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/lit/ - Literature

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17237446 No.17237446 [Reply] [Original]

what did he mean by this

>> No.17237825

Is The Broom of the System a book about how betas don't deserve to find love?

>> No.17237832

The year 1990 came 90 years after the year 19

>> No.17237838

Unironically yes. That's also the point of the chapter

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17237425 No.17237425 [Reply] [Original]

Do I honestly have to read every page of this before the Iliad? I'm not accustomed to Greek mythology so it's helpful but this book is like an Encylopedia of shit and I can't imagine all of it being useful

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>> No.17239964

Yes im aware i wrote odyssey wrong

>> No.17240337

I just got the audiobook to listen to while I work. Doesnt waste my reading time.

>> No.17240616

Yes you have to read every page. Each book is like a level in a video game. Ifmyou try to skip it or speed run there will be consequences down the line

>> No.17240731

>t. Odysseus

>> No.17240734

you don't have to do anything you don't want to bb gurl ;)

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17237389 No.17237389 [Reply] [Original]

Any good book on sales and marketing?

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>> No.17237414

It does seem to be working pretty well for you

>> No.17237420

Anything from Donald J. Trump

>> No.17237422

I need to sell my works online bro.

I need to know the basics of psychology that let me sell more stuff.

>> No.17237739

Breakthrough Advertising by Schwartz is considered sacred by people who actually give a fuck

>> No.17238938

Marketing an Introduction and any 'for dummies' series in Marketing

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17237383 No.17237383[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

He tried to warn us

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>> No.17240175

Larping Trotskyte

>> No.17241495

Apparently you can't read.

>> No.17241522

Not literature
Go back

>> No.17241584

This is a fair outlook. Considering how corporations have towed their line -- not as a political meter, but economic, of course -- and thus, consumer culture aligns with them, their politics have become largely a sign. That's not to exclude fanatics on the opposite from such, but considering that neoliberalism is in vogue, and has been for some time, it's clear who has more say in the system.

Though, let's be fair: neither side could handle the dismantling of the consumer society because they'd have nothing: their personality would go with it. So, it's in both their best interests to keep the system -- regardless to what crazy ends it extends.

>> No.17241603

Sweaty, just be on the right side of history and nothing will happen to you!

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17237360 No.17237360 [Reply] [Original]

I want to start reading books as a hobby, but I don't know which ones are worth reading. Do you have any recommendations based on other media that I like?
>The Man From Earth
>Outer Wilds
>Shadow Of The Colossus

I ask you and not req since this is the literature board after all, so you ought to know.

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>> No.17237738

Also since you liked SotC and Inception you'd love The Sound and the Fury by Faulkner

>> No.17237810

We only talk about F. Gardner books here, my friend.

>> No.17237869
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I like several of those things, and here are some books I liked:

Life for Sale
Naked Lunch
The Crying of Lot 49
Ender's Game
The Plauge
this is an /a/ rec, but Girl's Last Tour is absolutely amazing if you liked BLAME!

>> No.17239726

Book of the New Sun.

>> No.17240141

Since there's scifi films on that list I recommend that you read the work of Phillip K Dick. Probably start with do androids dream of electric sheep.

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17237340 No.17237340 [Reply] [Original]

And our higher brain and monkey ways?

>> No.17237394

for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1NiF-l3CLY

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17237302 No.17237302 [Reply] [Original]

I often wonder what Nietzsche would think about the modern world and especially modern America.

>> No.17237312

He already didn't like the modern world he lived in, so he would probably like it even less.

>> No.17237313

RARE Nietzsche

>> No.17237375

There is no need to wonder. If I you actually read him, there is no need for speculation.

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17237284 No.17237284 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve been having this thought lately and I am sure it’s far from original... but I am trying to find books on it. To clarify, I am not looking for books that say we should be selfish but rather this is something innate to all humans and inescapable.

We all want fame, riches, and beautiful companions

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>> No.17239053

I don’t want fame, riches or beautiful companions. I highly dislike recognition and I want to eventually get to a point where I do not have to interact with any other people in person.

>> No.17239204

might call it materialism?
read Hobbes

>> No.17239329


>> No.17239336

Its called evolutionary psychology

>> No.17239354

You're lucky not to know

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17237205 No.17237205 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone recommend good palaeontology/ dinosaur/ prehistoric life books that aren't encyclopedia or textbook sized. preferably about the Eocene or Pleistocene epochs

>> No.17237415

Would checking the bibliography of a SJ Gould overview type book be a good starting point maybe?

>> No.17237601

Dinosaur in a Haystack is a great read, his stuff is definitely a good starting point

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17237203 No.17237203[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which books describe realistic relationships between women

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>> No.17237764
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>> No.17237804

lol sauce?

>> No.17237817

pic made me laugh so fucking hard

>> No.17237839

oh lawd she pogchampin

>> No.17237899

the private report on my lesbian experience with loneliness

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17237179 No.17237179 [Reply] [Original]

I need fantasy books with decent prose and characters. recomendations?

>> No.17237223

Malazan if you have the patience for ten long books. They pay off though, easily the most in depth fantasy I've ever read.

If you like more philosophical/Catholic theology then try the book of the new sun.

>> No.17237241

The Last Unicorn.

>> No.17237246


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17237149 No.17237149 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]

prev: >>17217994

Any progress on your novels?

For Prose:
>The Art of Fiction
>On Becoming A Novelist
>Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft
>How Fiction Works
>The Rhetoric of Fiction
>Steering the Craft

For Poetry:
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry

Related Material:
>What Editors Do
>A Student's Introduction to English Grammar
>Garner's Modern English Usage

Suggested books on storytelling:
>The Weekend Novelist
>Aristotle's Poetics
>Hero With a Thousand Faces
>Romance the Beat

Suggested books on getting your fucking work done you lazy piece of shit:
>Deep Work
>Atomic Habits

Traditional publishing
> Formatting manuscript
> Write a query
> Track your query

Other Resources
>General grammar/syntax/editing help
> When/where/how should I write?
> What software should I write with?
> Amazon Publishing to make that KDP monie
> Be like Charles Dickens and write serially
> Basic overview of the Screenplay format

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>> No.17264279
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wtf kind of nigger website is this? A 600 kb file is too big to upload onto regular websites? Go spread your viruses somewhere else

>> No.17265464

Why does it seem like so many famous writers insist on working first thing in the morning? Is it an age thing? I'm aware that no advice fits everyone, but it seems fairly ubiquitous in what I've read

>> No.17265926

You are the reason these threads are dying early. You complete fucking spaz.

>> No.17265981
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15k words bros. Just 85 thousand more and it'll be a book, kind of.

>> No.17266343

this would benefit from better imagery, e.g. "the ring of dancers tightened around him like a noose". not a good example, that, but right now i the picture you're trying to give is not very clear. it's rather dry.
this is also because you didn't tell us how he felt. he had dancers smothering him, he heard some strange song in a strange tongue, everything is dark, he felt pain. then what? did he feel fear, panic, hopelessness? readers can't relate to being in put in an eerie ballroom, but they can relate very easily to being scared.
the word "weird" is out of place. use "strange".

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17237140 No.17237140 [Reply] [Original]

Bros, has anyone here read this series before? Holy SHIT this book is good, I got into this book after reading the wheel of time series and this beats the shit out of those, it's fuckin brutal but the world universe is so interesting. Hands down my second favorite fantasy series I've ever read

>> No.17237150

go to your containment thread

>> No.17237153

what, /Good Books General/? fuck off, this series is awesome this is a literature board

>> No.17237250

Don't listen to this nigger op, I want to know more. My friend recommended it to me, I just don't know if I have the patience for another long fantasy series. What did you like about it?

>> No.17237270

It's got an interesting universe, good action, characters that have interesting motivations that usually end up being two sided swords of morality. The writing isn't perfect and the main character is a bit of a mary sue but he also gets tortured like, a lot, so it kind of evens out. The magic in the series is interesting and still magical, not just durr wizard throw fire cuz he can but they make a system of it that tries to make sense. From what I've heard you can skip some of the books but these first two are great.

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17237080 No.17237080 [Reply] [Original]

>there are posters on /lit/ who did not read today

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>> No.17239640

People actually read on this shithole? I thought they just copied the opinions of books other anons have read like some sad game of inbred telephone

>> No.17239647

I read the passage which resonated so badly that i had to put away book for a day. I'll continue it today.

>> No.17239651

They do indeed. We are reading the book of our times, while others can only export themselves into a separate, running reality where their efforts aren't just in vain and isn't just social signalling behavior. Go and read the /fitlit/ thread, as shit as it is, and then apply the same idea of weightlifting for vanity to all the threads that get posted here about needing to read certain things in a certain way for a certain kind of attention from others. I read purely for myself, purely to gain my own information. I complete any amount of books per year that I feel I must read.

>> No.17239659

I wasted an hour reading a shitty polemic

>> No.17239662

I read 840 pages book like not even full 2 days ago, I don't need to read every day.

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17237053 No.17237053 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to fetishize the written word in the modern age?

What would the written word, maximally fetishized, look like today?

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>> No.17237985
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It looks like BookTube. Venerating the idea of reading beyond and/or regardless of the value of what is read.

>> No.17238203

Who is this woman?

>> No.17238213

>I know it’s just his theory, but it’s quite persuasive
I think its actually a pretty established concept, but its nice there is a whole book dedicated to it.

>> No.17238222


>> No.17238226

>Is it possible to fetishize the written word in the modern age?
Check out the body-writing fetish

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17237005 No.17237005 [Reply] [Original]

I've been using grammarly, I like it, but interested in something different, I'm sick of dealing with it's faults.

Whats the word on Pro Writing Aid, I've heard a few booktubers talking about it, is it better?

>> No.17237213

the best you can get is a solid grasp of english grammar and time spent manually revising and editing.

>> No.17237401

Just listen to booktubers

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17237002 No.17237002 [Reply] [Original]

>walk into a bar
>this guy slaps your theology
What do?

>> No.17237011
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>you can't even read in Latin
>you can't even name rhetorical devices

>> No.17237240

based retard

>> No.17237249

He memes like a GOD

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17236998 No.17236998 [Reply] [Original]

why does it seem like there are only two or three book houses in the anglosphere?

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>> No.17237433

Also stack/shelf threads make me think that a lot of people just want to project an image of being intelligent or whatever. It used to be that anonymity meant that people were more honest, more candid, but now it seems that the vanity engendered by social media has infested everything. I don't even trust when people say that they read X books anymore.

>> No.17237505

what a bitchy defensive response. why the fuck would you be on a literature board if you don't read literature? evaluate yourself

>> No.17237509

a book a week is nothing. if a book is 350 pages and you read 50 pages in a hour that is 1 hour of reading a day. you probably spend 6 hours a day on 4chan

>> No.17237553

I think it depends on what you read. I can only read philosophy at 20 pages per hour so e.g. Spirit of the Laws is a ~45 hour book. After work I'm left with 5 hours for everything else and I'm sure that there are people with less time than me.

>> No.17237569

the point stands that most of us spend lots of free time every day doing things (like 4chan) that are truly a waste of time. people that read very little or not at all are simply making excuses for themselves. i don't even touch the internet until i have at least 2 hours reading done.

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17236941 No.17236941 [Reply] [Original]

I'm on chapter 15 of Capital right now. Everything Marx says makes sense. Has /lit/ read Capital? I recommend it for everybody; even if you aren't a communist, understanding Marx will make you a better capitalist. (I'm a lefty though)

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>> No.17240774

Whenever Marx tries to be a legit philosopher is always a good read. When he tries to be a politician is when the cringe starts

>> No.17240836

General Equilibrium does not state that markets will clear. It just provided us with tools to analyze what forces are at work in the economy.
Even long-term unemployment can be explained within GE as structural and natural unemployment arising as results of wage rigidities, unemployment benefits, efficiency wages.
You may disagree with these explanations, but it is untrue that GE does not explain it.

>> No.17240858

It's not stupid do have a different conception of something.

>> No.17240881

That is not marxism.

>> No.17241899

>General Equilibrium does not state that markets will clear
That's the entire point. When you have a free market prices will automatically change so supply and demand meet and everything ends up being put to work in the most efficient manner. Obviously most economies haven't had forms of unemployment benefits, employers had next to no pressure to pay high wages and if those "rigidities" are just some sort of permanent factor than obviously there might be no automatic mechanism and you're framework is starting from flawed assumptions.

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17236917 No.17236917[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>life is shit
>really want to believe in heaven
>reads bible
>so many things are so easily refutable
>gets to Acts
>feels like fanfic tier writing
how does one find faith bros... is it just really not possible after a certain age?

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>> No.17237408

no, I don't think you can take that stance and be successful, I am not jewish nor do I have any affection for them the idea of glassing a certain area of the middle east and manhatten fills me with a certain appeal, none the less the supremacism ideology leads to dangerous hubris and an inflated easily exploitable ego
cherish the facts

>> No.17237419

That's a bad example to give. You probably should've mentioned the Book of Revelations and the things the politicians and big groups are planning that "coincidentally" is just going the way the bible described.

>> No.17237438

just jack off to porn and kneel before twitter posters bro. they are the new priests

>> No.17237442

yes, embrace monke cooomer brain. Reject eerythingelse

>> No.17237460

Imagine getting brutally filtered, sage