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14346080 No.14346080 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw artless fool and a philosophy major
>tfw torn between platonism and postmodernism
>tfw met the love of my life and lost her love
>tfw volcel and hermit since
>tfw state of consciousness is permanently altered through psychedelic and psychonautic experiences
>tfw lost several years of school to mental breakdowns through improper use of aforementioned self-serve psychiatry
>tfw graduating may but with weak record
>tfw chronic cough and chest pains and believe my liver is diseased
>tfw life is an endless haze of angst and cigarettes hurtling toward death
>tfw regularly crossfaded at night in order to bear the immensity of my sorrow
>tfw know I am worthless and will always be a burden
>tfw alternatively praying for an afterlife for reward and praying for no afterlife and no punishment
Is Platonism or Postmodernism superior philosophically?

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>> No.14349288

Legend. Maybe youll go totally mad and write something amazing.

>> No.14349379

as much as i love drugs, i find them to be a harmful crutch. i have begun to notice that depression is a cycle, it shocks our brain into realizing whats important. i always feel best on mornings after a night of wanting to kill myself. normally i would smoke weed till i pass out but i havent been able to get any recently so ive had to just sit with the sorrow, it teaches you things if you are open to it and dont block it out with intoxications.

that being said i still smoke a fuck ton of weed, just putting the idea out there, good luck anon.

>> No.14350503

shut the fuck up you subhuman dickhead OP
nobody wants to hear your gay ass stories
we're here for book discussion, not dicksucking

>> No.14350523

absolutely, unequivocally, categorically based

>> No.14350665

>i always feel best on mornings after a night of wanting to kill myself
This happens to me too. When I get absolutely miserable and the pain gets unbearable, the next few days I feel content and somewhat numb. Though I don't think it's necessarily the result of some realization. I've always thought this is your brain giving you a bump to give you a chance of fixing things.

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14346053 No.14346053 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books published in the last few years?

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>> No.14346205

'If a book is obscure then everyone who talks about it is the author and shilling', your opinion is shit and I've seen Animal Money if not discussed then at least acknowledged on /lit/ at least several times. Also there's no comic book in anon's post and being an asshole in general and calling people left and right 'basedboys' isn't better than being one

>> No.14346231

Serious question: were you crying when you wrote this?

>> No.14346262

Oh my, you've a spicy FetLife, xir

>> No.14346264

Holy schnikeys, this Anon is unstoppable!!

>> No.14346267
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Here’s you.

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14346034 No.14346034 [Reply] [Original]

Borderline schizo books that talk a lot about new age isolation and maybe tech? Read Artaud already and loved it. I was reccomended picrelated and The Age of Wire and String, anybody read these two? Any more?

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>> No.14348106

Super dense, like an intense academic wikipedia on psychoanalysis for the first few chapters. Definitely something you dont read for enjoyment but rather to gain understanding which in turn is worth it in the end. No need for a companion with the internet available

>> No.14348307

I'm sorry but if someone who pretends to be a philosopher and strives for truth has any ties with feminism I simply ignore. They already have a specific agenda that they want to affirm, they don't want truth and so I'm free to ignore their anti-intellectual writings.

>> No.14348814


>> No.14349126


>> No.14350419

Empire of the senseless

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14346030 No.14346030[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some books to help me deal with yesterday's massive Nakba, bros? How resignation honestly hurt way more than the actual election

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>> No.14347369
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>> No.14347375

Agreed with the good points made above. Also:


>> No.14347383

That's like saying "we don't want to target blacks, we just want to target basketball playing Americans".

>> No.14347436

It's not. They embraced the Muslim bloc vote, and have huge numbers of Muslim members and councillors. The average Muslim is pretty anti-jew.
It's actually had other effects too, under the Labour government it was very hard to get funding for anti FGM stuff as they knew it would antagonise the Muslim vote in a lot of marginal constituencies

>> No.14347452

This is an accelerationist victory

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14345963 No.14345963 [Reply] [Original]

could anyone recommend me the essential most important works by Nietzsche? I see him quoted in talks about morality and I'm intrigued to learn more about what he contributed to philosophy

>> No.14345975

Genealogy of Morality is his most ‘systematic’ work and a decent introduction.

>> No.14346341

Read BGaE, then The Genealogy, then Zarathustra, those are the three absolute essentials.

The Gay Science, Birth of Tragedy, and Will to Power are also very interesting. In fact every single one of his books are interesting, just those especially so. Birth of Tragedy is wild, imaginative, but not yet his fully matured thought. The Gay Science is his maturation out of any kind of pessimism into a more optimistic tone, and WtP is an anthology and the most mature. Will to Power requires a very critical eye, though, considering they're notes that went through an editing/ordering process after his death.

>> No.14346363


leaving pessismism is not a true maturation, though. Cioran said as much when he critiqued Nietzsche's bombast in his proper work, preferring his frailty and admissions of weakness in his private correspondence. Here, the "dynamite" forgot itself, remembering its humanity.

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14345929 No.14345929 [Reply] [Original]

Where to start with Diane Williams? I know her collected works are probably the most efficient buy but I rather not buy a tomb of her stuff before I even dip my feet in her. She has a few books out on their own and I want to see what all the mess is about.

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14345896 No.14345896 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever read Newman, /lit/?

>> No.14345900

Nope, where should I start? I'd prefer something that isn't just apologetics, and as I recall he wrote a variety of stuff. But I only know about him from a couple passing references

>> No.14345939

You could always start with his poetry. It's all free to find on Google and it's pretty good.

>> No.14347010

I tried, but I'm too much of a brainlet.

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14345867 No.14345867 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a any philosopher, a book that- gives a critical argument of whether a debate is useful to change one's mind in topic, correcting our way to truth - or not?

Do you think debate is pure pageantry?

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>> No.14346887

I'll do it in a sentence:
Nihilism, total and utter loss of feeling there is a purpose in life, is because we view life through the imagined lens of a camera that de-subjectivizes everything, and fills us with dead sensations, so we don't feel there is anything true, real, or dead, so we feel life's meaningless because of a trick in perspective.

>> No.14346888

Literally me.

>> No.14346899
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Yep. And if you upload videos of said debates and use really clickbait titles, you give watchers the impression of who has won the debate already before its even started, making them biased while watching the debate itself

>> No.14346940


>> No.14346946

That pic

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14345856 No.14345856[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post /lit/ comedians

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>> No.14347424
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Norm MacDonald is a comedic genius and a genuinely likeable person. Listen to this and tell me you don't like this man. https://youtu.be/ZzrfOy9pCq4

>> No.14347735

Noble old soul talking with some hedonistic chimps. It's funny how incomprehensible it is to them. I'd sit down with Norm to talk about life and God, no need for jokes.


>> No.14348081

Norm is the most obvious INTJ out there. He's a hermit and just reads the same few books over and over, so basically just like Uncle Ted.

>> No.14348180

In case some of you don't know, Norm McDonald voices pigeon in Mike Tyson Mysteries (and Tyson voices himself)


>> No.14348357

Just saw some of it. Very disappointing. He's just accepted at face value the dogmas of empiricism but just believes anyway. When ask ed how he would prove God he just says "I don't know I'm not a scientist" which just gives atheism all the ammunition

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14345848 No.14345848 [Reply] [Original]

Please help me bros. My brain is completely fucked. The first thing that comes to my mind every time I wake up is sex. I'm deeply ashamed, and yet I keep losing this battle everyday without much improvement. Can't even properly focus on reading classics.

Recommend me anything that might be able to help. Or perhaps something that helped you. Tired of being such a waste. You're the only board I can trust /lit/.

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>> No.14345857


I recommend aging past 16, OP.

>> No.14345914

The easiest thing to manage at first is going to just be getting your body moving. Get out of the basement and take a walk. Keep at that for a while and move up to weights. Do some side work landscaping or painting. Your head will clear after a while and you can start working on the more difficult things. Priority one is stomping your boredom.

>> No.14346327

The coomer mindset is largely a result of social isolation. Your mind becomes so repressed and lonely that you descend into a chaotic, lustful nature. See: >>14345914

>> No.14346330

nice meme

>> No.14347749
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>incel stays sexless for 10 years
>hates himself because his body is producing sex-wanting behaviors
>hatred was caused by a 4chan meme

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14345807 No.14345807 [Reply] [Original]

> Got paid extra for Christmas,
> Betting /lit can give 400€ a better future than becoming a Nintendo Switch.

Recommend away, pic related is my reading list

>> No.14346292

Your reading list is shit. Let me write you a proper one (i.e. one that suits my tastes).
>Memories of Silk and Straw -- Saga
>The Setting Sun -- Dazai
>Snow Country -- Kawabata
>Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea -- Mishima
>The Tartar Steppe -- Buzatti
>The Centurions -- Laurteguy
>Pure Land Sutras
>Tao Te Ching
>Timaeus and Critia -- Plato
>Consolation of Philosophy -- Boethius
>Cloud of Unknowing -- an anonymous monk
>Christus Victor -- Aulen
>Plows, Plagues, and Petroleum -- Ruddiman
>The Geographical Pivot of History -- Mackinder
>The Influence of Sea Power Upon History -- Mahan
>The Decline of the West -- Spengler
>Man and Technics -- Spengler

>> No.14346301

Yowza! You like your books, mister!

>> No.14346325

you want to buy two cocks to suck?

>> No.14346458

>Tao Te Ching
Also some Baudrillard and Bataille

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14345801 No.14345801 [Reply] [Original]

>lol guis socializm's bad mm'kay?
>see look the funny animals couldn'f even do it in this funny storee see?
is this the peak of boomer intellectualism?

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>> No.14352942

>authoritarian socialism
That’s redundant

>> No.14352965

They're the same, if you want to be consistent. All property is about limiting other's freedom and hence a form of slavery.

>> No.14352977
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>All property is about limiting other's freedom and hence a form of slavery.

>> No.14353276

why are you talking about property?
you aware that liberalism is pro-property and that socialism is just against having private companies?
Do you come from /pol/ to believe that liberalism and socialism is the same thing?

>> No.14353320

>is this the peak of boomer intellectualism?
No, '1984' is.

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14345798 No.14345798 [Reply] [Original]

Idk if this belongs here or in /mu/ but i'm looking for heavy albums with literary lyrics (philosophy, history, mythology, religion, occult, etc.) where you can tell they actually read the text before making the album. All subgenres are cool.

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>> No.14362001
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Any thing Ahab is awesome, the main reason I read Moby Dick and Im glad I did.

>> No.14362009

Obsidian Gate's The Nightspectral Voyage has good lyrics:

Read "When Death Unchains the Spectre" for a sample.

>> No.14362447


>> No.14363272


>> No.14363339

Deathspell Omega

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14345747 No.14345747 [Reply] [Original]

Is Aristotle the most intelligent man to ever live? I remember in high school I always used to laugh when we were discussing something and his name came up. He literally came up in like every single class I took, thousands of years later and his name still comes up across multiple domains: chemistry, physics, math, biology, ethics, philosophy, and many more.

How was he able to be so insightful and so far ahead of everyone else? What was Aristotle’s IQ?

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>> No.14346449

Nah, Plotinus btfos him. All other Philosophy is a footnote under Plato and Plotinus, there is nothing left after you read them

>> No.14346502

Meh. Plato was much more intelligent than Aristotle. And the greatest genius who has ever walked this earth is Dante.

>> No.14347558

Dude, Plato flat out admitted that he was full of shit in Parmenides
Lol no

>> No.14347598
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*invents the empty set*

>> No.14347618
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*makes all plato-less peripatetics too ashamed to exist*
nuttin personnel ariboble

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14345672 No.14345672 [Reply] [Original]

>Art must represent reality!

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>> No.14345800

Post insights.

>> No.14345819

I've been posting them and will continue to post them for at least as long as I have finals to procrastinate over. I do so as a volunteer night-watchman, unpaid, unseen, unthanked. But above all, I am not your lapdog to play tricks with!

>> No.14346544

whats the point of this thread

>> No.14346546

No, but the lack of realism in art cheapens the overall value and quality of the medium.

>> No.14346709

>Art should represent Reality

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14345653 No.14345653 [Reply] [Original]

Is it as good as Nabokov says?

>> No.14345660

Jekyll and Hyde

>> No.14345730

idk read it you dum dum

>> No.14346060

Nabokov says a lot of shit.
Find out yourself.

>> No.14346066

I read it and I liked it. Mind you, I was like 16.

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14345643 No.14345643 [Reply] [Original]

Have a stack already, thinking about buying more books before reading them.

>> No.14345779

>Publish ebooks for free online and periodically insert my own writing in it changing key details.
>waiting for the day some idiot tells me how Humbert rapes Dolores like in my fan fiction

>> No.14345786

that’s a good idea

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14345641 No.14345641 [Reply] [Original]

is this worth reading?

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>> No.14345667
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>big pharma good

>> No.14345677

>nationa bestseller
Nope. Why you reading pop polisci books from a decade ago anyways?

>> No.14345777
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>> No.14345789

Well I don't really care what it is, I just know it's gay

>> No.14345849

>the media that loved them
idk what American media they were consuming that loved the guys on the cover

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14345571 No.14345571 [Reply] [Original]

I can’t even make sense of books that are called “classic literature”. Even if I try and read the Bible I read a sentence and none of it makes sense, it’s like my mind sees the words and reads them but there’s no meaning being imparted into my brain, there’s nothing happening. I get to the end of the page and I realize I don’t know anything.

I’m wondering how intelligent you actually need to be to even understand this stuff, I literally got a perfect score on the reading and English portions of the ACT, yet if I read any book that’s not super modernized I can’t understand any of it. Then there are textbooks that I read where he same thing happens, I can’t seem to make sense of Control Systems no matter how many times I read the text.

Do you guys have to do this? Some people seem to enjoy reading, are they hypergeniuses who don’t have to read things over and over? Can some people actually understand what’s happening in books like Beowulf or Shakespeare shit?

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>> No.14345740

uhhh so you figured out the solution?

>> No.14345749

>I could focus on anything, everything I read was interesting and I immediately “absorbed” it. I was outgoing, I wanted to actually see people for once in my life, I wanted to learn and meet new people. Then when the effects wore off and I went back to not being able to read I became insanely depressed, I felt like a defective human knowing what my brain was actually capable of.
That's the usual effect speed has on people

>> No.14345753

but i don't want to build a habit of buying books when i haven't read the ones i've got yet. there's something vital in buying a book only when you feel it calling to you - a kind of inertia that carries you forward even while reading. scarcity produces focus while abundance produces laziness.

>> No.14345767

no. not the solution. amphetamine usage amplifies confidence and attention span, not intelligence.

OP, your problem is probably attention. you're not able to "intake" complicated sentences because you can't focus on concepts and structures that you don't implicitly understand.

like >>14345663, I recommend reading to yourself if you're an "auditory" learner, or copying word by word difficult sentences or whole paragraphs, if you're a "visual" learner. as a visual learner, I find copying and summarizing difficult information really helps when my attention span is failing me.

drugs like adderall will make it so you never learn skills like these, and you will be unable to function without the drugs. and you will become addicted. you will experience the depressive comedown every time the drug wears off. not because the drug shows you what you are capable of, but because the drug opens neural paths for repetition of itself.

repeat good habits, not bad ones.

>> No.14345805

i sometimes also happen to have this. it's when i spend too much time on youtube/chans or twitch and then immedietely try to read a book which has little less to reality, like war and peace (not some sci-fi).

what you need to do is calm yourself down for few hours and do something not so enjoyable like working or learning. then when you finish, some classic piece of literature will be a relief for your brain

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14345553 No.14345553 [Reply] [Original]

>Of American novelists, he declared in 2003 that "there are four living American novelists I know of who are still at work and who deserve our praise"
>He claimed that "they write the Style of our Age, each has composed canonical works," and he identified them as Thomas Pynchon, Philip Roth, Cormac McCarthy, and Don DeLillo.
>He named their strongest works as, respectively, Gravity's Rainbow, The Crying of Lot 49 and Mason & Dixon; American Pastoral and Sabbath's Theater; Blood Meridian; and Underworld.
>e added to this estimate the work of John Crowley, with special interest in his Aegypt Sequence and novel Little, Big saying that "only a handful of living writers in English can equal him as a stylist, and most of them are poets ... only Philip Roth consistently writes on Crowley's level".
Roth is now dead and the rest of them are about to die. Even for POC authors, Toni Morrison is now dead.
What will the next 50 years of American literature look like? Is there anyone writing right now who could compare to the most acclaimed writers from roughly the 1970s to the 2000s?

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>> No.14346170

i don’t have that edition, just found the picture online, but i do have the burton translation which is beyond based

>> No.14346174

wow, i actually didn’t know he died. i took a break from /lit/ around august and only came back a couple days ago

>> No.14346181

you might enjoy John Barth, who is actually still alive, and who was greatly influenced by story cycles like the Arabian Nights

>> No.14346186

I quit /lit/ periodically but I found at that Bloom was dead the day he died, some friends informed me. I am still pissed that he wasn't listed under "recent deaths" on Wikipedia's homepage

>> No.14346228

Hi French Sephardi. I remember you.