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/lit/ - Literature

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17238941 No.17238941 [Reply] [Original]

Where to start with Girard?

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>> No.17242730

Mimetic theory is unfalsifiable and scientifically unproven.

>> No.17242753
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>Mimetic theory is unfalsifiable and scientifically unproven.

>> No.17242940

Rene Girard's fantasy world by Hallpike

>> No.17242958

I’ve only read I See Satan Fall Like Lightning but I thought it was a pretty ideal starting point—a more concise synthesis of his main ideas, written for a slightly less academic audience than some of his earlier stuff and focused on the relevant applications in Christianity

>> No.17243576

Best girard imo is "battling to the end" it is Girard on Clausewitz. It is girard at his weakest away from anthropology and shit but it is girard at his most apocalyptic (therefore best)

"Hegel was wrong, history is not between master and slave but a battle to the death between twins." or some shit

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17238940 No.17238940[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books with an INTP protagonist?

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>> No.17238969

just play video games like the typical INTP basedboy

>> No.17238971

The Stranger

>> No.17238978

I haven't enjoyed video games in over a decade

>> No.17238983

Thanks anon, already read it though

>tfw friends in high school were reminded of me when reading about mersault

>> No.17239002
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how do I figure out if I'm an ISTP or INTP?

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17238902 No.17238902 [Reply] [Original]

What are some non-fic books that might help with self-esteem and anxiety issues? I can't afford therapy.

>> No.17239426

Osho books, especially courage and Bronze Age Mindset. Throw in some Jung and Gibran for bad days.

>> No.17240246

You can't read yourself out of anxiety

Never gonna happen

>> No.17240275

my diary desu

>> No.17240303

the courage to be disliked

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17238893 No.17238893 [Reply] [Original]

How do I read the Bible?

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>> No.17239634


Muhammad (pbuh) was a giga chad, and would relentlessly fuck Jesus into submission. Jesus would of been his prophet-chan

>> No.17239654

Muslims, despite all of their heretical beliefs and bending of holy text, tend to at least respect Jesus as a prophet. It's pretty obvious you're some retarded polemic larping as a Muslim.

>> No.17239677
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>> No.17239754

All of these at once.

>> No.17239757

>would relentlessly fuck Jesus into submission
Doesn't Allah forbid homo sex?

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17238846 No.17238846 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for?

>> No.17238854

Great writer.

>> No.17239975

Postmodern trash

>> No.17240715

this makes me want to read it.

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17238838 No.17238838 [Reply] [Original]

sup /lit/ /fit/ here

My nephew is into reading and while I am not much of a scholar there were some books that helped me (i think) grow as a kid and I have gotten him copies (Dune, Stranger in a Strange land, Hitchhiker's Guide etc.)

He has a 9. year old little sister. She is not as inquisitive as he is and likes typical girl things such as dancing and playing dress up with lots of clothes and dolls etc... I feel the gifts of books I have given my nephew will be remembered by him as he is a lot like me at that age and will love Dune. I have been leaving his sister out.

What books can I get her that she will read and like? Something for a girl who is smart but does not read for pleasure very much. I feel bad getting my nephew such what I consider to be important things and leaving her out

any ideas /lit/?

I was thinking "a wrinkle in time" because the protagonist is a young female, but I think it would be too sci-fi/fantasy for her and she would not be into it

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>> No.17247002

Idk why but this shit is like a car wreck for me, I can’t stop reading it

>> No.17247032

Louis Stevenson
Lewis Carroll
Jonathan Swift
Alexander Pope's Homer
Pope's poems
Some Shakespeare (Tempest, Midsummer Night's Dream)
Robinson Crusoe
Family-friendly selection of the Arabian Nights
Jack London's dog books
Edward Lear
Some anthology of light verse

>> No.17247195

The same stuff adult women read.
Barring romance.

>> No.17247206

Wouldn’t she have needed to read the previous ones?

>> No.17247542

>Barring romance.

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17238830 No.17238830 [Reply] [Original]

>MacIntyre opposes Nietzsche's return to the aristocratic ethics of Homeric Greece with the teleological approach to ethics pioneered by Aristotle. Nietzsche's critique of Enlightenment moral theory does not work against a teleological ethics. For MacIntyre, "Nietzsche replaces the fictions of the Enlightenment individualism, of which he is so contemptuous, with a set of individualist fictions of his own."[2]:129 Nietzsche's Übermensch , his solution to the lies of the Enlightenment, exposes the failure of the Enlightenment's epistemological project and of its search for a subjective yet universal morality. Nietzsche neglects the role of society in the formation and understanding of tradition and morality, and "Nietzsche's great man cannot enter into relationships mediated by appeal to shared standards or virtues or goods; he is his own only moral authority and his relationships to others have to be exercises of that authority... it will be to condemn oneself to that moral solipsism which constitutes Nietzschean greatness."
This seems like a pretty devastating critique of Nietzsche. I know a lot of people love Nietzsche here but how would you respond to his critique?

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>> No.17243990

What a shit thread. Why are nietschefags like this?

>> No.17244067

Dont get upset but you can take this personally:
Anglos can not understand german philosophy.
It is jsut categorically exclusive.
This stupid anglo is talking about something completely separate to Nietzsche, even if he uses his name, and refrences his ideas and books.

>> No.17244134

Good reply, now you can stop spamming the board with shitty "rebuttals" of Nietzsche.

>> No.17244151

Stop trying to bump your own thread faggot.

>> No.17244263

terrible bait.

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17238829 No.17238829 [Reply] [Original]

Which Cormac McCarthy book would be best to read after this?

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>> No.17238996

*Based compilation

>> No.17239009

What was his cover like?

>> No.17239026

Let's just say Chip's looks like an advert for zoloft whereas the OP's looks like a VIP badge for Ozzfest.

In other words, they're both shit.

>> No.17239030
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>> No.17239455

The only thing I like about the OP cover is how the designer used a stamp to create it and applied different amounts of pressure to it.

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17238822 No.17238822 [Reply] [Original]

rate my prose! :)

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>> No.17239205

He never talked about a translation?

>> No.17239207

>most heavy handed, forced aesthetic
Subjective. Won't hold it against you
>No nuance
Patently false

>> No.17239212

He is obviously suggesting the English translation of Tolstoy for "distinct prose style". He is a zoomer pseud, what else to expect?

>> No.17239589

Why are you acting like wasn't talking about the translation? Nobody in this thread can read Russian.

>> No.17239688


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17238764 No.17238764 [Reply] [Original]

Let's do one of these threads.

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>> No.17241442

He said monkey's would attack the troops or caravans or whatever, and they had to fight the monkeys off, and then he just fucking moved on! Dismissed it! Did not elaborate! What a dumb bitch!

>> No.17243013

nah he is too real for that

>> No.17243133
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>Gardner's books are catching on because it's similar to The End of Eva

I feel like a retard for just realizing this now.

>> No.17243169

He’s good at coming up with twists. I’ll admit that.

>> No.17244208

Ok I’m reading this now. Fuck You

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17238748 No.17238748 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished pic related. What did I think of it /lit/?

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17238743 No.17238743[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

give me a few literary forums before 4chan dies

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>> No.17239223

That’s honestly better than pretending corporations can’t censor individuals and asserting that the concept of “free speech” can be reduced to the first amendment.

>> No.17239239

corporations, is there anything they cant do

>> No.17239246

Violate someone’s free speech, apparently.

>> No.17239303

What’s the point in reading if there is no one to impress?!

>> No.17239308

B-but I saw an infographic picture!

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17238718 No.17238718 [Reply] [Original]

> Spend most days writing while I'm not working.
> Friend tells me it's useless and is never going anywhere.
> I just do it because I like creating a world that I can control, it's fun.
> Decide to make a small compilation of short stories in a book available on Amazon.
> Rated super well so far - but sales have stopped after the first few weeks.

Tldr - How do I get my book out there so it keeps selling? It's even free on Kindle+ and people aren't reading it, are they just not seeing it? I don't know what to do and I'm getting frustrated with myself.

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>> No.17238807

See if you can get a guest spot on some sort of book-centric/ emerging author podcast

>> No.17238842

And honestly, if you already got sales, you should consider just writing more. Don't even wait to make a collection, just publish individual stories, then bundle them in a collection and sell that, too. A regular output is really how you make money, and it'll get your older stuff noticed, too. If you feel you can regularly write stories within the same theme as what you already published, then I would suggest that. You kinda gotta treat it like a business.

>> No.17238860

Or better yet , a genre specific podcast , fantasy , sci fi, mystery , whatever they’re all out there and they all have at least some sort of audience

>> No.17238877

I...have actively avoided social media for the greater part of my life. So, I don't exactly uh. Yeah have anything like that. -_-

Amazon campaign wants like 10$ a day >.< That's a ton when you're on a limited income. Single mom to a kid, really kills your pocket!

Never considered a podcast, but I've never really seen any either, I can try looking those up!

>> No.17238889

>Amazon campaign wants like 10$ a day
Well if it results in $11 in income then I guess it was worth it.

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17238657 No.17238657 [Reply] [Original]

The fuck is this about

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>> No.17238824

Elaborate plz

>> No.17238915

Should I watch the movie before/instead of reading the book?

>> No.17238985


>> No.17239377

My life

>> No.17239391

After, definitely. The movie doesn't make quite so much sense until you've read the book and realised what's going on. Also, the movie ending is very strange, even by the standards of the book.

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17238627 No.17238627 [Reply] [Original]

I've read a lot of books in my life, but I just wanted to share some appreciation for To Kill a Mockingbird. While most people I knew read it for school, it was never assigned in my class, which meant I had to go out of my way to read it. Picked up this exact paperback for about a dollar and the rest is history. I was around 13 at the time, and even now I can't think of a book that has moved me as much as this one. The very last paragraph of the book is one of the most beautiful things that I've ever read, and it moved me to tears.

It really does deserve all the praise it gets.

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>> No.17239409

So you think it's a genuine coincidence that it came out just when the civil rights movement needed some momentum.

>any time in the past 300 years and had an audience


>> No.17239478

Has anyone read the sequel, Go set a watchman? It didn't seem to have a big success

>> No.17239501

>the sequel

It's literally just the first draft of To Kill a Mockingbird, the thing about it being a sequel was a marketing move pulled by the publisher.

>> No.17239540

So it's rubbish or does it deserve to be read?

>> No.17239846

What are you talking about? She also wrote In Cold Blood and Breakfast at Tiffany's.

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17238606 No.17238606 [Reply] [Original]

Scary books about animals? I’ve already read Cujo by Stephen King.

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>> No.17238706

Protip: the OP is baiting

>> No.17238708

I also loved that book! If I had one complaint, it would be that the exposition was a bit tiresome. For example, was it really necessary to dedicate an entire chapter to explaining why the slope of a person's skull could be used to determine their criminal behavior? Other than those parts, it was a great read!

>> No.17238711

Start with the all-time classic, Sredni Vashtar
Some of these
0:00:54 - Caterpillars (E. F. Benson)
0:19:52 - The Creeper in the Crypt (Robert Bloch)
0:46:10 - A:B:O. (Walter de la Mare)
1:28:04 - The Beast in the Cave (H. P. Lovecraft)
1:43:26 - Hey, You Down There! (Harold Rolseth)
2:18:14 - Mother of Toads (Clark Ashton Smith)

>> No.17238735

Don't overlook this post. Worth reading just for the mindfuck twist.

>> No.17238950

the very hungry caterpillar

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17238595 No.17238595 [Reply] [Original]

I want to make a career out of TEFL in East Asia. What are the most comfortable and well-paying jobs attainable, and what would a career progression path look like if one of my main ambitions is to travel around and learn the languages of these three countries, and classical Chinese, in order to enjoy East Asian literature?

I am 18 and in my second last year of university, doing a BA majoring in Linguistics in an Anglo country. I am also interested in other expat careers towards the end of following this passion.

This post is on topic because it relates to literature.

>> No.17238607
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Don't go to China


>> No.17238613
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Do not learn Mandarin

>> No.17238614

This thread was moved to >>>/adv/23399145

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17238591 No.17238591[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ that will help stop this?

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>> No.17239195

>if you effortpost, effortposting will become more common
The only threads I ever used to find interesting were effortposts and all died in under a dozen posts. That was about 2 years ago at least. I'll leave effortposters alone unless they're faggots and continue to tell tourists to fuck off, and that's all you're going to get from me.

>> No.17239201

I feel like if you don't think you can improve the board you should just not come here anymore and spend that time enjoying literature anon, that doesn't sound like a healthy use of your time.

>> No.17239209

Stop giving so much of a shit you fucking pussy. Obsessing over the last word too. Fucking pathetic. Get over it.

>> No.17239213

>Stop giving so much of a shit you fucking pussy
>Obsessing over the last word too
I don't really know what you mean by this.

>> No.17239322

Do what exactly. If you're broke a computer is literally the most entertainment you will get unless you're chad.

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17238542 No.17238542 [Reply] [Original]


what in the fuck is the meaning of this?
no retarded time travel theories faggots.

>> No.17238567
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>acausal connecting principle
>the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated or unlikely to occur together by chance, yet are experienced as occurring together in a meaningful manner

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17238499 No.17238499 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone steer me towards the best youtube channels or websites to watch theatrical productions?
I'm really wanting to delve into all things theatre but I'm a pleb. Any help from the cultured men here is most welcome.

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>> No.17238911

PBS has some program where they have plays although I can't get on the fucken app good luck to you if you can it's called 'masterpieces' or 'classics' or something to that effect

>> No.17238920

>read a play
>it looks amazing in my head
>watch it on youtube
>it's amateurish both in setting and acting
idk if it's worth it my friend

>> No.17238961

Indeed. That is my fear.
That's why I am trying to seek out at least respected sources. I want to know who is worth watching, which production etc.
I fear it is a minefield.

>> No.17238981

I usually just watch them in person but can't at the moment for obvious reasons. I'm interested in this too.
I did see some theatres were putting up recordings of certain productions on youtube for people to watch during COVID but they were time limited so I'm not sure what's still up. I watched one of Don Juan (nowhere near as good as one I saw in person) and one of The Phantom of the Opera which was ok.

>> No.17238998

based on nothing I think you will only find worthwhile productions only of the most popular plays for obvious reasons
but let me know if you find otherwise