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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 377 KB, 1230x794, thomas mann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17223833 No.17223833 [Reply] [Original]

Any /lit/ related wallpapers?

I'm starting with the best out there.

>> No.17223853

entire classic art

>no, I mean like those tumblr pics of famous authors or people reading in tasteful setting
not /lit/-related

>> No.17223954

oh, ok

>> No.17223955
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>> No.17224030

that's exactly what i was looking for

>> No.17224081
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time is a flat circle

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17223817 No.17223817 [Reply] [Original]

How do I actually read? I've never learnt it. I just fly over words and have to go back to see and analyse it again. Like I read a text, get 80% of words but cannot get the context, have to go back and read some words I didn't get. What the fuck

>> No.17223835

Have you tried not doing that?

>> No.17223849

You have to quit instant gratification from the internet. 4chan, Youtube, all the crap that gives you that hit of dopamine you crave. Quit for a week. Your brain is fried and needs to rewire. A healthy dopamine reward system is essential for the sustained concentration and focus reading requires.

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17223816 No.17223816 [Reply] [Original]

>start with the greeks
what's the reason for this meme?

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>> No.17224057

>what's the reason for this meme?
because the people you find great found people great who found people great who made antiquity the center of their education.

>> No.17224058 [DELETED] 

A guide for the strong, a filter for the weak

>> No.17224067

suck on a blowtorch and get your retarded face back to /tv/ you illiterate baboon

>> No.17224116
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>he thinks i'm from /tv/

>> No.17224435

If you're interested in western philosophy, the greeks are the foundation of everything, so you should start with them
If you're interested in eastern philosophy, it's also good to know about them but not particularly necessary

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17223770 No.17223770 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17223782

Im gonna need a testosterone replacement therapy after seeing that comic.

>> No.17223789

If you post these comics then your mother will develop bowel cancer

>> No.17223800

I'm gonna need HRT after seeing that comic.

>> No.17224022
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17223745 No.17223745 [Reply] [Original]

Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.17223749

The Frenchman

>> No.17223750
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both of them

>> No.17223779
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Sartre got BTFO by based Céline.

>> No.17223860

Both are literally garbage tier. Camus a little less so, but Sartre is truly awful

>> No.17223869

Sartre based on his phisiognomy

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17223718 No.17223718 [Reply] [Original]

This is supposed to be a modern classic? I'm not drunk enough for this shit.

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>> No.17227243

Quite true desu

>> No.17227396

Good book, shitty thread

>> No.17227405

pretty cool cover, wish the skull was just solid though

>> No.17228722

It's the weird Mexican dead people Christmas skull.

>> No.17229722

if you're not or never have been a genuine boozebag it might be hard to understand

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17223658 No.17223658 [Reply] [Original]

Finally took your advice lads. Starting with the Greeks and pic related. Also got the Iliad and the Odyssey (penguin editions). Looking forward to reading again for the first time in months.

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>> No.17224193

>I'm going to start with the Greeks
>by reading a poem that was written by a Roman in 8 AD

not exactly disagreeing with you either, just thought this was funny hehe.

>> No.17224199

Reading Hesiod or even Apollodorus is a really bad way to get someone started with reading mate

>> No.17224208

We are young and life is long, I'll get to the source material eventually. I'm reading Hamilton to get a broad overview and then I'll move onto the Iliad.

>> No.17224278

>I'm reading Hamilton to get a broad overview and then I'll move onto the Iliad.
this is a good way of starting, don't let fags tell you otherwise

>> No.17224366

Thank you fren.

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17223640 No.17223640 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Normal People the best book of the last 5 years, /lit/?

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>> No.17224219

The title alone annoys me

>> No.17224229

what did you study

>> No.17224252

What will You Give for This Beauty? by Ali Akbar Natiq
He is the best young contemporary author(a far greater poet but his work is still untranslated) from my country. It's a collection of shorties. I haven't read it in English but his work is top-tier in Urdu.
He worked as a mason his whole life lurking from village to village. The source of reading material was from him to steal from his school, government libraries and his dad who use to bring books for him from Middle East while he was working there as a mason. Despite being from piss poor village background and lack of university education he mogs the shit out of every privileged author in the country.

>> No.17224330

awesome, other novels from outside anglosphere? not trying to be woke, just like reading about life in different cultures

>> No.17224455

that would definitely be Baron Wenckheim's Homecoming

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17223628 No.17223628 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Giorgio R.R Martino make you seethe so much? I've just read Game of Thrones and he actually ended it with Daenerys breastfeeding the dragons, the absolute madman.

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>> No.17224144
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>I doubt those authors rejected the idea of good and evil

yes they did

>> No.17224157

No they didnt but if they did they would be subversive too

>> No.17224160


>> No.17224191

Euripides was pretty subversive, but I doubt he's a jewish globalist

>> No.17224648

I like the books.

He is, personally, very un likeable.

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17223625 No.17223625 [Reply] [Original]

>protagonist is rapist
>hes in the right
how did he do it?

>> No.17223635

Bukowski rapes a crazy chick in Post Office

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17223623 No.17223623 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, I have trouble reading the nutritional contents on a can of food. Do you think I could read Plato??? Do you think I could???? I can't even get my little BRAT to stop crying like a little 3 yr old.

>> No.17223656

>Hi, I have trouble reading the nutritional contents on a can of food. Do you think I could read Plato???

It's basically the same so, yes.

File: 23 KB, 253x394, Watchmen,_issue_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17223596 No.17223596 [Reply] [Original]

Help me /lit/, I have not read a single comic in my entire life.
Is there a chart that can tell me which, if any, are worth reading?
Am I missing out or are comics just a waste of time?

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>> No.17230704

Synder bat is bad, except for Black mirror. Morrison's batepic is the best bat run so go for that

>> No.17231201

>that achieves more than most lit whilst being engaging at every moment
kill yourself dilettante.

>> No.17231278

Thanks anons, I have written down most of the recs of the thread.
We really should do charts of the most /lit/ comics and manga for people who want to get into them.

>> No.17231570
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From Hell is good. Moore at his best.

>> No.17232828

also already mentioned here >>17228587
also you are a faggot and should kys

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17223594 No.17223594 [Reply] [Original]

I need a good novel of the 2000 for school. No commercial shit, just a good one that will probably become a classic.

>> No.17223604
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This one

>> No.17223617


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17223590 No.17223590 [Reply] [Original]

>Why yes, I do love YA post-apocalyptic dystopian novels and ghostwritten celebrity autobiographies.
>What gave it away?

>> No.17223758

You are misusing the gigachad meme you fucking retard. Nobody who consooms meaningless words like that avoids being a emasculated fat cunt

>> No.17223795

Welcome newfriend

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17223584 No.17223584 [Reply] [Original]

Post /lit/ that was never able to materialise due the author's untimely death

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>> No.17224095

I unironically believe that if Novalis had finished Heinrich von Ofterdingen it would've transformed the world and eventually led to a new Golden Era of mankind. Fuck tuberculosis.

>> No.17224656

I know it’s not exactly the Greeks,
But Robert Jordan dying before he finished the wheel of time really sucks.

>> No.17224693

Thats sad, never read it tho. All i know that it has like ten books in its series

>> No.17225839

Hölderlin's The Death of Empedocles. Three versions, none of them complete. Very sad stuff

>> No.17227322

Robert Musil
Big Boook about modernity in austria about a supposed dude without any qualities whatsoever.

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17223565 No.17223565 [Reply] [Original]

Sorry boys, I know this has probably been asked a million times but I'm new here...didn't see an active thread or one in the archives that I could find either.

What's the best translation of this I can find out there? Pic related is on Amazon for 4$CAD...so like 3.15$USD.

Is this a good one or are there betters? Reviews are mixed on it.

Thanks in advance!

>> No.17223649

idk man. fuck it. Epictetus is great, the gist will get through.

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17223549 No.17223549 [Reply] [Original]

"Wel bet is roten appul out of hoord Than that it rotie al the remenaunt!"

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17223527 No.17223527 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone know who/what Schopenhauer’s favorites were, in regards to literature, music, and art? Besides Plato and Kant.

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>> No.17223546

Huh, I guess he really was a pseud after all

>> No.17223582

Schopenhauer started his magnum opus with a quote from Rousseau.
He also appreciated Hume.

>> No.17223583

I remember him mentioning Goethe a bit in essays and aphorisms.

>> No.17223661

Laurence Sterne's Tristram Shandy, Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship, Cervantes' Don Quixote, and Rousseau's Julie are the four best novels according to him

>> No.17223686

I remember he learnt Spanish to read the Spanish Golden Age authors, especially Gracián and Calderón. He even made some translations.

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17223489 No.17223489 [Reply] [Original]

Did learning about philosophy and reading the work of great thinkers make you happier?

I just had a dream where I felt the same sense of carefreeness I used to feel as a kid. I had no questions or anxieties about the world, only hope for the future, and a sense of excitement about everything. It made me realize that, for all I've learned, no philosopher or author has ever made me happier or feel more "complete". All the knowledge I've accumulated has served to raise even more questions and fuel my doubt.
Do you feel differently, /lit/?

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>> No.17227562

it's true though

>> No.17227910

>the matrix
What did you mean by this?

>> No.17228204

>as a kid... I had no questions... about the world
When I was a kid I was full of questions about the world and frustrated with my ability to articulate them. I read philosophy because I can't not. Philosophy is unlikely to make you happy, but it will undermine how highly you value happiness.

Those who aren't called to it should avoid philosophy. It won't help them or philosophy. They receive the effects of philosophy as it spreads out into wider culture, decades or centuries later.

Political education, though, is important for everyone. If you cannot see yourself as a member of a social body, you will not be able to combat the structural forces and trends of that society.

>> No.17228228

Insofar as wisdom literature builds foresight or makes for a more level head when there are decisions to make, it can clear the attic, so to speak, of an awful lot of junk that interferes with that--pop culture junk especially, but also the influence of bad parents or mentors, if any, and other such misfortunes of circumstance. Partly it depends on one's capacity to assimilate what's been read, and take it seriously enough to test ideas out in lots of little ways when you're still young and have the energy to do so, which in the longer run also preserves the same kind of vitality seen as a value through it. One of the things that made Montaigne exemplary as a sage is that he read the then extant philosophers as a child, along with anything else he could get his hands on that countless others before him noticed were worth keeping and preserving, a process that itself is frankly embedded in and frequently referred to in his writing. I had a rather "free range" sort of childhood with a lot more outdoor and science nerd kind of play than time in front of screens or in the rigid boxes of extracurricular activities designed for stupid children by stupid parents, but still learned a lot about how to live, and what to live for, from literature grounded in things about human nature, and the natural world, that are not subject to change by any act of will or invention, but are at best accommodated.

>> No.17228610

its true but its not significant

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17223459 No.17223459 [Reply] [Original]

Reading this amazing book written in 1848 by genius multi-millionaire entrepreneur Lord Timothy Dexter. You need a REALLY high IQ to understand this book

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>> No.17223696

when wee are Ripe for A Emper in this Contrey Call for me to take the helm or a Consler in the Afare of trouth Amen and Amen

>> No.17224850

What's it about?

>> No.17225878


>> No.17225887

What even happened to him?

>> No.17225908

verbatim et s p e l l a t i m