

>> No.2185488

I assume he wants an example of a fiction novel to help in guiding him toward channeling his feelings into art. He knows the feelings, but not how to filter them through an artistic medium.

>> No.2185515

Yeah re existential stuff, Camus and Sartre are probably the worst people to read if you're in a funk, or maybe the best, what do I know?

But Infinite Jest helped me through a lot, and I know a lot of people here hate IJ, but there it is.
Ordinary People by Judith Guest is also a good one that helped me during high school.

Don't know anything about manga or anime, so I can't recommend anything in this vein, if in fact you do like this type of stuff.

As for more western graphic novels, though, Blankets by Craig Thompson is pretty alright, as well as Black Hole by Charles Burns.

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[ERROR] No.2185354 [Reply] [Original]

Doing a paper about a the worldview of a vietnam veteran that comes back home and at first hates the hippies then realizes that we should not be fighting in Vietnam. Any thoughts? mainly about what kind of way he views the world and his mindset about life. pic unrelated

>> No.2185363

I would assume this fellow is unstable, he looks at the world not knowing what to think, disliking people in general, hating the war then venting his frustrations on the government

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[ERROR] No.2185343 [Reply] [Original]

does some one here have any deltora quest ebooks

>> No.2185347

pay for it, scum

>> No.2185526


>> No.2185533


Stop right there criminal scum!

>> No.2185537

Shit dude. I forgot about those.

All of my nostalgia.

>> No.2185540

These, Narnia, the Time Quartet, and My Side of the Mountain, amirite?

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[ERROR] No.2185341 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't genre books be of sufficient quality to qualify as literature?

Do you realize literature itself is a genre?

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>> No.2185404


ya that would be good...oh wait this is art, which is meaningless and arbitrary and its good only if i say so

>> No.2185416

Bloom is a fat fuck whose opinion is worthless. Nabokov was one of the best writers of the 20th century and well-read.

Maybe you shouldn't be complaining about the opinions of one person about a widely respected writer, faggot. Poe is taught in highschool and often referenced in every walk of literature. You're trying to create a problem that isn't there.

Bullshit fantasy isn't lit. Good fantasy is. If it wasn't half the 'literary' writers wouldn't be literary.

>> No.2185427


define "good fantasy"

>> No.2185439


In a 1964 Supreme Court decision, Justice Potter described his test for pornography as, "I know it when I see it."

That is the way I feel about defining literature.

We don't have empirical data to establish a recognized threshold. Some use Bloom as their pitchfork.com to quickly evaluate a writer or work instead of personally doing the reading and evaluating.

Is Poe literature?

Is Playboy obscene?

It depends on who is interpreting.

>> No.2185444

>It depends on who is interpreting.

As long as their opinions coincide with mine they are correct, otherwise they are mistaken.

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[ERROR] No.2185323 [Reply] [Original]

When you read a poem
You're not just seeing a glimpse of emotion,
A spark of inspiration,
Or a candle lit by a passion fueled flame.

You're not just seeing another tender less ballad,
A trite filled lyric,
Or a scorn wrought song;

When you read a poem
You get a glimpse through the window of a poet's soul,

A veil less view of their naked inhibitions,
Their unmasked emotions,
And the very nature of their hearts true song.

What is your opinion on poets?

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>> No.2185823

When you read a poem
That was written in a matther of minutes,
You're not reading
Anything beyond bathroom sharpies.

Often people are poets merely because
Poetry is the
Shortest version of literature,

And they are too lazy
To write of length or find out what prosody is.

When you read a poem, 9 times of 10,
You're reading the mediocre work
Shat out hastily by lazy people with literary ambitions.

>> No.2185825

take a writer away from his typewriter
and all you have left
the sickness
which started him
in the

>> No.2185838

When you read a poem,
it can be like watching
an obese naked man writhing
and screaming
and trying to convince you
he is dressed like a King.
But a line break and thesaurus
do not a poem make.

>> No.2185840

no you don't

>> No.2185844


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[ERROR] No.2185302 [Reply] [Original]

If shake spear was such a boss (and what kind of name is shake anyway?) why couldn't he solve non-homogeneous green's functions in the plane?

/sci/ 1
/lit/ 0

>> No.2185307

You've got us beat, OP.

>> No.2185311

1/0, OP

>> No.2185330

The limit as n goes to 0 of 1/n is +/- infinity. /lit/ -infinity /sci/ +infinity.

>> No.2185337


It's an asymptote at which no values exist.

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[ERROR] No.2185299 [Reply] [Original]

You know what I hate in stories. Fucking gods. Some people still seem to think the best way to get introduced into their droll world is by establishing a bland background of arbitrary mythology. That isn't to say I don't enjoy the exploits of Greek gods, who were after all nothing more than overpowered magnificent and petty bastards; or eldritch abominations who are enjoyable at times while in the right hands. The reason I enjoy them is down to the fact that they are not actually gods in the sense of them having created a universe of which they have complete and utter control.

I can't understand how these obnoxious characters have survived past the 80s. You know who spent way too much time talking about fictional gods? Tolkien. You probably didn't know that and if you did you are probably doing your best to repress the memories of all the mind-numbing bullshit he tried to shove down your cum infected throat.

If you also have something to say about feeble attemps at personifying cosmic architectonic entities give us a shout.

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[ERROR] No.2185287 [Reply] [Original]

"People do not know how dangerous lovesongs can be, the auric egg of Russell warned occultly. The movements which work revolutions in the world are born out of the dreams and visions in a peasant's heart on the hillside. For them the earth is not an exploitable ground but the living mother. The rarefied air of the academy and the arena produce the sixshilling novel, the musichall song, France produces the finest flower of corruption in Mallarmé but the desirable life is revealed only to the poor of heart, the life of Homer's Phaeacians."


>> No.2186110

That was a quote