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17224502 No.17224502 [Reply] [Original]

Any recommendations on podcasts on literature or philosophy? I'm not looking for audiobooks but more like commentaries or history programs to listen during commuting.

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>> No.17224608

Yes, that one.

>> No.17224657
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>Fuck podcasts, don't have it filtered through pop philosophy fruits. Youre better off just reading it.
I kind of agree on you with this, but unfortunately as a wageslave I have a pretty long daily commute and listening to the radio is not an option so I figured maybe listen to something that would support my reading.

>> No.17224717

A nice condensed summary of random books

>> No.17224743

I've not listened before but I have heard good things about The Hemingway List

>> No.17225147
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17224498 No.17224498 [Reply] [Original]

I wrote my thesis on the usage of commas in Finnegan's Wake. Did I waste my time?

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>> No.17224809

It was my Master's desu

>> No.17224824

Honestly if you are in the master's program only and not in PHD you're literally just a brainlet. Embarrassing.

>> No.17224859

I'm starting my PHD now

>> No.17224899

No, you found out that a degree in humanities is literally nothing more than a elaborate joke

>> No.17224930

Jesus christ, yes. You could have used writing sample software to measure the IQ of popular literature across genres and time and actually discovered something. But you studied commas in a thoroughly investigated book. You are a retard

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17224485 No.17224485 [Reply] [Original]

Post a whatever you have in the folder, and write what comes to mind.

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17224419 No.17224419 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]

is anyone else as fascinated by china as me?
ive read several books on chinese history, from the ancient times to the beginning. the first one covered the entirety of chinese history, though mostly dedicated to the ming-qing dynasty and especially history of 20th century china. then i read:
>a book covering the general history of ancient china
>a book covering the tang & song dynasty & alternative dynasties in the region
>a book covering the great & northern yuan. & ming
>book on the qing dynasty and china's downfall
>book on 20th century & modern china
>general book on china & its geography & demographics
>tons of wikipedia articles, esp. about china's administrative issues, districts, economy, demographics
>watched over a dozen of mainland chinese movies
>learning chinese
>not listening to chinese music though - the only thing that is completely offputting about chinese culture
i wish i could visit china.
china's growth genuinely impresses me. look at the soviet union and youll realize the soviets never stood a chance. the chinks just got somethin in their brains that makes them so much more fuckin smart & effective than any other commies in history

how about you anons?

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>> No.17233163

>look at the soviet union and youll realize the soviets never stood a chance
Yea, the chink cucks went first human to space and still uses soviet made rockets (renaming doesnt make they chinkcrap made) and they fought in the fucking most hoorible war in history and ended in enemy capital (not the americans did all job in pacific, chinkcuck only suck japanese cock)
Chinks were lucky to have ussr in their backdoor and US who invest fucking billons to their economy and gave them tech - thats all "chinas smartneASS"
USSR at least did and improove something by yourself and have some sense in his existence and history
China is literally noncense fucking uselles peace of garbage

>> No.17233317

please, visit china, moron deserves it.

>> No.17233367

You should take your meds

>> No.17234074

Bump for recs

>> No.17235236

Where should i start for translated chinese literature? I tried Romance of the Three Kingdoms but i was too name-y for me.

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17224388 No.17224388 [Reply] [Original]

What if I want to start with the Egyptians?

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>> No.17224474

Barbara Mertz and Jan Assmann

>> No.17224497

Where do I start with the esoteric egyptian mysteries?

>> No.17224716

Temple of the Cosmos by Jeremy Naydler

>> No.17224928

Story of Sinuhe.

>> No.17225602
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you have to start here
I am not shitposting

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17224365 No.17224365 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lt/, I have a bit a problem. I love writing and I think I have a modicum of talent for it, just because people usually compliment me on my style. However, every so often, I write something that I think is good and people will just *hate* it. I mean really not like it at all, and I have no idea why.
Does this happen to anyone else? If so, how do you learn to trust yourself on judging yourself even a little objectively?

Here is an example where this happened, does it just objectively suck balls?

I know this is 4chan and people will just shred me for the hell of it, but perhaps someone will help me figure out what makes this piece especially hateful and bad. Thanks for reading

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>> No.17224895

la dispute rules

>> No.17224938

What's la dispute anon?

>> No.17224956

never stop experimenting, you only get better by trying, just let the sense of fun be the prime motivator

>> No.17224957

they're a rock n' roll band who produced the music video that OP's pic is from


>> No.17225504

Nice sounds, thanks for the link anon

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17224363 No.17224363 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ prefer? Fiction or Non-Fiction?

>> No.17224380

Non-fiction to face reality.
Fiction to escape it.

>> No.17224398

Non-fiction. Fiction is escapism, and therefore cope and cringe

>> No.17225084

Fiction, since there's no such thing as nonfiction.

>> No.17225202

I don't really judge books by whether they are fiction or non-fiction I just read it if I am interested which I wouldn't say skews to one side too much

>> No.17225211

I think it's the other way around.
Non-fiction acquaints you with a "reality" which will never be real for you (unless it's self-help or some shit).
Conversely fiction forces you to confront realities about your own existence and very real, immediate emotions.

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17224356 No.17224356 [Reply] [Original]

I compiled 53 short classic books, so anyone starting now can read one of those without the need to invest too much time in it

>> No.17224440

saved thanks anon

>> No.17224469

What did you use to do this anon? Also, good selection.

>> No.17224499

Good list and that, don't think Dead Souls fits tho, I know it's not like a massive tome or anything, but the one I have is still like 400 pages. Maybe there's editions out there with just the first part and that's why.

>> No.17224529

I used a shitty app called "My library", and screenshot the books and compiled in one image because I'm poor and don't have a pc; But I believe you can find a program for pc just by typing "Book list maker","book shelf maker" or something like that

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17224337 No.17224337 [Reply] [Original]

Do I need to read any of his other works first? Or am I fine starting with this book?

>> No.17224753

I remember reading an interview where Krazhnahorkai said Baron Wenkheim's Homecoming was the last book in his "trilogy" with the other two being Satantango and The Melancholy of Resistance. I'm sure it stands on his own merit, but the author wanted it to be read within the context of his other works.

>> No.17224768

Yes. No.
You should read Satantango, Melancholy of Resistance, War & War and then this one.

>> No.17224782

You can just read it. LK is one of my favorite authors, I read melancholy, Satantango, and war & war beforehand but I don’t think I had to.

>> No.17225439

From what I understand, BWH isn't really part of a "trilogy" it's just the book he was trying to right from the start. He said he wasn't satisfied with Satantango, so he wrote Melancholy of Resistance, he wasn't satisfied with that either so he wrote War and War, again he wasn't satisfied. He said he only ever meant to write one book, and considers BWH to be that one book.

>> No.17225447

>the book he was trying to right from the start.
Whoops, I definitely meant "write."

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17224333 No.17224333[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post lewd pics to fap too, lewd comments, jokes, commentary, book critique etc, w/e you want about this slam pig

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>> No.17224994

is this ironic? i genuinely can't tell with all the pain in your voice

>> No.17225347

>Post lewd pics to fap too

>> No.17225363

trolling is a art form autistic faggot

>> No.17225567


>> No.17226627


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17224292 No.17224292 [Reply] [Original]

>What other culture could have produced someone like Hemingway and not seen the joke?

>> No.17224343

>I'm smart because.. I'm smart!
Admittedly, Gore Vidal has somewhat created by himself the modern image an archetype of smug pretentious midwit who thinks he's intelligent, so that had some artistic ingenuity. That is, he was the first.

>> No.17224386

He's the only Based American in History.

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17224287 No.17224287 [Reply] [Original]

>book contains even the slightest criticism of capitalism
>immediately drop it and never come back to that author

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>> No.17224489

I live in a mixed-economy country

>> No.17224501

aren't we all

>> No.17224584

you've had about 100 years of young people critizing our economic system. what new ideas have you come up with that weren't talked about a century ago?

>> No.17224595

Our most recent luminaries have determined that billionaires aren't oppressive if they're black or women and so on

>> No.17224599

capitalist realism

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17224180 No.17224180[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which books should anons get a hold of before shit truly hits the fan?

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>> No.17228022

every american should be shot

>> No.17228024

>deep state is real, but no it's just the CIA controlling antifa
the meme keeps getting worse and worse

>> No.17228066

>allow me to put words in your mouth
Allow me to put cock in your mouth you stupid little commie troon

>> No.17228074

just like those boomers in DC

>> No.17228075

OP everyone here is useless, they only care and understand philosophical waffle
go ask /out/ or /diy/.

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17224156 No.17224156 [Reply] [Original]

What translation for the Bible should I read? Not going to read it all at once but book by book. I heard Robert Alters is nice but I don't see it on Bible(dot)com

>> No.17224233


>> No.17224242

For Anglo-Protestant aesthetics? Authorized King James.

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17224151 No.17224151 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any truth in this book or it's just lies all along ?

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>> No.17224855

That's sad

>> No.17224989

my dad has a copy of this book and i'd read it sometimes. it's obviously fiction, but still worth reading

>> No.17225661

I'm male btw

>> No.17227093

it seem's well written and the chapter regarding interdimensional exploration is fucking interesting

>> No.17227375

If you go to India you'll only find India. Go within.

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17224078 No.17224078 [Reply] [Original]

So this my schizo theory on why the infodumpy chapters where nothing happens in Moby Dick are based. Melville, in interrupting the scenic chapters of this story about chasing an anomaly of a whale with pure all purpose whale trivia, sets out to critique Epistemology. Hear me out. So there are general apriori statements about whales offered throughout the book right? This serves to provide a contrast to the unown menace of the white whale himself, the singularity of moby dick which does not fall into neat categories of general and particular, and stands outside of common notions of whales yet simultaneously redefines what it means to be a whale. Moby Dick being the problematic Event, that unifies all pieces of this narrative, grounds the problem of what the Leviathan means to us. What can be known about whales or identities as such? Isn't there always a part submerged under deep waters of mystery? The whales always elude our understanding, identities dive and flee our grasp. There is something prerational in the whale, only Ahab is aware of this. Ishmael is trying to encapsulate the whale in regimes of knowledge yet he himself always finds himself dumbfounded by the complex nature of this historically unfolding idea of the whale and admits into not penetrating to it's essence. For Ahab on the other hand it's not a question of understanding the whale, but rather one of entering into a performance with the whale, of engaging this unown being head-on, outside of preset structures of categorization in a more intuitive sense. God, I love this book now.
Sorry if I sound like a pseud, I read too much Deleuze lol.

>> No.17224134

>he thinks this is a new interpretation
How recently arrived are you to /lit/? Anyone who actually likes Moby-Dick, loves the non-narrative chapters most because they are the most thematically important. Good interpretation but you seem to believe this is more novel than it really is.

>> No.17224172

>Hear me out.
Your constant begging for attention and recognition made me stop reading. Try reddit next time.

>> No.17224173

all that gay shit just to say
>the virgin contemplater vs the Chad doer

>> No.17224302

>not being confused but interested
>not slowly become obsessed with whale lore
>not spending hours and hours on wikipedia learning about the whales mentioned
>not trying to legit buy whale oil on the black market
>not genuinely picturing yourself swimming in the oil pool of a whales head
>not go insane and legit question what its like to live life like a whale
>not despising the book because its made you a fucking weirdo
>not not being able to put it down because the obsession has infected your soul
>not having the realisation that youve just become Ahab and that the author was a mad genius

Did you even read the book?

>> No.17224505

>chapters where nothing happens
I hate this so fucking much.

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17224052 No.17224052 [Reply] [Original]

Chapter 38, Derek Lin

High virtue is not virtuous
Therefore it has virtue
Low virtue never loses virtue
Therefore it has no virtue
High virtue takes no contrived action
And acts without agenda
Low virtue takes contrived action
And acts with agenda
High benevolence takes contrived action
And acts without agenda
High righteousness takes contrived action
And acts with agenda
High etiquette takes contrived action
And upon encountering no response
Uses arms to pull others

Therefore the Tao is lost, and then virtue
Virtue is lost, and the benevolence
Benevolence is lost, and then righteousness
Righteousness is lost, and then etiquette
Those who have etiquette
are a thin shell of loyalty and sincerity
And the beginning of chaos
Those with foreknowledge
Are the flowers of the Tao
And the beginning of ignorance
Therefore the great person:
Abides in substance, and does not dwell on the thin shell
Abides in the real, and does not dwell on the flower
Thus they discard that and take this

What I want to ask is: can one contrived action be closer to the Tao than another? I think if I fail to have high virtue, I could begin by shooting for benevolence. But is this the wrong method? I think if I have Tao, then I have an essence that creates a virtuous life. Can I go the other way, and try to copy a virtuous life, and thereby get closer to the essence? Will contriving to be good while striving to have no agenda (aiming for benevolence) bring me closer than having an agenda (being righteous), or are they just different shades of wrong?

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>> No.17224801

I think it depends.

>High virtue is not virtuous ...
>Low virtue never loses virtue ...

What does your annotation say? The original line says "上德不德,是以有德;下德不失德,是以無德。". The first half roughly means "上德者不自恃有德 (high-virtuous men don't think themselves virtuous)", while the second half means "下德者恪守形式上的徳 (low-virtuous men adhere to the forms of virtues)". Here, "不失德" carries the meaning "won't give up on virtues", implying obsession. In fact, "不失德者,執而未化也。(those who are unable to lose virtues are attached, and thus not 'enlightened'.)". There's no english word for "化", so enlightenment is the closest one, but it's quite different from enlightenment.

So, I think the first line already answers your question. It's not that you can or cannot "induce" a virtuous life, but rather why do you want a virtuous life? (and all the questions leading from it.) It's like the nirvana thing the chinese buddhists often say: you either get it, or you don't. You can mimic a virtuous life for 1000 years and still don't get it, or the mimicry can lead to you getting it, so that it becomes your 'tao'. Either way, you still need to 'get it'. Also, notice the hierarchy (hence the 'lose this, then lose that' lines.)
While 德 is usually lumped together with morality and goodness, it's actually more akin to forms of ideas. This hierarchy is describing the genesis of idea to relationship to behavior to society. So it's a bit misleading to talk about virtues.

>> No.17224929

this is too heavy to deal with today, but you are the second person to suggest it today.

>There's no english word for "化", so enlightenment is the closest one, but it's quite different from enlightenment.
in what way would you describe the difference?
>why do you want a virtuous life?
I don't know if it matters, but this>>17224514 basically. I can think of some other reasons, but that's really the one. Maybe you could see it as a form of attachment to guilt, I don't know. I think it made me terrified of acting in general.

Maybe this is like trying to put a band-aid on the wind, but do either of you have knowledge of tai chi/qi gong practices? I think I need something to do.

>> No.17224946

i do yoga, and i have tried tai chi, not seriously, but it definitely has something. and i mean, if it wakes your curiosity try it out, and yes, it sounds like doing something is the best step forward for you :)

>> No.17225456

Based thread. I was also confused by this chapter (among many others)

What's the Taoist perspective on Jesus' "Love your neighbor as yourself?"

Faking love til you truly love is also what C.S. Lewis recommends. Could it be rewritten as "be benevolent until you love"?

Is this what the Tao means by no-action? Once you love, being is sufficient and you no longer act/move?

>> No.17225538

i'm not an expert, but i think the christian contribution to the great religions is exactly this ethos of ethos, loving your neighbor, and so on. while the eastern religions have a larger focus on the individual and self-development.

the closest thing that comes to mind is:
“When the world's on the Way,
they use horses to haul manure.
When the world gets off the Way,
they breed warhorses on the common.

The greatest evil: wanting more.
The worst luck: discontent.
Greed's the curse of life.

To know enough's enough
is enough to know.”

that resting in yourself and in Tao will give way to a better world, so helping others by proxy.

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17224031 No.17224031 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of the Accursed Kings series?

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>> No.17225664

Druon unexplicably switched the style, viewpoint and narrative angle to one random character presenting as one long inner monologue. Dedious as fuck, but the rest of the series are excellent/great with some odd misstep or two. I have read the all but the last two at least four or five times.

>> No.17226078

For me, its Marie Cressey (I've only read book 1 so far)

>> No.17226102

Yeah quite enjoying it so far, my main criticism is that the characters aren't developed enough. The only one who seem three dimensional so far are Marie, Guccio, and Philip IV

>> No.17227289

>American author George R. R. Martin called The Accursed Kings "the original game of thrones", citing Druon's novels as an inspiration for his own series A Song of Ice and Fire.

and discarded

>> No.17227309

Apparently "inspiration" is a generous phrase; Martin basically stole the plot of the first three books from Les Rois Maudits. Then he ran out of material to plagiarize and subsequently fell into the doldrums of writer's block he has been in for the last eight years or so.

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17224017 No.17224017 [Reply] [Original]

i need books set in the levant region preferably ottoman empire levant what are good historical novels (not modern!!) set in lebanon syria i have tough time finding results please help arab anons

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17223976 No.17223976 [Reply] [Original]

Was High-fantasy a mistake?

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>> No.17225724

Is it good?

>> No.17225732

Turning books into a market for the masses was a mistake. If LOTR has been written and that was it, everything would be wonderful. You like the odyssey? Now imagine millions of books had been written in the “odyssey genre” by talentless hacks who are all terrible derivatives of the first book they’re ripping off. Hopefully a few thousand years will wash away every derivative from existence, so that only the classic can survive. Eat shit grim dark boomer authors

>> No.17225760


>> No.17226792

That's not really Tolkien's fault, though.

>> No.17228220
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